Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Daddy Issues (1/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 17:20:42 UTC
Fill for prompt originally requested in Part 2: UK/Canada/France + daddy kink ( ... )


Re: Daddy Issues (2/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 18:08:30 UTC
Francis sits up straight and says, "Oho, is that so?" There is something in his eyes, dark and smoldering, but Matthew's head hurts too much to try and decipher it. "And who is? L'Angleterre?"

He shakes his head. "I'm a big boy, now, Francis. I don't need anyone to take care of me. I can take care of myself."

"But of course," Francis says, squaring his shoulders and slipping off of the bed. He glides towards the door, blond hair framing his face just so that Matthew cannot see his expression - not that he could in this light, anyway. "Sleep well, then, mon fils." Francis reaches for the handle to the door, but he pauses just as there comes a knock on the other side.

"France!" It's Arthur, Francis realizes, and he scowls. "France, open the door!"

Behind Francis, Matthew mutters, "Oh, Christ," because he can't imagine anything worse than being left with Arthur, who will surely berate him for his stupidity just as Francis had done. Only likely at a much higher volume.

The doorknob begins to rattle. "Mon Dieu," Francis says (in ( ... )


Non-OP anonymous May 6 2009, 18:25:42 UTC
This. This aljsdkljlsdk anon isn't even coherent because she wanted this so much and omg omg it's finally getting filled. 8D aaaaa I love it so far--especially the tension between Francis and Arthur and the dynamic between them and Matthew and Matthew's awareness of how they got to this point.



Re: Daddy Issues (2/?) anonymous May 6 2009, 21:33:05 UTC
wow, is this good! Please continue!


Re: Daddy Issues (2/?) anonymous May 7 2009, 10:14:57 UTC
Oh my god, so looking forward to this....


Re: Daddy Issues (2/?) anonymous May 7 2009, 10:47:31 UTC
Wait... what is Arthur doing, lol.


OP Re: Daddy Issues (2/?) anonymous May 10 2009, 20:04:18 UTC
"I'm a big boy, now, Francis. I don't need anyone to take care of me. I can take care of myself."
=D I'm sure Matthew is a big boy =D I loved that line.

"Don't go, Francis." He hears the sound of the door shutting again, but when he looks up, he's relieved to see that Francis is still there.

^ Another line a really like, 'cause it just works so well with Canada being all grown up and still kindof clingy at the same time.

The last paragraph + sentence = win of hotness and just uhgggg. I'm melting already.

authoranon, you have my most sincere thanks.


Daddy Issues (3/?) anonymous May 7 2009, 13:52:18 UTC
Arthur's hands reach up to rest on the younger nation's shoulders, then slide down to grip at his lapels. "Of course you are. You're still in your good clothes. Come on, then. Let's get these off of you, shall we?" Matthew wants to help him, but he is frozen and limp like a rag doll. Moisture has begun to gather beneath his dress shirt and soak through the fabric, causing Arthur's touch to sear his flesh as he removes Matthew's jacket and sets it aside. As Arthur works nimbly at the buttons of his shirt, his fingers brush against the skin around Matthew's collarbone, sending an electric-like jolt straight to his cock. Matthew licks at his dry lips and begins to hiss softly from behind his clenched teeth.

Towering above him, he can feel Francis, who has set his glass aside to peel the shirt Arthur is unbuttoning away from Matthew's damp skin. He bends down to brush Matthew's blond hair aside, and he gently presses his lips against the lobe of his ear. Matthew can feel that little bit of stubble against his chin. "Petit chou," Francis ( ... )


...HOT. JUST. HOT anonymous May 7 2009, 14:20:57 UTC
Excuse me. I'll be in my bunk.

(hey, if I had hot daddies like France and England, I'll be pretty turned on, too)

reCAPTCHA says: skill yes.

...I love reCAPTCHA.


Re: ...HOT. JUST. HOT anonymous May 7 2009, 16:32:28 UTC
Silly!Anon feels silly, but...what is reCAPTCHA?


Re: ...HOT. JUST. HOT anonymous May 7 2009, 17:04:11 UTC
The thinger at the bottom of the comment box that's supposed to make sure you're human? I guess sometimes it doesn't always pop up.

reCaptcha: rosaries Alabama


Re: Daddy Issues (3/?) anonymous May 7 2009, 14:40:26 UTC
oh my, daddy issues indeed! More please <3


Re: Daddy Issues (3/?) anonymous May 7 2009, 15:04:24 UTC

*fans self*

It's getting a bit hot in here, I think. So, uhm, MOAR PLEASE?


Re: Daddy Issues (3/?) anonymous May 7 2009, 15:56:25 UTC
Anon, I'm fapping. Don't leave me hanging here...!



OP Re: Daddy Issues (3/?) anonymous May 10 2009, 20:11:50 UTC
I think I just spontaneously combusted. Well, it wasn't entirely spontaneous because your writing caused it - but still! I think I caught fire for a moment this is so hot. "Now, Mathieu. You're a big boy, aren't you? You said so yourself." Francis licks at the shell of his ear, and Matthew shudders. "What do you say?"

^sexxxxy as hell. Authoranon, I think I love you. JUST GUH!!!!!!

I never dreamed if I was so lucky as to have my prompt filled (for which I am eternally in your debt) that it would be as absolutely purely hot-awesomeness-of-amazingness that is this fic.


Daddy Issues (4/?) anonymous May 7 2009, 17:23:00 UTC
"Please, what?" Arthur demands. His hand is hovering over Matthew's cloth-covered erection, and the heat of the proximity causes the cock to twitch in anticipation.

"Touch me." Matthew nearly cries as he says it, and he's sure that there are tears of relief streaking down his face when he finally feels Arthur tug his briefs down to free his swollen penis. Arthur's hand is so big and warm as it closes around Matthew and begins to stroke him gently, up and down and around. With his thumb, Arthur smears the wetness around and underneath the head, causing Matthew to screw his eyes shut and mewl pathetically, nuzzling his head back into the crook of Francis' neck. His flailing hands reach out and dig fingers into the Frenchman's side, pulling at the older nation and shifting his weight until he is fully on the bed, lying crosswise against Matthew's upper torso. Arthur's other hand has begun to roll and caress his balls in their sac, and desperate to silence the humiliating noises coming from his mouth, Matthew grasps at Francis' fine hair ( ... )


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