Feb 26, 2011 13:29

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hetalia kink meme
part 5



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anonymous July 20 2009, 18:48:16 UTC
Although she hasn't appeared in an actual strip (at least, not that I know of), this anon would love to see some America/Vietnam. It would be nice if it was serious with a bit of angst, but maybe a happy or bittersweet ending.


Milky White Saigon (1/?) anonymous July 20 2009, 22:05:26 UTC
Anon hopes OP doesn't mind Vietnam War angst. And since Vietnam has no name, and writer anon doesn't want to mess with names, let's keep at Vietnam.Saigon was their place to rest, to drink, to laugh, and to sleep with the cute Vietnamese girls. The American soldiers all loved the petite girls with pretty faces, soft curves, milky white thighs, and these cute high-pitched voices. While they spent their earnings on drinks, they spent their earnings on women, as young teenage virgins soon become men and the men are reminded of warmth (in contrast to the horrors of war that makes them want to die right there and then ( ... )


Re: Milky White Saigon (1/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 01:28:01 UTC
This is interesting me to so far, but just a liiiittle nitpick from this Viet!anon - Vietnamese people are NOT pale at all :/

Still, I'll be following this.


Re: Milky White Saigon (1/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 02:25:03 UTC
ahah I know I know let me explain

thing is, I watched a doc Dear America (really good doc, btw) and a lot of the Vietnamese women who were filmed in this, well, the ones who greeted the soldiers and in Saigon bars, were paler (not tan at all, or not very tan, which confused me). The setting is in Saigon (the story, and the footage I'll be talking about), and there was footage of the American soldiers watching one young woman dancing and singing and she had fairer skin color. THAT'S where I'm getting the pale skin. I never said that the Vietnamese people are pale (I know they're not pale, I've seen plenty of pictures and videos). It's just in THIS particular setting, the woman are of fairer skin ( ... )


Re: Milky White Saigon (1/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 02:14:05 UTC
OP here! I really like this so far! Thank you for taking up the request. And I don't mind Vietnam War angst (It comes up often when speaking to my parents about their past and I find it very interesting).

I do have to agree with the anon above; a lot of Vietnamese people have darker skin (myself included) but there are some people that have lighter skin (like my cousin).

Other than that though, I'll be waiting for more! :)


Re: Milky White Saigon (1/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 02:29:38 UTC
(I explained it to above anon) It's just in this setting, where I've seen a doc (Dream America, really good) and there was one footage of a bar in Saigon (I just realized I should've checked the spelling. This is why I'm wary of posting, DOH) where the women who were working there had fair, paler skin.

Of course, I'm not saying all Vietnamese people are light. I've seen plenty of pictures and videos. Just considering the setting and what I've been exposed to thus far.

More is coming up soon!


Re: Milky White Saigon (1/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 02:33:05 UTC
Oh, I hope I didn't make it sound like a big deal! I understand where you're coming from, so don't worry about it. I can't wait for more! :D


Re: Milky White Saigon (1/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 03:04:31 UTC
aha thank youu

(btw, I meant Dear America. For some reason, I confuse the two).


Milky White Saigon (2/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 03:29:31 UTC
Alfred looked up with wide-eyes, eyes too dry to cry (and if they did it could only be blood). His mouth was agape, just a tad, as he recognized the young girl standing before him ( ... )


Milky White Saigon (3/?) anonymous July 21 2009, 03:45:14 UTC
“And then here…it’s like none of that happened at all.” Alfred pointed to the girls who were flirting with the men, some of them walking off to private rooms, some of them pouring drinks for their customers. “What are you doing here anyway?” Change the subject; he had to change it somehow. “Why are you wearing that ( ... )


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