Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



New fills for this part go HERE .
Get information at the News Post HERE.

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Alfred + pain, humiliation, fear, degradation = love anonymous May 19 2009, 02:52:32 UTC
I see it like this, Anon: Alfred gets off on pain, fear, humiliation, and degradation. He goes to someone he once defeated in war but is now on good terms with and has a lot of trust with, and asks them to dress in their old war uniform while administering the above, playing out a "what if" scenario in which he lost whatever the war was. Preferred partners would be Arthur or Kiku, but if you can make it work with someone else, go for it.

Hardcore, please! No scat, please, but anything else goes. Take it as far as you want, leave scars, whatever. All I ask is that it's obvious Alfred wants and loves it.

Bonus, option 1: the safe word is "surrender"
Bonus, option 2 (would have to be someone Alfred trusts absolutely): there is no safe word


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (6/? - the real part 6) anonymous May 30 2009, 08:32:11 UTC
Author!anon hoped readers would know there was going to be an Arthur turn in the road, so this is good to hear! I want to say more about this, but I should probably wait until the fill is done.

Thank you for reading!


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (6/? - the real part 6) anonymous May 31 2009, 04:52:40 UTC
I'll look forward to it then.


anonymous May 31 2009, 04:58:07 UTC
Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous May 31 2009, 16:50:08 UTC
You have rendered me speechless. Without a gag, that's quite an achievement.

So, uh... fuck. What I wouldn't do to switch places with Alfred, eh? ;)


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 05:18:05 UTC
Since author!anon has a kink for immobilization without use of restraints, she will take speechlessness without a gag as a great compliment. Thank you very much!

And yes, I would not in any way object to taking Alfred's place, myself...


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 04:42:34 UTC
*joins in F5F5F5F5F5 chorus*

oh dear sweet fucking Jesus this is hot.


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 05:20:52 UTC
Author!anon is truly pleased you're enjoying this, and thanks you for reading and especially for taking the time to comment!


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 05:37:38 UTC
oh you ♥~ I always know I'm in for a treat when I spot that characteristic formatting style...

I love how Kiku uses Alfred's confession and incorporates it in a new way by adding Arthur, and developing that whole theme of betrayal. I can't wait to see how they play it. And I hate how I never have anything interesting enough to say about these! I can't begin to voice the love! D:


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 06:01:49 UTC
Thank you very much! ♥ I'm not sure if you're the Anon I confessed this to elsewhere, but I've been feeling insecure about this fill for a variety of reasons, so reassurances of enjoyment are very good things. Part of what makes Kiku such a great playmate and Dom for Alfred is how much attention he pays to the little things and to the big things, and is thereby able to come up with scenes that really do it for Alfred. Since this probably isn't going to come out in the course of the story, I don't mind telling you that most of what happens next is Kiku's design (that is, he's still the main architect of the scene even as Arthur appears to be taking over).

Well, I'm rambling now so I'll shut up and write more--or go to sleep, if my eyelids dictate that!


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 06:32:14 UTC
No, not the same Anon ;) Another loyal fan, haha.

Oh man, I can totally see how this would push the insecurity buttons to write/post where people can see it, but rest assured you are doing a fantastic job. Kiku does have that eye for detail, so it makes sense he'd be good at this. And the tidbit of him still holding that control even with an added element in the mix feels very true to the story. It's amazing how you handle characters' psychology with your writing, but even more impressive how you get dynamics down. It's so cool and fun to watch them mesh and interact with each other.

I vote for writing, but, ah... well, health comes first of course, if you absolutely must ♥


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 08:04:10 UTC

This is the first and only fic on this meme to have rendered me literally speechless.


Re: flick your cigarette and kiss me (7/?) anonymous June 1 2009, 16:13:47 UTC
Author!anon is honored to know that, and promises to do her best to keep it up. Thank you for reading!


* note from author!anon: fill on hold for rewrites * anonymous June 2 2009, 19:17:33 UTC
I sort of can't believe my hubris in leaving this note here, but I wanted to let anyone who might be reading this know that I absolutely am not abandoning it. What I am doing is rewriting most of what's here, after notes from and conversations another anon who has really helped me see the (missed) potential of the story. My plan is to post the rewritten scenes and continue from there, over at Part 5.

As a final note, there's a good chance the title will be changing from "Flick Your Cigarette and Kiss Me" to "The Only Way Out is Through."

Thank you very much to those who have read and commented so far. Hopefully I'll have something even better for you! ♥


The new fill is here hetalia_kink June 14 2009, 23:39:11 UTC

this is the link to the new rewrite of this fill.


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