Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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ONE WITH AMERICA! anonymous May 18 2009, 23:13:09 UTC
So, I'm pretty sure you've heard the little rumor about America trying to take over Canada right? WELL IT'S TRUE!

Sure, he pretty much has Canada all to himself, but not completely! (He refuses to let Canada out of his sight after seeing him make out with Russia.)<--- ignore that.

So they'll either get married, or become one with America!!! Happy ending right? :D

(This story can either be funny and filled with MARRY ME DAMN IT![one-with-America-one-with-America]

Or filled with creepy "Mine. You'll always be mine, don't you understand that?" and what not. )


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (1/5) anonymous May 29 2009, 18:19:03 UTC
charm himself a Canadian bride

OMG, seriously? Lol to the max! Can't wait for the next part!!


How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (2/5) anonymous May 30 2009, 02:21:15 UTC
Step 2: Look Sexy CanadianAmerica goes home and realizes that he honestly knows nothing about Canada, except that it's cold and there are moose. And Mounties. And everyone says "Eh" a lot, don't they ( ... )


OP anonymous May 30 2009, 04:31:40 UTC
Oh dear lord Writer!Anon...I'm laughing so much XD
You rock, so damn hard! *mwa*

COUGHrick-mercer's-funnierCOUGH /shot


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (2/5) anonymous May 30 2009, 08:31:24 UTC
I-I love this so hard right now, I can't believe there will be three more parts to this hilarious (and potentially delicious?) fill asdfsafdsa ♥

lord, ReCaptcha is psychic "from maniac"


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (2/5) anonymous May 30 2009, 09:28:39 UTC
-chokes from laughter- when all else fails, google...i suppose it would have had to take a miracle for him wiki it instead. might have saved him from seeing the hockey stick...oh geeze...does it make me sound horribly canadian to say that i felt sorry for the hockey stick at that point? well, i do. it's blasphemy. --; and i don't even play the game ( ... )


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (2/5) anonymous May 31 2009, 23:02:34 UTC
Ahahaha, this is amazing and hilarious. I love your America. XD Anon is dying for more!

And uh, this Canadanon much prefers Colbert. ^^;; Eheh...


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (2/5) anonymous June 1 2009, 13:55:23 UTC
Oh my god, I lost it so many times throughout this, but this line completely made me sporfle: "Okay. He thinks maybe he should Google Canada. Oh, whoops, he spelled it wrong. Thanks, Google."


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (1/5) anonymous May 31 2009, 18:15:14 UTC
Huh, I had never thought about canadian pennies making thier way in to the states. I shouldnt be that surprise considering its not unusual to find a american penny up in your change here.


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (1/5) anonymous May 31 2009, 22:22:00 UTC
yep, i don't really know how it happens, but somehow- there's ALWAYS a candian penny or whatever the equivalent of a penny is at the bottom of your piggy bank or pocket or whatever when you go to clean it out.


How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (3/5) anonymous June 1 2009, 16:19:30 UTC
Step 3: Stalk Find CanadianThere is a G8 meeting coming up in a few months, but America doesn't think he can wait that long. There is a secret part of America that wants to walk into that meeting with Canada on his arm, to pull Canada close to him and dote on him and show him off to the other nations who'd spent their time scorning America behind his back. But not in a gay way! This marriage thing is strictly no-homo, dude, even if Canada is hot as fuck and does strange things to America's insides. And besides, the next G8 meeting is in Italy, and what America really needs to do is stake out his new territo--er, observe Canada in his own habitat ( ... )


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (3/5) anonymous June 1 2009, 19:01:42 UTC
O.O alfred. you are a PREDATOR. what do you think you're doing?! you're not out in the woods hunting rabbits! never mind that once upon a time Matthew was New France (and all that entailed).

seriously though. the part about him not showering...eww. add that to old spice... o.O

and just what would a guy fawning over his husband be if not gay? honestly.

but, that he is too afraid to face ivan without nuclear arms is very amusing.


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (3/5) anonymous June 2 2009, 02:57:02 UTC
Is he bringing any firearms or other weapons into Canada? Only the one in his pants, baby.

...I don't know how this Canada!Anon going to survive going to Moscow, Idaho next year and filling out the customs card... A.K.A. Awesome job again anon!


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (3/5) anonymous June 2 2009, 16:43:05 UTC
Oh America, you silly bastard

can't wait for the next bit


OP Loves You! ♥ anonymous June 2 2009, 21:51:12 UTC

God you're awesome Writer!Anon just brilliant! (and you hinted at Russia/Canada~! ♥♥ *mwa*)

This song's for you writer!Anon!


Re: How To Marry A Canadian: A Hero’s Guide in Five Easy Steps (3/5) anonymous June 3 2009, 09:15:06 UTC
DUDE YOUR AMERICA VOICE IS PERFECT. this is hilarious and amazing ♥♥♥♥


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