Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" anonymous July 19 2009, 22:16:44 UTC
The first thing I'm ever writing for the kink meme, and its not even for a legitimate request! Damn you, clever anons! But this needed to get out, so here it its. I submit for your approval, a mini-fic inspired by these few comments.


The 2009 Invasion of Canada

They attacked at dawn.

Which was to be expected really. But America, more often than not, went the unexpected route. So, he thought it couldn't hurt for his men to take it easy for a few hours. Kumajiro wandered off, muttering about unknown people dragging him from his warm bed and maple syrup breakfast for nothing and did they have to do this and so on. The Canadians knew the Americans were coming eventually (which reminded him to yell hint to Alfred to update his cyber-security). But attack at dawn? That was so cliche. They could sit back a while, maybe throw back a few beers, and wait for the Americans to try to invade their great land. Again. And be repulsed, tail between their legs. Again ( ... )


Re: The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" (2/3 ) anonymous July 19 2009, 22:21:27 UTC
The Americans who attacked didn't even look like soldiers. In fact, Matthew was pretty sure they weren't. They were mostly dressed like cowboys (none to the extent of Alfred, but still), but they definitely did not have the build or movement or anything of a trained soldier. Some of them needed help handling their horses. They were more like...regular people: office workers, shop owners, teachers, college students, and more...was that a hair stylist in the bright pink smock? There was quite a bit of mild chatter - Matthew did not like the idea that invading his country and taking his people captive amounted to entertainment - mostly about breakfast. Coffee came up often. So did pancakes. Disturbingly often.

And Alfred's "army" weren't even unified. As the "army" moved further into American lands they gradually began to disperse. They each took a Canadian with them. Of course, Alfred had THE Canadian with him ( ... )


The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" (3/3 ) anonymous July 19 2009, 22:32:05 UTC
Alfred threw his hands up in exasperation. "Because it's breakfast, Mattie! By the time you get to my house, you'd be late for lunch!" Matthew opened his mouth to retort, but Alfred barreled on. "It's just unfortunate really. There's been a shortage of maple syrup." There was a short pause, and Matthew was too horrified at the news to notice Alfred coming around and freeing his hands to take advantage of the situation. "Of course, being good neighbors that we are, we figured we'd just head up to your place and borrow some."

With his hands held firmly against the grain of the table by a grip like a steel vice, Matthew looked up and saw that look on Alfred's face. The scary one ( ... )


Re: The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" (3/3 ) anonymous July 19 2009, 22:36:33 UTC
First-commenter-anon, having failed to acquire your Babies of Brilliance, will write this pronz. Also, may I state that your Tony is too awesome for mere words to encompass? I want his apron! Preferably with the camera he used hidden inside its pockets.

Oh god. OH GOD. I just scrolled down to see the recaptcha. "Spunkier times" LOOOOL.


Re: The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" (3/3 ) anonymous July 19 2009, 23:50:36 UTC
The Americanon/Writer/OP appears again!

I am forever amazed at the quick responses of kink-meme anons. We're like internet ninjas...

But you will write this p0rnz? First-commenter-anon, I love you. That would be the best present in the world. Will you post on this thread or elsewhere? And speaking of babies, I'm now wondering what else this prompt is going to spawn next.

I'm glad you love Tony here. I personally love him and wish he got more attention in the canon/fandom (what better observer of nations than one who doesn't even live on this planet?). I wish I had his apron, too! It originated in this plot bunny that I discarded awhile ago and it just hopped its way back in.

Well, I'm happy you enjoyed this little fic. Thanks for commenting! (:


Re: The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" (3/3 ) anonymous July 20 2009, 00:01:03 UTC
prompt-filling!anon is glad to be distracted by this while desperately trying to make the next update funny.

XDD I am so showing this to my Canadian girlfriend when she comes home.

O_o now look I'm too distracted to continue the chappie. I think I shall take a walk. Update in...oh, two hours or so. Not that you'll see this before I do update.

recaptcha: New choose


Re: The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" (3/3 ) anonymous July 20 2009, 01:44:09 UTC
You guys... This commenter-anon is shocked and awed. This meme need more random win like this if it has any hopes of being as epic as the PW kink meme.

This brings a much more delicious meaning to bloodplay. Don't blame Alfred Canada, it's all Canadanon's fault for revealing that your blood goes good on pancakes. *nods*


Sweet Tooth (part 1) anonymous July 20 2009, 14:22:57 UTC
The sequel/omake thingy! No pornz yet I am afraid, but promise it come ( ... )


Re: Sweet Tooth (part 1) anonymous July 20 2009, 14:35:33 UTC

Ahahah, very cute and amusing so far.


Re: Sweet Tooth (part 1) anonymous July 20 2009, 15:34:15 UTC

Code Maple! *cheers* oh gawd this anon has collapsed from laughter.


Re: Sweet Tooth (part 1) anonymous July 20 2009, 17:58:10 UTC
American!anon needs to get herself a Canadian ;)


The OP is giving you a smiley-face sticker out of love. anonymous July 20 2009, 19:17:01 UTC
The OP here!

If my little side-story helps make this prompt one of the best ever, then yours is stamping it with a seal of sheer EPIC-NESS. This is just awesome. It has spawned three stories now. What else will it unleash?

A smiley-face in Matthew's maple-syrupy blood. Aaaargh!

First-commenter-anon, I love you. Is this a reference to Tony's apron? Even if it isn't, it's brilliant. Matthew is all confused, shocked, and panicky and here America is just calmly spreading his blood on his pancakes and sitting down to breakfast like it's no big deal.

Not to mention you are hitting my bondage and blood kinks very well.

We've reached Code Maple! LOL.

And I must agree with the American!anon above me. Clearly, we must all get ourselves a Canadian in Mountie uniform. It just makes good kinky sense! The prompt-filling!anon is already ahead of us!

Anyway, I adore this so far. I can't wait for more. As promised, I give you my soul. It's a rather lazy and useless one, but I hope you'll appreciate it.


Re: The OP gives you "The 2009 American Invasion of Canada" anonymous July 19 2009, 22:21:38 UTC
first-commenter-anon falls at your feet and worships. This is officially the best prompt EVER because it inspired TWO separate works of brilliance. Thousands of American cowboys storming across the border? (the longest undefended border in the world, let us remind everyone)

And mmmmmmmmm, cowboy Al. Oh Matthew.

I was grinning all throughout. Writer-anon, can I have your babies. Writer-anon, can I please?


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