Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Prussia/Germany request from Part 3 anonymous April 17 2009, 07:39:53 UTC
How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (1/4) anonymous April 17 2009, 07:43:21 UTC
Um, I’m terribly sorry anon-the kink kind of worked itself into “Prussia likes being held down by his little brother” as I was writing, which isn’t quiiiiiite the same thing, I suppose. I hope it works for you, all the same!

And okay, the end degenerated into fluffy brotherly domesticity with benefits. I’m sorry! I can’t help it with these two!

I also apologize for the unforgivably hipster-pretentious title for what is essentially a pwp. I love me some Decemberists.Gilbert’s body is hard and wiry against his, all lean sinew and muscle; these days, he doesn’t have his famed military anymore, but his body is still a weapon, honed and efficient. He reaches forward to trace the edges of an old scar-from a broadsword, perhaps?-feeling a shiver pass through Gilbert’s body at his touch ( ... )


How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (2/4) anonymous April 17 2009, 07:45:49 UTC
The sharp, demanding grin on Gilbert’s face, even now, tells him that whatever this is, it isn’t surrender-after all, Gilbert’s getting his way, getting what he wants, selfish as always. Knowing that makes it a little less strange-that after all, this is still his older brother, arrogant, aggravating and proud.

“W-west-fuck, West. God, let my hands go, want-need to touch you,” Gilbert’s voice is harsh and ragged, and oh, he’s so tempted to concede, but there’s another part of him, a whisper at the back of his mind, contrary and obstinate, that wants to see Gilbert utterly unmade. He mouths down Gilbert’s thigh to mask the dark blush that automatically rises to his face at the thought, shivering at the frustrated groan that seems to rip itself from Gilbert’s throat.

Gilbert’s thighs flex hard, as if to push at him, and he pins them down firmly, muttering, “Hold still, Gilbert, honestly ( ... )


How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (3/4) anonymous April 17 2009, 07:47:34 UTC
Ludwig pulls back again after a hard suck, and Gilbert lets go of a-Gilbert would forever deny that it’s a whimper, but it’s desperate and wanting enough to be. Ludwig rocks back onto his knees, his hands at Gilbert’s hips the only point of contact between the two of them. He runs his thumbs lightly along the edge of his hips, petting softly as Gilbert strains into his hands ( ... )


How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (4/4) anonymous April 17 2009, 07:49:19 UTC
He can feel his arms shaking slightly, braced on his elbows on either side of Gilbert’s head, and he has to lean down and kiss him, hard and messy, the smooth movement of Gilbert’s hand pulling him over the edge, coming with his brother’s tongue inside his mouth ( ... )


Not OP anonymous April 17 2009, 08:17:42 UTC
Holy hell, anon, this was hot. I'm gonna be fapping forever.

I can't even describe how much I love this story, and not just because it's my OTP. You have a way with words, and if I were the selfish type, I would demand BEG for more!


Re: Not OP anonymous April 17 2009, 09:56:19 UTC
*blushes foreverrrr* Thank you so much, anon, that's ridiculously flattering! &hearts

I would try to continue this bit because I'm a complete sucker for Germany and Prussia living together like dumb brothers with occasional sexual tension, but I'm terrible at sequels, sadly!


OP anonymous April 17 2009, 08:46:16 UTC

Anon, you just made my day. Maybe even my freaking year.

This was so, so hot, and unexpectedly sweet, and did I mention hot?

THANK YOU. &hearts &hearts


Re: OP anonymous April 17 2009, 09:58:17 UTC
OP, I'm so glad this worked for you!! :DDDD

Ahahah, oops, I just noticed that I totally misquoted the Decemberists lyric I used for the title. Apparently I can't be trusted to post a fill without a typo somewhere in there!


Re: How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (4/4) anonymous April 17 2009, 15:43:42 UTC
thank you, THANK you for this <33333

Hot East and West, love so much <3


Re: How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (4/4) anonymous April 18 2009, 05:19:50 UTC
No, thank you! :DD


anonymous April 17 2009, 16:25:10 UTC
That was hot, anon. Thank you. ♥


anonymous April 18 2009, 05:20:48 UTC
Ahahah, I'm glad you liked it! &hearts


Re: How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (4/4) anonymous April 17 2009, 22:46:24 UTC
omg I came

That was awesome, anon! So hot, from the title and on it was just guuuh...

please write more of these dumb brothers with (resolved) sexual tension *heart*


Re: How our muscles, bones, and sinews tangle (4/4) anonymous April 18 2009, 05:22:36 UTC
Will do! *salutes* I'm kind of a giant sucker for these two being stupid and ever-so-slightly fluffy with each other.


Not-Op, too anonymous April 19 2009, 22:58:44 UTC
So very lovely, well-written and uber-hot!
I would love to read more of you, Anon!
Especially of this pairing, you write them so well!!!


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