Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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A Time of Amnesty and Grace [1/7?] anonymous May 18 2009, 23:02:28 UTC
I decided to give this a try - I don’t think it’s quite what the OP wanted, since I’m not very good at possessiveness, but it does have shorthaired!France, and I gave possessive!UK my best try. I hope the OP will still enjoy :D. It’s based around the four stages of the Épuration légale, but be warned that the times that Wikipedia lists and the times here are different - Francis moves a bit slower along in his recovery than the Épuration légale.

August 30, 1944Arthur goes to help Alfred and Matthew search for Francis because the damned idiot’s forgotten that even though Paris is free, he’s still not safe. He looks like any other human, and with all the executions going on, he shouldn’t be wandering where overzealous police forces can get them ( ... )


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [2/7?] anonymous May 18 2009, 23:04:41 UTC
“Arthur!” Alfred’s voice is sharp and commanding. “I think know their commander. Let me handle them, please.” Arthur hears Alfred cock a gun and knows there will be consequences if he does not obey.

His body trembles with the effort of not pressing deeper in, through flesh and into -

Arthur growls and throws the knife aside. He stands and glares at the men. “Go with him,” he growls. “Don’t let me see your fucking faces again.”

The men stand, slow, trembling, eyes fixed on Alfred as he cocks his gun and motions for them to move along. They slink away like the whipped dogs they are, glancing back at Arthur until they turn a corner and out of sight.

Arthur almost doesn’t hear Francis speak.

“That wasn’t necessary, Arthur.”

Arthur grits his teeth and whirls around, watches as Matthew clutches Francis to his heart and strokes his cheek. Arthur, ever blunt, ever tactless, feels anger at the sight. “And you!” he spits out, eyes narrowing. “You let those bastards do that, without fighting back! Have you no shameFrancis’ ( ... )


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [3/7?] anonymous May 18 2009, 23:05:45 UTC
They meet again in Paris with other nations to discuss the Marshall Plan, and for a moment Arthur doesn’t recognize the man sitting across the table from him. He frowns and tries to place the wavy blond hair that ends just above his ears; it looks wrong, doesn’t look right. He thinks it might be a nation’s boss ( ... )


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [4/7?] anonymous May 18 2009, 23:07:44 UTC
April 9, 1948His majesties and Prime Minister insist that Arthur accept Francis’ invitation to Paris to celebrate the anniversary of the Entente Cordiale. It is only logical, they argue, only natural, that the two embodiments of their nations entertain one another during the commemoration ( ... )


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [5/7] anonymous May 18 2009, 23:09:39 UTC
“…I know it was rude of me to leave,” Arthur says. “I just…I couldn’t….” Arthur rubs his forehead and sighs ( ... )


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [6/7] anonymous May 18 2009, 23:11:26 UTC
Arthur turns in Francis’ arms and kisses him, letting Francis lead him to the bed and pull him down onto the sheets on top of him.

Arthur lets his hands roam, takes care to keep his touch feather-light and ticklish. In earlier days, it drove Francis to thrashing and cursing; now he feels only trembles in the muscle under soft, pale skin.

He frowns and kisses harder, trying to draw reactions that he feels he deserves, that he’s earned. No such luck. Francis lies still and lets Arthur touch him.

Arthur changes tactics, kisses across Francis’ cheek and down his neck with an open mouth. “Tell me,” he hisses into that neck. “Tell me what you want, Francis.”

He feels Francis’ throat jump as his breath hitches, but otherwise remains silent. Arthur lifts his head and looks into Francis’ face.

“Tell me,” he demands, his hands coming up to grab Francis’ shoulders. “Tell me. Anything. Tell me what you like. Tell me to stop. Please, Francis, say somethingBut Francis’ eyes don’t open, hidden behind dark lashes and squeezed eyelids ( ... )


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 18 2009, 23:12:44 UTC

March 2008The years pass, their relationship goes up and down. This is one of their better years, and they sit together and watch London’s sunset from the castle, sipping wine together on the balcony ( ... )


OP anonymous May 18 2009, 23:36:05 UTC
Oh my god.



Admittedly I didn't have in mind something nearly this complex when I banged out the silly prompt, but you, writernon, you. sdlaj;sljdLSJFLSJdkjfdkljfs you've taken this concept and run with it above and beyond and--and I'm just totally speechless with awe right now. This is the fic I've always wanted for this pairing and WWII, no contest, no exaggeration, and you've done it.

OP is the happiest person on the entire Internet right now. This is immutable fact.

I hope you'll excuse the total incoherence, I'm going to have to come back and leave a better review in a few days once I've reread this a couple dozen more times.

In the meantime, I LOVE YOU, ACCEPT MY PROPOSAL OF MARRIAGE OR AT LEAST A DIAMOND OF EPIC PROPORTIONS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE, and I have some inkling of who you might be and I do believe you've also written my other two favorite France/England fics in the fandom.


Writernon anonymous May 19 2009, 19:20:34 UTC
I'm so happy you enjoyed it - this took several days to write, and I had to go over and edit it once because I didn't feel it ready. Thank you for giving such a good prompt. No diamond rings are necessary - I was happy to do it.

I recognized who you were from your comment on the previous fill. Hint: If your gut tells you something, it's probably right ;)


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 19 2009, 01:00:14 UTC
This was lovely, so romantic and I love the not!git Arthur <3

Thank you anon


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 19 2009, 19:22:30 UTC
You're very welcome, commenter! Thanks for stopping by!


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 19 2009, 03:39:37 UTC
O-oh my god, I don't even know what to say to this. I absolutely loved this. Absolutely, absolutely loved it. I really like the limited perspective we get from Arthur, and his struggle to deal with this and to understand. I really love the descriptions of Francis through his eyes -- as infuriating and beautiful at the same time, and the sharp contrast of post-WWII France. I think I especially love the way this captures what I love about Arthur and Francis's relationship-- that sort of mutual fixation over history that has the possibility of developing into something more. So, yes, I really, really loved this.


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 19 2009, 03:53:11 UTC
Aaah, how did I forget to mention one of my favorite part of this? I ADORED Arthur's conversation with Puck. &hearts &hearts


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 19 2009, 19:26:48 UTC
Puck was very interesting to write. He had a habit of causing trouble for humans, even when he meant to help them. I suppose he felt some vindication in calling Arthur out on his screw-up. xDDD

I'm very happy that you enjoyed this, thank you!


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 19 2009, 05:53:26 UTC
Oh wow, authornon. This fic left me speechless right after I finished it. This is most definitely one of the best fics I've had the pleasure of reading in this meme. Thanks a lot for posting.


Re: A Time of Amnesty and Grace [7/7] anonymous May 19 2009, 19:27:45 UTC
Thank you for commenting and taking the time to read this. :D


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