In order to celebrate HETALIA'S anime adaptation. AXIS POWERS HETALIA KINK MEME

Jul 25, 2008 15:44

axis powers
hetalia kink meme


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Okay, let's make history and be more epic than these people, shall we?


New fills for this part go HERE .
Get information at the News Post HERE.

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Anyone ('cept UK)/US anonymous September 14 2008, 21:31:23 UTC
Jealousy over America's "special relationship" with UK.
America being sardonically told to "lie back and think of England."

*covers face with hands*


Thinking of the English Countryside anonymous March 1 2009, 04:52:19 UTC
So I am not the original claimer, sorry! Also, sorry for any fail, or if this isn't want you wanted, It came out a lot different than I originally thought. *Hides ( ... )


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 2) anonymous March 1 2009, 04:53:27 UTC
Canada continued to wreak havoc on the golden body beneath him while removing what he could of the rest of the clothes. He laughed at how Alfred was arched on the bed because of his hands, like he was offering himself to Matthew. He traced the major scars America had on his body: the Revolution, the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, and the one still pink with healing - September 11th. Alfred laid as still as possible and grasped for words while listening to his formerly friendly neighbor undressing ( ... )


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 3) anonymous March 1 2009, 04:54:55 UTC
“Ok,” Canada’s answer made America still. Does he really want me to… Alfred was a le straightened himself up, put on a stern face, and searched for all he knew about how England spoke during sex ( ... )


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 1 2009, 04:55:55 UTC
America found his release, screaming everything from “Fuck” to “Mattie,” and arched his back even more, pressing everything he had into the nation above him ( ... )


not OP anonymous March 1 2009, 07:42:00 UTC
Ahhhhhh ha ha...oh god.

That was so fucking AWESOME! Only problem is that now I want a long, drawn out, graphic threesome because you are the best and my imagination is not enough!

Thank you, anon writer! Thank you!


Writer Anon to the rescue! anonymous March 1 2009, 16:22:16 UTC
Thank you ^.^ *loves praise*

I totally want a threesome of them too. Srsly. Now it's in my Head...thank you. : )


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 1 2009, 07:51:05 UTC

holy fuck oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 1 2009, 16:24:15 UTC
Writer-anon here:

Thank you : ) It's good to know my work is....Appreciated. This is my first Hetalia fic, and this is encouraging me to do more! ^.^


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 1 2009, 09:23:56 UTC
/demands a continuation of this awesomeness

(also, *nosebleeds all over keyboard*)


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 1 2009, 16:26:54 UTC
Oh noes! Your Keyboard!

Writer!Anon Says that Maybe she could continue it, maybe in another fill? I'm sure there has to be a good threesome prompt out there for me to work with : ) It may have to wait, since I'm almost at Finals week, but this story only took two days, so I could maybe fit one in before spring break ^.^ *is inspired*


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 2 2009, 09:09:46 UTC
Anon is surprised that this is your first fanfic, be it 1st Hetalia or 1st ever. Clearly this is the start of something beautiful because you handled everyones' characterizations wonderfully. (The 'heroic eyes' in the 'heroic head' part killed me with lols for a few moments, then I was right in there squeeing from the hawtness.)

I will jump on the bandwagon that wants to see a continuation of this. And if there are no prompts in part 1 that will let such a continuation play out, there is always part 2. . . .

. . . . .

(Or just say, 'to hell with it all!' and add the continuation on 'here'. OP will more than likely NOT mind the hijacking of the thread, and we other!aonos surely won't either. :3)

You have my love and well wishes anon! ~<3


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 2 2009, 19:06:45 UTC
Yeah, I'm not a Fanfic newbie, I started writing when the second LOTR movie came out (god I feel old now) when i was underage Younger :P

The last fandom I wrote for was D.Gray Man, I did two fics for their Kink meme last year.

Thanks for the Love and well wishes (just getting over a cold and pre-finals) and I hope to have a continuation in a few weeks, when I stop being abused by school, Lol. I'm also working on the Drunk!japan/Us request ^.^


encore, anon, encore anonymous March 3 2009, 00:30:18 UTC
This is a mighty fill!

The only qualm I have is the random capitalization of some words.


Re: encore, anon, encore anonymous March 3 2009, 01:47:58 UTC
Thank you : )

I actually do that in all of my writing. I have to have my fiance proofread all of my academic papers to catch it, or I capitalize nothing. It is a weird habit I picked up somewhere along the way.


Re: Thinking of the English Countryside (part 4) anonymous March 8 2009, 01:05:14 UTC
For some reason, my favourite part of this is UK. But I enjoyed it all, America's impersonation in particular :)


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