Feb 26, 2011 13:29

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hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Two Beers And A Ballet anonymous June 14 2009, 22:19:19 UTC
Russia/US, ballet date: original request: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/6850.html?thread=11305922#t11305922

Title has nothing to do with story LOL SORRY.


"So is there a reason you're dragging me to see a bunch of tutus, or did you just run out of vodka and needed a source of easy entertainment?"

Russia raised one eyebrow, smile smooth and undeterred by America's jab. "We are going to the ballet, because we are on a date. It is a very normal thing to do, da?"

The other country snorted, turning his head and rubbing at his nose. "In some sort of gay country like yours, I suppose so. Why couldn't we just grab some burgers and a movie, like a normal date?"

"I forgot, your country has no class when it comes to romance." Russia murmured, causing America to sputter forcefully about of course he had class, he took Russia to Bennigan's instead of McDonald's last time, didn't he!? Russia, with the serene composure of someone long used ( ... )


Two Beers And A Ballet (2) anonymous June 14 2009, 22:20:44 UTC
There was a long silence, and Russia imagines that America is looking a little green. Finally he sits back in his chair with a huff of almost laughter. "Figures that kinda story comes out of you and is played out by a bunch of girls in frilly tutus ( ... )


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (3) anonymous June 14 2009, 22:21:40 UTC

America's face is red, a little. "N-No!! I mean, yes, I mean....yeah, that's kind of what I expected, but it's not, really. It's just...I never thought dance could tell a story..."

Russia's eyebrow raises, again. "You did not know this, when you have your Broadway?"

"Broadway's totally different!!" The puffed-up look on indignation on America's face is funny, so Russia laughs at it.

"It is? How? There are people, onstage, dancing out a story to music. The only difference is that the steps are different and your people sing very...interesting things."

"Hey, showtunes are amazing!! A-And, well, I guess when you put it that way, they're the same principle, but my shows are totally different than your pansy prancing! They're manly, yeah!"

"Says the country who has a song in one of his musicals that says, and I quote, 'I feel pretty, and witty, and gay'."

"T-That's just the one song, okay, and West Side Story is totally manly. It had gangs and drugs and stuff like that in it!"

"And it was also based on Romeo and ( ... )


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (Notes) anonymous June 14 2009, 22:22:20 UTC

GOD this needs it's own notes to understand the snark.
Bennigan's - A restaurant chain in America that plays off its "Irish" roots, but mostly is known for beer and burgers. It's really yummy, but not exactly the definition of "class".
Mariinsky Ballet/Kirov Ballet - The Mariinsky Ballet, originally known as the Imperial Ballet, was Russia's finest ballet school. It was changed to the Kirov ballet during the Soviet Union, and while it is formally renamed the Mariinsky Ballet again today, most of its international tours are under the Soviet name still. It is considered one of the leading ballet companies in the world.
Petrushka - Russian ballet composed by the famous Igor Stravinsky. It is best described as a mix between Pinocchio and Frankenstein and yes, the story really is kind of as disturbing as that sounds. It is also praied for being a perfect balance of music, ballet, choreography and history.
Only nineteen - Poor America's physical age in canon is listed as nineteen. The American drinking age is twenty-one, and ( ... )


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (Notes) anonymous June 15 2009, 00:09:04 UTC
Not the OP, but oh my god, loved this so, so much.


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (Notes) anonymous June 15 2009, 02:35:01 UTC
Not OP

This was unbelievably cute. I couldn't stop giggling the snark <3


Not OP, buuuut... anonymous June 15 2009, 03:35:56 UTC
...I. Have been waiting waiting. For a fic like this. *bows*

I love you, Author!Anon.


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (Notes) anonymous June 15 2009, 03:55:36 UTC
Also not OP but this fic was amusing and great ♥ The snark around West Side Story made me laugh the hardest, to be honest XD


Not OP is very, very happy. anonymous June 15 2009, 17:54:28 UTC
I started cuddling a pillow HRE-style at the end of this. Russia laughing at America's displeased frown is just perfect, and oh Petrushka. So sad. We needed a story like this of these two, author-non. Thank you very, very much.


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (Notes) anonymous June 17 2009, 06:38:44 UTC
This fic is pure magic! The characterization is amazing, and what got me thoughout the entire fic is how happy Russia seems, and the little gestures that make this couple adorable.


anonymous June 19 2009, 00:35:49 UTC
Oh man, ilu for this, writer!Anon. I adore ballet, and while I'm not huge on Russia/US, I've been wanting this for quite some time (though, not OP also).

And yes Alfred. Your snapping, dancing knife fights are very manly.


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (Notes) anonymous June 19 2009, 21:25:33 UTC
Oh God, I have been waiting for this! ♥

Russia really is a classy date. :)


Re: Two Beers And A Ballet (3) anonymous June 25 2009, 07:50:26 UTC
Oh my God! This... This is perfect! Their banter was so lively, their characters just popped to life from the page. The date was cute, funny sweet and utterly IC. I loved this.


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