Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Taste of Revenge [1/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 22:54:18 UTC
Er, ok. We all know this comic is the best thing since sliced bread, right? And it’s hot and awesome and perfect in every way. So. I wanted to write it, and the artist!anon was kind enough to let me, so I did it, but English is not my first language and you guys will probably notice it, and I’M SORRY PLEASE DON’T HATE ME I DID MY BEST *sobs*


Back in 1929, Alfred had described the world meeting as a living hell. It had been awful, he had said, awful and humiliating and nothing short of hell on Earth.

Now he regretted it, because it left him no words to describe this one. Terrible? Humiliating to the max, the worst thing he ever had to face? He couldn’t decide.

Apologizing wasn’t the problem. Well, it was part of it, of course, and Alfred surely didn’t like to do it, but what hurt the most- no, not hurt, he wasn’t hurt, what annoyed him the most was the disgusted look whenever his friends eyes happened to gaze upon him. And this happened a lot, because he was the one leading the whole disaster ( ... )


Re: Taste of Revenge [2/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 22:55:51 UTC
“You said you’re going to invest, yes?”

So he was listening. Good.

“And by that you mean you’ll be aiding the banks, right? Giving them money.”

“Well, that’s a way of putting, but-”


Arthur took a deep breath, and Alfred knew by past experience he was fighting to keep his temper in check:

“Alfred,” he repeated “You don’t even know why that’s a bad thing, do you?”

Yup. A nightmare, all right.

But, like all nightmares, it ended, eventually. Alfred collected his papers and tried to ignore the extremely un-heroic shake in his hands, waiting for Arthur to come to him and touch his shoulder, say something comforting. He could even start the ranting all over again. Anything. They always talked, after the meetings.

Ok, half the times it was about how badly Alfred had screwed up, but it was normal, it was familiar, and Alfred needed familiar now ( ... )


Re: Taste of Revenge [2/?] anonymous June 3 2009, 01:59:13 UTC
OUCH. This fic hurts. In a good way. Sorta. My heart just aches seeing Alfred go through this. You really drive the point home that even though Matthew is concerned for him, Alfred really is alone. I love the little detail about him needing something familiar.

You know, when I first started reading, I thought the rape had already started. You tricked me, anon, and I love you for it. Re-reading the end, though, with Arthur talking to Ivan and Francis, I get a sick feeling in my stomach because I think I know what their discussion entails.

I think you're being a bit hard on yourself. I didn't notice any errors. Granted, I'm not a professional, but that's besides the point. I actually forgot that you said English wasn't your first language until I read your request for a beta. You're doing fine, anon! The problem is, now I'm going to be stalking YOUR fic! XD


Re: Taste of Revenge [2/?] anonymous June 3 2009, 06:37:42 UTC
Oh christ...I can only...

please continue anon, please...


OP offers to beta because OP is a greedy creature anonymous June 3 2009, 16:16:52 UTC
Yes, yes, oh yesssssss. You can send the stuff to be beta'd to madeofjunk@yahoo.com.sg (so that I won't be found out so soon, fufufufufu) and I would gladly, gladly help you look through it! 8D Oh, I'm so excited!


Re: Taste of Revenge [2/?] anonymous May 27 2010, 08:15:52 UTC
wait...waht comment? link me please?

umm so was this ever conti?


Re: Taste of Revenge [2/?] anonymous July 30 2010, 08:04:57 UTC

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