Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Needs Moar Denmark anonymous May 27 2009, 18:46:19 UTC
So we all know that the vikings loved nothing more than raiding, pillaging and fucking.

So what this anon wants to see is Denmark sitting through one of the meetings and perving on one of the female nations the WHOLE time.

His dirty, filthy mind is a must.

The meeting ends, and unable to control that side of himself, Denmark ends up getting said female alone and giving her the fucking of her life.


Viking Style [1/??] anonymous May 28 2009, 01:35:34 UTC
Denmark was bored. B-O-R-E-D, bored. He idly tapped his pen against the polished wooden desk in front of him, leaning back with an arm over the back of his chair as he did so. Why did these meetings have to be long? He didn’t care, they were discussing the exact same things they’d discussed last time ( ... )


Re: Viking Style [2/??] anonymous May 28 2009, 01:37:35 UTC
And then he heard it, that voice… that mocking little voice that niggled and mocked him, urging him to take part in his most secret of desire; That voice that told him to kill, to pillage, burn things and terrorize… his Viking side.

It was a joke to everyone else, when he said he had a little devil that urged him on, but he was serious. He was always there, low and rumbling and urging him to revert. Regaling him with memories of ‘the good old days’, of who he was… what he was; The bloodthirsty warrior who took what he wanted and cut down anyone who had dared to stand in his way.

He buried his head in his hands and shook his head to will it away.

‘Take her.’


It laughed at him, ‘just look at her, she’s begging for you. Remember how it was? How it could be? Drag her onto on her back make her scream. Beg.‘No ( ... )


Re: Viking Style [2/??] anonymous May 28 2009, 03:14:34 UTC
*claws at screen* THIS.

Goodness, anon... Why'd you stop there?! ;;

/can't wait for more!


OP o/ anonymous May 28 2009, 11:46:19 UTC
It was 3AM, that's why :'(

Contrary to popular belief, Writer!Anon needed sleep too.

More is definitely coming soon, my love~ :D


Re: Viking Style [2/??] anonymous May 28 2009, 10:16:26 UTC
...you said in the fisrt fill that his eyes are green and in the second that his eyes are blue.

But still! This is really cool! Please continue.


OP o/ anonymous May 28 2009, 11:48:19 UTC
Ah, I was actually talking about Hungary's eyes being green not Denmark's.

Re-reading it though I can see why it looks like Denmark's description, sorry!

Jaja! Moar soon, I promise!


Re: Viking Style [3/??] anonymous May 29 2009, 01:30:32 UTC
Denmark wasn’t happy one bit; the meeting had run over, and they were currently missing their break. Not that he was truly that bothered by it all, he’d long ago tuned out the dull ramblings of Germany, after all more time in the meeting hall meant more time he could spend looking at Hungary ( ... )


Re: Viking Style [3/??] anonymous May 29 2009, 04:39:29 UTC
Not op, but maan, I'm pratically drooling in antipatication. I can almost picture Denmark going after her. MOOORE ASAP NOW PLZZZ :D~~~


Writer!Anon o/ [Not OP as they'd replied before DX] anonymous May 29 2009, 12:29:55 UTC
Thanks! I'll try to get more out tonight if I have the time <3
Pervy!Denmark is best denmark, AmIRight??


Re: Writer!Anon o/ [Not OP as they'd replied before DX] anonymous May 30 2009, 01:10:20 UTC
Oh yes. Espially when he licks his lips.

God, Denmark, why so...so..sexy? I'd let him viking kidnap me any day~


Re: Viking Style [3/??] anonymous May 29 2009, 06:08:50 UTC
Oh my God, this is perfect, and hot! Denmark is looking sexier to me now. :D

Eagerly awaiting more. ;)


Writer!Anon o/ [Not OP as they'd replied before DX] anonymous May 29 2009, 12:31:20 UTC
Ah, I'm glad you're enjoying it! <33

O bbe I'll give you all you desire, y'just gotta ask~ ;)


Re: Viking Style [3/??] anonymous June 1 2009, 06:54:45 UTC
This is way too awesome!!

Of course, I see Hungary going "OH HELL NAH!" and kick some ass! XD


Re: Viking Style [3/??] anonymous June 1 2009, 07:10:19 UTC
You're going to die a horrible death when Norway finds out, Danmark xD;;;;

Right now, though, I wanna see the fic and the hawt scenes all completed, so I can sing my praise to the author 8D<33 Unusual pairing is the love~ it's always interesting to read.


Re: Viking Style [3/??] anonymous June 2 2009, 04:40:59 UTC
"You're going to die a horrible death when Norway finds out, Danmark xD;;;;"

Unless Prussia or/and Austria founds out first, then Denmark is REALLY screwed! XD


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