Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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England/France - France begging to be fucked anonymous May 2 2009, 02:45:20 UTC
England/France (in that order) - France begging England to touch him.

England and France are relatively happy as a couple. But as of late, England has been brushing aside France's attempts at seduction with lame excuses.

France becomes sexually frustrated. However his feelings for England and his pride won't allow him to be unfaithful. His solution...beg England to fuck him.

Please keep the angst in moderation :D This anon would like a happy ending~!

Bonus 1: France sucking on England's fingers.


Re: England/France - Art anonymous May 23 2009, 05:22:54 UTC
Here's a little art fill~ I hope OP's okay with it even if it lacks an happy ending...

... )


Oh Lordy~ anonymous May 23 2009, 17:16:48 UTC
*is an incoherent puddle of fangoo*

This was exactly what I needed. I mean England's expression and France's hair (I have a huge soft spot for France having his hair tied up) are just - asdlfdhjal;'fdja. And you draw hands amazingly well. I am awed.

Just lovely work, anon.


Re: England/France - Art anonymous May 24 2009, 19:52:11 UTC
D'awwwwwwww :'3


Re: England/France - Art anonymous May 24 2009, 20:55:52 UTC
That's very pretty. And also, hot <3


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [1/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 12:37:37 UTC
As a rule, Francis wasn't one to judge his lovers when it came to debauchery. People liked what they liked, much the same as when they enjoyed different foods. He didn't shy away from trying anything at least twice. And it was because of this rule, that Francis held a wide horizon of kinks in the bedroom.

He'd donned lingerie, from the somewhat innocent (though not too much so; his personality didn't allow it), to the downright raunchy. He'd strutted into Arthur's study in a little more than high heeled boots, and he'd brought his expertise in the kitchen to the bedroom, whipping up a delectable storm that he'd served on both himself and his partners. Francis has also played with bondage and toys. His most popular is the royal blue, red and white dildo he'd had created from a mould of his own cock (Arthur especially, seemed to appreciate the fact that he was technically doing himself whenever he used it). He preferred silky holds to rattly handcuffs; it was easier on his wrists and felt more sensual, but he's used many different ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [2/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 12:42:17 UTC
He sighed and sipped his wine, letting it sit on his tongue before he swallowed near soundlessly. His cobalt eyes lingered on the darkening, cloud filled sky outside. They were the colour of America's old socks. Francis swept his blonde hair over his shoulder (he'd been growing it; it was now tickling his shoulder blades). Why was it that England's weather fit his emotions so well? He asked himself as a low rumble crept into his ears.

The Frenchman sighed again. He wasn't sure what to do. Supposedly he was the guru of Love and Lust, Lady Love's messenger on Earth - But who was he supposed to go to when he'd been entangled within l'amour's sticky grasp? Who was supposed to console him when he hadn't a clue what to do?

Immediately tan skin, dark hair and tight pants filled his vision. Francis smiled, slipped out of his chair and over to the phone. Antonio was a passionate man with a (very) difficult lover. Perhaps he knew how to approach his dilemma?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Arthur didn't like how much time ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [3/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 12:46:42 UTC
Which really didn't compare to what Francis would have done, had he been allowed to have his way with him in his study four days ago. He'd quite literally flown out of his seat when the man had all but laid down (nude) all over his work and had made those insanely sinful, hot eyes (that Arthur should really stop thinking about; he was out in public, on a bus)... The point was, that there was no way Arthur was going to subject himself to this ever again ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [4/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 12:51:56 UTC
Francis had been half way through his usual, "Good afternoon, cheri, how was your day? I've made-" when he'd found himself held by the collar and tugged down so Arthur could snarl at him.

"Bad day?" Francis chuckled weakly, his smile shaky.

"It was going well until I heard where you'd been." Arthur spat back, "What the fuck were you thinking? Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

Francis had the nerve to blink back at him with confusion, as he clutched the bowl he'd been stirring to his chest.


"You heard me!" Arthur shook him, "How dare you think so little of me! I've only ever been faithful to you ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [5/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 12:58:04 UTC
Arthur let himself fall back on the bed, his hands over his face. How was he supposed to face Francis now? He felt like swearing. Felt like an idiot and a prat - but it was justifiable right? Francis still flirted with people. He'd seen him! He groaned loudly and rolled onto his right side, forcibly silencing his thoughts as he calmed his raging blood.

A few moments later, the bed sunk down in front of him and a hand rested on one of his knees.

"Are you alright, cheri"M'fine." He said from behind his hands and doing a remarkable impression of Berwald whilst at it, "G'way ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [6/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 13:03:16 UTC
"Do you like hearing about his touching me?" Francis asked as he slid back - all elegance and poise. He was like a big cat, prowling around as his slacks slipped off his hips, bearing more pale, tantalising skin ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [7/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 13:11:57 UTC
"We need lube," Arthur panted, as ran his hands down Francis' sides, delighting in the little shivers he felt quake throughout the older man, even as his own body shuddered. Needy, horny or not so much so, Arthur knew better than to continue without it (it was one of the few things he and Francis usually agreed on).

Francis groaned and arched his back, adding more pressure to Arthur's already burning groin and unfastened his lips from Arthur's neck. His burning breath washed over the Arthur's chin, "Arthur, pleaseArthur shook his head, even as his hands slid around Francis' hips. Damned the bastard and his bloody sexual know-how! He gave Francis' rump a squeeze and pinch, "Lube. Now." It was difficult plucking those few words from his fuzzy brain. Almost more so than releasing the taller man ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [8/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 13:20:05 UTC
Then he was hurriedly placing himself behind Francis. Francis was speaking in French, still begging and - they both cried out when he finally buried himself inside him. Arthur's eyesight did funny things, and continued to do odd things as he set a fast pace - turning black and white and then he wasn't sure what colour he was seeing, or if he was seeing stars.

There wasn't anything elegant about their motions, even as Francis spilt French onto the pillows with every one of Arthur's thrusts. Arthur had given up attempting to translate his words, instead focusing on the way Francis tightened around him, and how much he burned, and how close to the headboard they were becoming...

Francis yelped as Arthur grabbed a fistful of his hair and tugged. The Frenchman's larger hands scrabbled against the headboard, his nails scratching against the ancient wood as Arthur pushed him against it.

"A-Arthur! Oh, ch-cheri, oh, yes, yes, ple- yes there - please ( ... )


You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [9/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 13:26:53 UTC
"Francis rang this morning. He says thank you and asks that next time you decide to help, to please do so in a way that doesn't require his looking like an ugly, unfaithful monster." Antonio dropped a kiss to the warm skin just below Lovino's ear, smiling as he remarked, "It was so nice of you to help him out."

Lovino huffed as he popped another grape in his mouth, "I didn't do it for that pervert." He rearranged the fruit bowl in his lap. He propped his legs against Antonio's.

Antonio grinned down at him and pulled him closer. They were pressed tightly together on his couch, with Lovino's back against his front and their legs tangled snuggly together.

"Aaaw, Lovi! Thank you!"

"I didn't do it for you either, bastard!"

But Antonio wasn't listening. Rather, he was busy rubbing his cheek against Lovino's very red one and humming happily. Even if the Italian was doing his damnedest to pull out of his affectionate strangle hold.


A great big, THANK YOU to the French beta on the meme~ <3 You are awesome ( ... )


Re: You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [9/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 14:27:57 UTC
That was beautiful! I adore how England kept resisting while France remained totally frustrated and the ending was so cute! *runs off to reread again*


Re: You Can't Refuse A Frenchman Forever [9/9] anonymous May 30 2009, 16:03:37 UTC
Authornon, that was a friggin' awesome fill. And the ending! Oh Lovi <3 Thank you so much for posting :DD


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