Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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The Economy is...doin' bad anonymous July 12 2009, 15:17:29 UTC
In respose to the America Gang-Bang ficcage, anon has thought of a wonderfully angsty alternative (Mainly because she's hooked on awful Lifetime Channel Movies).


The Economy is personified like the nation-tans (Reasoning because he's just that strong and powerful, because everyone depends on him, despite the recession). Physically, I can imagine him tall, black hair, pale skin and wears alot of green and gold. So while Alfred gets reprimanded at the UN by his fellow nations, they don't have a clue he has to go home every night to get the hell beaten out of him (sometimes raped) by his mean awful boyfriend.

This could have a sad inconclusive ending, or it could be a come-uppins, pack your bags and leave, we're fine without you ending.

Bonus 1: The nations gradually find out from the bruises and America's really bad denial "I fell...". And they don't know what the solution will be since the world would fall into chaos without a system of buy, sell and trade...and by all means MUST keep the Economy pleased.

... )


Economic Crisis [1/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 11:54:30 UTC
Hero’s don’t cry. Hero’s don’t cry but, oh God, it hurts!“How many times have I told you that what I say goes? Huh, Alfred? How many fucking times?” Long, slender fingers come to wrap around the blonde nation’s neck, making him gasp for air and thrash around ( ... )


OP jumping up and down! anonymous July 16 2009, 13:18:37 UTC
The man’s breath smelled like oil and his stare was as hollow as his heart.

YES! LOVE that line! Perfect! I could picture Obama and all the other nations being completely left in the dark about the aboozive Carter Jenkins.

Oh and Carter... best, damn name. Wouldn't have thought of a better rich asshole name myself.

Amazing so far! Poor Alfred, he's gonna have trouble explaining this one.


author!anon is blushing anonymous July 16 2009, 14:03:24 UTC
It's really okay? I'm glad you like it, than. I was worried that I screwed it all up. I'm almost done the next chapter too so...expect another post today. :3

That line kept getting erased, edited, and put back on. xD It was horrible how much conflict I had while laying out the base for Carter. I actually wrote this just because I wanted to use that name...and make an emo!Alfred happy again.

Oh, don't worry. He has the lying skills of a teenager. Yay for horrible excuses.


Re: Economic Crisis [1/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 15:05:35 UTC
I'm so glad someone filled this! Awesome idea and even awesome-r fill. I really love Mr.Economy so far, great name for him also.

You might update again today? Oh anon, ilu <3.


Economic Crisis [1.5/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 15:06:12 UTC
When Alfred walked into the meeting room the next morning, he was greeted with quite an unpleasant shriek ( ... )


Economic Crisis [2/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 16:07:18 UTC
Sure, the pain that Carter sent up and down his body was horrible. But, the painful silence and the build-up of what was soon to come was even worse ( ... )


Re: Economic Crisis [2/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 18:35:30 UTC
WOW fast update. OP still rooting you on!

This bathroom scene was so raw I nearly cried. And before I was all "Not Canada! Jenkins you monster!!"

I can't help but think of the bad guy from Gangs of New York, whenever Economy threatens Alfred. Very nice work! (Daniel Day-Lewis...sooo crazy!)


Re: Economic Crisis [2/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 19:12:15 UTC
ASdhskjfgakfgk I love this. The violence, the pain, the- angst and everything, I loved it! Please update soon!


Re: Economic Crisis [2/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 19:22:05 UTC


Economic Crisis [3/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 23:47:58 UTC
He was a hero. He’d taken the heat for every other nation. While they got to live on and be happy, he was taking what should have been their pain, their suffering. He never received a ‘thank you’ in return. He didn’t need one. Heroes did what they did for the good of the world.

Alfred sat up from his position on the cold bathroom floor, placing his hands in a mixture of cum, blood, and a mixture of water and throw-up. He gagged, but nothing came out. His stomach had nothing left to give.

Looking out into the hallway, the American let a small smile grace his face when he saw that his boyfriend wasn’t home.

Must be at another meeting with Mr. Obama.“What…America, what happened to you?” Germany gasped, wrapping his arms around a shaking Feliciano ( ... )


(I made a little mistake) on Economic Crisis [3/?] anonymous July 16 2009, 23:59:39 UTC
“Alfred, we know you’re living with that maniac. What’s he doing to you? Abus?” The Frenchman came from behind the bruised American and rubbed his back. “Because, if he is, we’re here for you.”


There. Now it's better. Désolé, mes amants. ^^;


Economic Crisis [4/?] anonymous July 17 2009, 22:02:40 UTC
“Why isn’t America here?” Lithuania asked, his eyes darting around the room nervously. The atmosphere was dark and depressing ( ... )


Re: Economic Crisis [4/?] anonymous July 17 2009, 22:30:38 UTC
Ohhh! Anon! Why do you cut it off at such an important part? ;AAA; Despite the sheer advantage in numbers (AND C'MON. IT'S RUSSIA. AND PRUSSIA.) I have this feeling they'll lose. Please, please make them win! ;AAA; J-Just. Poor America, bawwwww. -hugs him-

Buuut ffff! Amazing job so far! I really liked this part. Something about the whole locking him in the close just. idk. I guess I like how your abuse feels so real, something that would really happen.

-claps and offers interwebz- Because this fill is just that awesome. ♥


Re: Economic Crisis [4/?] anonymous July 18 2009, 01:35:15 UTC
Dammit, I hurt for you Alfred! ;.;
No one should have to deal that bastard!


Economic Crisis [5 part 1/?] anonymous July 18 2009, 02:09:52 UTC
“You don’t seem to understand anything. Do you, Alfred?” A punch was thrown at the nation’s healing nose and a scream that could shatter all the glass from Philadelphia to San Francisco echoed throughout the house ( ... )


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