Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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anonymous April 18 2009, 18:29:40 UTC
Any nation/human- It can be OC, historical figure, whatever. I just want to see a nation falling in love with a human, and having to face the fact they're not going live as long as them.

Also Anon hates it when people say they'll do it. Just do it! To your heart's content, Anons!
More fills = ♥♥♥


It'll hurt me more than you [1/5] anonymous April 18 2009, 22:19:54 UTC
Ivan’s head slowly edged its way around the corner, as the sound of a door smacking reached his ears. Perfect. The hallway was empty. A small smile crept to his lips, and he took a deep breath before tiptoeing his way down the floor, nearing the now closed door. It was hard doing it unheard - the house was old, and even the smallest movement caused a sound, especially when you’re born big-boned ( ... )


Re: It'll hurt me more than you [2/5] anonymous April 18 2009, 22:21:51 UTC
“Maybe if everyone were equal, no one would have to worry about themselves or their neighbour making it.” Peter’s musing became clearer with another glass of vodka. Ivan watched him with warm eyes, listening carefully to the thoughts that dripped from the man’s mouth ( ... )


It'll hurt me more than you [3/5] anonymous April 18 2009, 22:31:29 UTC
“You’re pretty happy these days ( ... )


It'll hurt me more than you [4/5] anonymous April 18 2009, 22:37:25 UTC
“You’ve been gloomy these days ( ... )


It'll hurt me more than you [5/5] anonymous April 18 2009, 22:44:18 UTC
Peter didn’t return.

Ivan starred out of the window. Snow had started to fall yet again. It’d been two months, he reminded himself, two months. “He’s not coming back,” he whispered.

“Sir?” Ivan turned to look at the man standing in front of him. “You asked me to come?”

“Yes. I have figured out what this country needs.” He placed himself at the desk, looking at the man with a stern look. “A revolution.”

“Revolution, sir?”

As the Soviet Union stood at its highest point, Ivan could only thank Peter for his ideas about equality. He felt he owed him bringing them to life. All but one, though - free sexuality. As he said in his speeches: “Two men together have never brought anything but unhappiness to mankind.”

And Ivan never smiled again.


Now this is exactly what I was looking for in a fill. It was loving, deep, and had the bitter ending of the couple once Ivan realized that it wasn't meant to be.

Thank you so much! ♥♥♥♥♥


Re: It'll hurt me more than you [5/5] anonymous April 24 2009, 04:45:27 UTC
This anon gives you her first born.

GOD, that was amazing. :D


Re: It'll hurt me more than you [3/5] anonymous April 13 2011, 18:18:09 UTC
so beautiful!


Girl Next Door [1/4] anonymous April 19 2009, 10:12:58 UTC
The first time she sees him, he's sitting on the front porch of her parents' house for no good reason, looking around as if the faint rolls and slopes in the land under an almost-full moon are the most fascinating things he's ever seen.

She gives him a silent count to five before she hits him with a broom.

"Ow!" He manages not to roll off the steps - a miracle, with all that flailing - but somehow ends up tilting his head back and peering up at her upside-down. It makes the kicked-puppy expression he gives her look just a little ridiculous. "What was that for ( ... )


Girl Next Door [2/4] anonymous April 19 2009, 10:14:57 UTC
"Who in the world are you?" she asks.

He shifts in his seat. One of the things she rather likes about him is that he can't lie to save his life. "Um."

She quirks an eyebrow.

"I'll tell you after the war," he says.


Sometime in the Fifties - several dozen lunches and dinners and dances and other things later - he does.

"You're America," she says, after a moment.

He shuffles his feet.

"You're America."

He looks from side to side as if hunting for an escape route, before finally settling on, "Um. Maybe?"

"I have America dating me."

"You can call me Alfred if you want," he says helpfully.

She decides hitting her country would be unproductive - because somehow it doesn't occur to her that he's lying - and settles for putting her hands on her hips. "Why me? Why not a movie star or something? Am I special?"

"No," he says - so quickly that it doesn't occur to her to be angry, because he so clearly means it as a compliment. "No, you're just you."

"Then why?He shakes his head. "I don't know ( ... )


Girl Next Door [3/4] anonymous April 19 2009, 10:17:10 UTC
"You were always so driven when you were little," her mother says before she dies. "I wonder what happened to you."

She touches her temples, runs her fingers over the first really visible traces of silver and gray. "Nothing I'm sorry about," she says.

Most of the time she even means it.


He slouches across her sofa, still looking for all the world like he's nineteen years old. He could pass as her son, now.

"This is such a mess," he says, never taking his eyes from the news. "I've never had a boss resign before."

"You'll survive," she says - less rude and unsympathetic than she sounds, because they both know it's true.

He slides down the sofa slowly, as if he's trying to melt off it, and makes a pathetic little noise that might be "ow." If she didn't know any better, she would think he's hung over.

She kicks at his feet until he shuffles them over - still making little pained noises under his breath - and sits at the edge of the sofa. "You look terrible," she says.

"You try having your boss resign. This is worse than Johnson ( ... )


Girl Next Door [4/4] anonymous April 19 2009, 10:21:37 UTC
By the Eighties her hair is entirely gray. Her face is lined and her skin sags against her bones, but she refuses to try to disguise any of it. She is and always has been a proud, stubborn woman.

She does start refusing the offers to go to dinner, though.

"People will think I'm robbing the cradle," she says tartly right at the end of the decade, even though she supposes it's the other way around.

He frowns at her - still much taller than her, still exactly the same. "Since when do you care what people think?"

She presses her hands against his chest and shoves - hard - and doesn't even care that he looks at her like she's punched him in the stomach.

"You don't like me anymore?" he asks quietly.

She holds her clenched hands tight against her sides and sets her jaw and looks away. "You're a good person," she says. "You're a moron, but you're a good person and I love you for it ( ... )


Re: Girl Next Door [4/4] anonymous April 19 2009, 17:05:20 UTC
Anon this was beautiful! Ohh I have such a gooshy feeling now :D but I want to cry as well D:

I laughed whenever you mentioned the other countries france XD

It reminded me of Benjamin Button and The Notebook >w<


Re: Girl Next Door [4/4] anonymous April 19 2009, 17:09:53 UTC


OP loves you anonymous April 19 2009, 17:56:02 UTC
This was lovely. I didn't think I'd get a straight couple out of this, and you did it quite beautifully too with America watching her get older.

Thanks for filling my request! ♥♥♥♥♥


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