Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Arthur/Francis mpreg anonymous June 5 2009, 11:51:18 UTC
Request: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/6850.html?thread=11253954#t11253954

Arthur/Francis mpreg with Francis as the mother.

Bonus: pregnant Francis actually likes Arthur's cooking.


And he shall be called...Lundy [1/2] anonymous June 5 2009, 11:53:38 UTC
Arthur knew that something was wrong the moment he returned home to find Francis dressed in leather.

“..Francis.” It took him the better part of thirty seconds to process this image in his mind. Not that Francis usually looked bad in tight leather, but he was nine months pregnant and with that stomach the normal, fashion-conscious Francis would have known what a faux-pas he was making. “W - what are you doing?” Arthur dared ask.

Francis pinned him with a glare that made Arthur stiffen. “What am I doing, mon cher? I thought that would be obvious. I am obviously preparing to go out!” he replied hotly ( ... )


And he shall be called...Lundy [2/2] anonymous June 5 2009, 11:55:30 UTC
As terrified as Arthur was, he knew he had to intervene before the idiot did some serious damage to himself or the baby. “F - Francis!” he grabbed both his arms, pulling him away from his dear wall. “Dammit, stop you git, you’ll hurt the kid!”

“So you care about the baby more than me?!” Francis shouted.


“So you don’t care about our child ( ... )


And he shall be called...Lundy [Omake] anonymous June 5 2009, 11:58:35 UTC
Arthur was indeed a proud father. As much as he loathed admitting it, his face was flushed with pride as he looked at the baby in Francis’ arms.

Alfred and Matthew joined them in the delivery room, Matthew to shyly coo over the baby and Alfred to poke Arthur and generally get on his nerves. Arthur swatted Alfred’s hand away for the umpteenth time, insisting that no, he was not about to cry.

“Look, mon cher, isn’t he cute?” Francis held up the child.

Arthur gently scooped up the child, their child. He had to admit, he was feeling damn good about this moment right now. His ‘family’ was gathered in celebration and for once they were not all trying to kill each other; there was in fact a general rose-tinted, feel-good atmosphere that he could certainly get used to. Yes, he was feeling rather content about this whole parenting deal.

That was, until the baby found Arthur’s nipple beneath the fabric of his shirt and gave it a small twist, and Arthur could feel the rose-tinted atmosphere of the room shatter ( ... )


Re: And he shall be called...Lundy [Omake] anonymous June 5 2009, 12:45:36 UTC
Not OP but this anon here has been waiting to see this request filled and OMG~ I'm squeeing and generally going all "gleeeeeeeeeeee" at this...

“So you care about the baby more than me?!”
“So you don’t care about our child?!”
“N - Oh, bloody hell, Francis, your hormones are horrible!”
“I’m merging with Canada!”

Ffffffffff----- Last line, best quote EVER! And I bet as hell that the baby will totally love Arthur's cooking (with France reverting back to his normal palate, cause really, he loves Arthur's cooking only cause of the baby). Besides, preggie!France makes me wanna hug him so damn much!!! *wibble*

This anon here gives you all the internet she has!!! =]


*dies of laughter* anonymous June 6 2009, 01:18:14 UTC

So cute and funny! XD


Re: And he shall be called...Lundy [Omake] anonymous June 6 2009, 15:36:15 UTC
So awesome


OP is so happy right now... anonymous June 7 2009, 00:37:13 UTC
Anon, I love you. Thank you so, so much.

Favourite bits:

"I'm merging with Canada!" and the entire Omake, especially the fact that Arthur wanted to cry. OP has a thing for fathers/grandfathers bawling (or trying not to) because of the new additions to their families.


Re: And he shall be called...Lundy [Omake] anonymous June 7 2009, 22:52:33 UTC
No, no heavy taxation this time, no extortion or exploitation. Well, maybe a little...
Arthur, I love you.
And Francis... oh France. That's all I can ever seem to say about him. I love him here~ ♥


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