Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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The Awesome White Knight in Shining Armor [US x UK] anonymous April 24 2009, 06:03:41 UTC
OK, we've seen England fight the supernatural for America, now I want to see America fight the supernatural for England.

Premise is this: England makes some sort of Faustian contract/deal with the devil/Fae/sidhe/whatever for America's sake (its up to the author why and for what) and the payment is England. America is unaware of this unholy pact. And then when the time comes for the payment, England disappears without a trace. America eventually finds out about England's disappearance and searches for him (with help from other nations, maybe), finds out about the contract somehow and goes off to be a hero/knight/save bring back England ( ... )


But Hold Me Fast [1/?] anonymous April 28 2009, 18:48:33 UTC
All right, I think I have enough material and research to at least start on this story. I’ll do my best to try and update at least once a day, if not more.

I don’t know if this will be as epic as my last story, and there are definite differences that I’m still uncertain of, and there will be crossovers here as well (though I’ll try to make them more subtle than last time). But I certainly hope that you will enjoy it, anyway.

Hallow’s Eve
For once when I'd a huntin' gone,
twas fray my horse I fell.
The Queen o' Faeries she caught me,
in yon green hill ta dwell.
-The Ballad of Tam Lin

Arthur’s eyes flutter open when Alfred snores in his ear and shifts closer to him. He doesn’t complain, though, when he looks up at the clock, when his eyes clear enough to see that it’s 3:27 AM.

I have to leave now, if I’m going to get there on time.Arthur slips out of Alfred’s grip, careful and slow; he slips a pillow into Alfred’s arms to hold so that he doesn’t wake. He moves about the room with quiet, deliberate movements, ( ... )


Re: But Hold Me Fast [1/?] anonymous April 28 2009, 20:10:58 UTC
*is very intrigued* So mysterious! I want more, anon! O.O


Re: But Hold Me Fast [1/?] anonymous April 28 2009, 23:33:34 UTC
Gfarble. Not only am I thrilled that you're filling this...but you put the Ballad of Tam Lin in! That is one of my favourite myths ever and I actually recognised the very first line and squealed so loudly. Oh author!anon, I do declare my love and adoration for thee once again and I wait in anticipation to see what happens next...and what part Feliciano, Francis, Lovino and Romano are going to be playing in this story. Glee!


OP!ANON IS NOW INSANELY HAPPY! anonymous April 29 2009, 00:45:28 UTC
Oh God, Oh God.



And the scene of Arthur leaving just. God, it's just how I imagined it. DEAR GOD.


Re: But Hold Me Fast [1/?] anonymous April 29 2009, 20:19:20 UTC
I just finished reading your Croatoan fic today and I loved it. I'm greatly anticipating this new story of yours! <3 I'll be hanging off your every word~. And yay for a new "cast" to help the hero! XD


But Hold Me Fast [2/?] anonymous April 29 2009, 20:36:22 UTC
Feliciano and Francis stop, turning to find Antonio waiting for Lovino. His brother is frowning, his cheeks puffed out in anger.

“But Lovino, it’ll be pretty,” Antonio tries, his voice cajoling and gentle.

“I can see a sunrise any damn day! My brother and I are here to relax, not get up at some ungodly hour!”

Feliciano laughs a little nervously as his brother crosses his arms and huffs. Antonio sighs, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head. “Lovi, this is so not cute,” he murmurs. “I mean, look at your brother, he’s excited about this….”

“You honestly expect me to be huggable this early in the morning?” Lovino throws his arms up, rolls his eyes and turns on his heel. “Screw this. I’m going back to the hostel. Enjoy your damn sunrise with Feliciano ( ... )


OP again! anonymous April 30 2009, 01:11:18 UTC
Aaaaaahhh. *dies of suspense*


Re: But Hold Me Fast [2/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 03:58:11 UTC
GFRBLEBLE. Oh. I am so very, very intrigued. Has Lovino just saved himself? Who did Francis lose? (Because I feel so bad for our french pervert. I do so love him...) And...and...Oooo...I just can't wait til the next chapter!


Re: But Hold Me Fast [2/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 16:12:04 UTC
"But Antonio will never be able to seduce Lovino unless he figures out that he might be part of the problem.”

*flails happily*

Even with the suspenseful ending, that was the part I focused on the most. *is a shameless Spain/Romano fan*


But Hold Me Fast [3/?] anonymous May 1 2009, 00:48:27 UTC
“Francis,” Feliciano says, his voice a hoarse, raspy whisper. He wants to scream get out of there, Francis, for the love of God RUN, but he can’t shout. Something’s closed around his throat.

Francis doesn’t look threatened at all; he laughs and runs a hand through his hair. “As beautiful as you are, mademoiselle, I do not have time for this,” he says, looking up into the woman’s face. “If you would…excuse ( ... )


Re: But Hold Me Fast [3/?] anonymous May 1 2009, 10:41:45 UTC
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH aklsalka;skas homg the suspense. alsk i love you writer!anon.


OP is still freaking from the suspense anonymous May 1 2009, 11:26:52 UTC
Oh God, Arthur. Arthur.


But Hold Me Fast [4/?] anonymous May 1 2009, 19:33:24 UTC
When his lips touch her cold skin, the chill rushes through his entire body.

“Arthur Kirkland, your name is mine,” she whispers.

He stiffens and screams as he feels himself tearing apart, disintegrating into nothing. His name - his name is the first thing to go; then goes the green hills and forests of his homeland, the memories of the friends that only he can see.

He see’s a smiling face, blue eyes, golden hair. Alfred, he thinks, and tries to hold onto that. Al -He can’t remember the hair, the eyes, and the glasses on that nose. And then he can’t remember the man’s name. And then he wonders why he feels sad as that train of thought wisps away from him completely ( ... )


Authornon notes anonymous May 1 2009, 19:38:47 UTC
The power that Kiku speaks of here is the power of a yumemi. While I'm going to be tweaking the concept a little, the basic idea remains the same.

I thought it would make sense, since Italy and Japan once met in their dreams.


OP anon anonymous May 1 2009, 23:07:52 UTC
Yumemi. YES. *fist pump*

It actually made a lot of sense to me (ahahaha. Dreamwalkers, YES! I kinda thought Italy and Japan had something of that sort even before this). XD

Also, Arthur losing his name is JUST. No. *weeps* Names are important, after all.


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