Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Will of the F anonymous May 29 2009, 20:53:27 UTC
(Yes that's a lame ref to One Piece. But thats beside the point)

Anon would like to see the nation-tans figure out that America's full name is...
Alfred FRANCIS Jones!?

Aaaaand we all know who raised America and gave him his name *coughArturcough*(Alfred had kept quiet because England promised to kick his ass and never speak to him again if he ever told anyone.)

France, the smug wine-bastard, does what he does best and teases the hell out of poor embarrassed England.

Must lead up to some adorable FrUK-ing!


What's In a Name [1/?] anonymous June 1 2009, 16:02:30 UTC
(Anon from above. This is my first fill, too, and I hope you enjoy it, anon? Also, apologies for the lame title. Fail fill is fail? :'D)

“You’re better off not knowing.”

Matthew’s eyebrows rose in confusion and slight surprise. “Why not? I’m just curious.”

From beside him, Alfred shuffled in his seat. “It’s…” The blue eyed nation scratched the back of his head, a nervous-slash-embarrassed gesture, the Canadian noted. “A bit embarrassing, I admit. And Arthur named me, after all. He might’ve been drunk, too, at that time. Still, better left off as a secret.” Alfred gave his brother an apologetic grin, but Matthew did not diverge from the topic.

“Oh god,” Matthew blinked. “He… he didn’t.” He sounded genuinely scandalized, and had the right to be, really, considering his guess. Dropping his voice below a whisper, aware that there were various nations mingling about in the party - England included - he asked, “It’s…it’s not a swear word, is it?”

“What…? Wait, no!” The bespectacled nation laughed. “No, he did not call me Alfred Fuck ( ... )


Re: What's In a Name [1/?] anonymous June 1 2009, 16:28:51 UTC

“Ack, no.”






“I wish.”

“Mon dieu… He didn’t.”

“What? It’s not Fuck, if that’s what you’re thinking…”

“It’s not Fairy, is it?”

“Oh, what the fuck, Francis! Dude. That’s… totally not cool!”

They lasted a second before Canada and France broke into laughter.

“Okay,” Alfred started. “So, since we’ve established that guessing doesn’t really count as me telling you, and that there are too many names to think of, how about I tell you this - it’s the name of a nation.”

“Well that narrows it down a bit.” Matthew started to count the names off the top of his head. “There’s Feliciano, Feliks - Spain’s middle name is Fernandez, so I guess that counts… And then there’s… Oh god.” He stared in apparent awe and shock at the prospect of Arthur naming America after someone the Brit supposedly hated…

“And then,” France continued. “There’s me. Francis.” He, too, looked a bit surprised at the thought, if his raised eyebrows and widened eyes were anything to go about ( ... )


TITLE FAIL. - Author!non anonymous June 1 2009, 16:31:47 UTC
Above title should say "What's In a Name [2/?]"



Re: What's In a Name [1/?] anonymous June 1 2009, 17:04:37 UTC
Ohhhh god. This is perfect so far, writernon, I love the way you do your humor. This reader'll be over here with her F5 key sniggering into her drink, which she was luckily not drinking while reading.

Carry on! ♥


Re: What's In a Name [1/?] anonymous June 1 2009, 18:03:20 UTC
Requester!Anon here.

OMG! SWEET CANADIAN SYRUP, YOU ROCK! You've made my day! I loved the buildup and how you had them figure it out. And the lines are claaaassic.

“My will is in the empty Rice Crispies cereal box over at the upper left kitchen cupboard.”

Mucho excited to read more!


Re: What's In a Name [1/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 02:24:33 UTC
Author!anon is glad you like it. :'D It's been a while since I've written a fic, and this is my first Hetalia one, ehhh...

S-so thank you! I'll do my best to continue!


Re: What's In a Name [3/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 02:06:48 UTC
When Arthur Named Alfred - A Flashback

“Hey, hey, Arthur~”

Arthur looked down at his young colony, who was currently beaming and bouncing up and down by his feet. “What is it, Alfred?”

The boy practically crawled into his lap at the first sign of Arthur’s attention. Looking at the blonde with bright, blue eyes, England sighed and set his book down. Something told me this will take a few moments.

“I met someone today, he said his name was Antonio Fernandez Carrie-something!”

Spain. Arthur flatly thought. America met Spain. Patiently, he gave Alfred a smile. “And?”

“And he has three names!” Alfred’s eyes were sparkling. That was not a good sign. “Can I have three names?”

“You already have three names. Your official name America, your human name is Alfred, then your surname is Jones. Also, it is more appropriate to use ‘may’ than ‘can.’”

“May I have four names then?” The boy was looking at him like a little puppy. “Please, Arthur ( ... )


Re: What's In a Name [3/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 02:49:40 UTC
Oh this is totally awesome! Can't wait for more<3


Re: What's In a Name [3/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 04:02:54 UTC
Alfred hoped it was the teenage hormones making him think strange images like this.

... Am I spotting a possible threesome here? 8D OHOHO. This continues to be damn awesome. *STALKS*


Re: What's In a Name [3/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 04:32:31 UTC
Oh dear lord, why are complete drunks so funny when little kids are around.

Chibi!Alfred: Iggy's blacked out at the moment. Can I take a message.


Re: What's In a Name [3/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 10:51:21 UTC
For some reason, I felt like singing Alfred's sentence "Hey, hey, Arthur~" in the tone of Marukaite Chikyuu. Did you perhaps had that in mind when you wrote this part? :D Otherwise, this is excellente and completely irrelevant, I have to eat dinner. Kthxbai.


Re: What's In a Name [3/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 17:59:08 UTC
"Hey, Hey, Arthur~" = "Hey, Hey, Mama~" WAS IT THAT OBVIOUS?


What's In a Name [4a/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 17:38:26 UTC
Alfred was running spectacularly, Arthur had to admit. But he wasn’t fast enough to escape that easily him just yet. He may be a lot older than Alfred, but that didn’t mean was any slower. (Arthur was quite a runner, if he may say so himself. Years of football and various sports ensured that ( ... )


What's In a Name [4b/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 17:44:31 UTC
“I was pissed!” Alright, so that was half a lie. Arthur still had some level of sober at that time - enough to know that this was bound to happen. (He had only hoped it was when he was dying or something, so the shame wouldn’t haunt him for the rest of his life.)

The Englishman tried to keep the distance between the two of them, stepping back every time Francis stepped forward. However, France must have known that he would do just that.

How else did Arthur suddenly find himself back to back with the wall, Francis just inches away from his entire body?

And, oh in the name of the Queen, what was Francis doing to his neck ( ... )


Re: What's In a Name [4b/?] anonymous June 2 2009, 20:20:37 UTC
Yuum~ *licks lips* I honestly don't think you fail at sexy scenes, Author!anon~ :3♥

This is absolutely fabulous! I love your writing and the characterizations and everything in this fic, and really can't wait for more.♥


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