In order to celebrate HETALIA'S anime adaptation. AXIS POWERS HETALIA KINK MEME

Jul 25, 2008 15:44

axis powers
hetalia kink meme


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Okay, let's make history and be more epic than these people, shall we?


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anonymous September 24 2008, 01:14:04 UTC
Poland/Lithuania; comfort sex. Bonus for flashbacks to Russia/Lithuania non-con/bad-touch.

Pretty please?


(The comment has been removed)

Comfort in Familiarity [1] anonymous September 30 2008, 22:43:50 UTC
Not: Felix is not an inconsistency, but the anglicised version that Alfred would use.

Warnings: Late 80’s/ early 90’s language.

There had been many dates throughout history that held a lot of meaning for him, but there was something truly special about the 11th November 1989. The Wall had finally fallen, and for the first time in two hundred years, Poland had felt good. It had been the dawn of a new decade. The nineties were fast approaching and they positively crackled with electric excitement that promised a revolution of new freedom and new ideas, and Poland had welcomed it, grinning like a madman all the while. He was independent, in control and free for the first time in forty years. No. If he were entirely honest, it was the first time that he had been truly free in over two hundred years. People talked these days. There were United Nations, NATOs and European Unions binding countries together much more tightly than they had been half a century ago, making Poland feel safer and much more optimistic about the future than ( ... )


Comfort in Familiarity [2] anonymous September 30 2008, 22:48:13 UTC
Still, he reasoned, he knew full well how busy things were post- independence. It should only be a matter of time before Lithuania paid him a visit (since, as he’d mentioned earlier, he wasn’t sure how welcomed he’d be by some people in Vilnius, so visiting Lithuania might not be the best move to make so early into this new period of peace), and as the weeks dragged on, Poland could only hope that it wouldn’t be too much longer, even though he himself was inundated with internal and external affairs that he needed to oversee. It didn’t stop him from glancing out across the border every now and again though ( ... )


Comfort in Familiarity [3] anonymous September 30 2008, 22:51:22 UTC
“Well I didn’t like it either,” Poland agreed with a sunny smile. He realised something then, and slapped himself on the forehead. “Duh! As if I haven’t even invited you in yet! Rude much?” he gasped. “Come in, come in!” He stepped aside at that, making dramatic hand gestures ( ... )


Comfort in Familiarity [4] anonymous September 30 2008, 22:54:29 UTC
He shivered involuntarily.

“Hey.” Lithuania tensed at the hand on his shoulder, cringing slightly as memory merged with present and left him confused for a moment. “You okay?”

He sighed in relief without even realising it, Poland’s voice ever a comfort to his ears. It was almost ironic that someone as noisy and excitable as his blonde friend could be such a calming influence in his life. “Yeah,” he breathed.

“You don’t look it.” Poland looked dubious. “You’ve gone way pale.”

“I’m fine, Poland,” Lithuania insisted.

“Liet, we don’t have to… I mean, I’m just so happy to see you that just spending time with you trippendicular, you know? It’s like a total dream come true, so don’t feel like, you know, you have to… you know.” Poland stuttered into an embarrassed silence, and Lithuania couldn’t help but smile. No matter how impulsive and loud Poland may be, he would never be able to fully escape the shyness that lay at the core of his nature ( ... )


Comfort in Familiarity [5] anonymous September 30 2008, 22:59:26 UTC
Lithuania was silent for a moment, an unusual expression settling over his face. Poland found it worryingly unfamiliar, but just when he was about to ask what the problem was, Lithuania pressed a soft kiss to his lips and gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Poland. I’d just prefer it if I kept my shirt on.” He offered no more explanation behind bizarre request, but Poland let it slide. They’d both changed in odd little ways. He had to expect that. If Liet wanted his shirt to stay on, then his shirt would stay on, and though Poland didn’t seem like the type, he was a person who respected other people’s privacy. Even if it was Lithuania, and even if he was burning with curiosity ( ... )


Comfort in Familiarity [6] anonymous September 30 2008, 23:05:31 UTC
He felt sick, Oh God what had he almost done? What the Hell had that psychopath done to him?

You’ll love me, won’t you, Toris?

When had that answer become yes? When had he lost touch with himself so much that he stopped remembering that it had just been a way to escape the pain and humiliation? When had he started to believe all of that shit ( ... )


Comfort in Familiarity [7- final] anonymous September 30 2008, 23:15:18 UTC
Poland gasped, eyes snapping open as he felt the unexpected penetration. His questioning green eyes sought and met Lithuania’s. He frowned at the strain that he was trying to hide behind a rueful smile ( ... )


OP here anonymous October 1 2008, 00:16:27 UTC
asdaskjs *dies*

Holy crap, this is so amazing!!! I offer you my firstborn in thanks. This is so much better than I could have expected. Russia was so scary, but so perfect.

My poor Liet. ;_;


Writer anonymous October 1 2008, 18:07:23 UTC
I'm sorry, OP, but I am afraid that I have already accepted the firstborn of another.

If, however, you wish to buy me a puppy, that is more than okay.

(but in all seriousness, I'm very happy that I could provide you with what you wanted. Sorry for any little mistakes. I missed them somehow.)
Poland/Lithuania ♥ !


Re: Writer anonymous November 12 2009, 04:36:55 UTC
well. I'LL get you a puppy for this.
it was amazzinggggg
you also get the internets. :)


Re: Comfort in Familiarity [7- final] anonymous October 1 2008, 05:00:45 UTC
N-not the OP, but holy shit that was seriously awesome.

My heart practically melted when Russia's brain screwing started kicking in and the way Feliks comforted Lito ARGH!!

*melts into a puddle of nothing*


Writer anonymous October 1 2008, 18:11:02 UTC
Thank you! I'm really pleased that you enjoyed it.

I wanted Russia to make a lasting impression as it were. And I wanted to portray Feliks being the strong one when it's needed, because he's such a cute, excitable, adorable guy that it's easy to forget that he's had the strength of will to struggle through the bad times and stay true to his nation.


Thanks again.


Re: Comfort in Familiarity [7- final] anonymous October 1 2008, 14:24:56 UTC
I-I'm seriously crying my eyes out. T-That was amazing, anon. ;_____;


Writer anonymous October 1 2008, 18:12:31 UTC


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