Jan 26, 2011 08:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 3



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anonymous March 6 2009, 20:35:59 UTC


anonymous March 8 2009, 04:45:30 UTC
Don't mean to break out of the meme, but one of the better Holocaust fics out there is this one: http://zed-azrael.livejournal.com/12718.html#cutid1


anonymous March 8 2009, 16:16:47 UTC
I don't think anyone minds any off-meme recs, anon :) especially for really good fics about touchy subjects.


anonymous March 9 2009, 01:32:11 UTC
Thanks for the rec.


Voices From Auschwitz (1/3) anonymous April 8 2009, 17:34:31 UTC
Wow. This took a lot longer to write than I expected; sorry folks. The ‘Roma’ in this story refers to the gypsies/Romany, not Ancient Rome. Warning: As this is holocaust fic, I will not warn.The invasion itself is mostly a blur: seconds ticked off by tramping boot-clad footfalls, the brief scream-filled hours at once hectic and interminable, Germany’s hand on his wrist, squeezing squeezing squeezing until Poland is sure his bones are about to break, sure he can hear them grinding against each other over his own shrieks of pain, his priests are on their knees with no God in sight and falling, falling forward into holes like yawning black mouths and his teachers have stopped lecturing, all gone silent and he tastes blood as Germany forces his face into the soil of his own violated span of earth and pushes farther into him ( ... )


Voices From Auschwitz (2/3) anonymous April 8 2009, 17:39:59 UTC
The rock he’s carrying slips in his grasp and he jerks wrong and then pain is shooting through him because he’s twisted his ankle.

I’m dead, he thinks, as soon as he realizes. I can’t work, so I’m dead. It feels half like relief, and half like all the rage that’s been building inside him ever since Germany tore at his clothes while Russia held him down ( ... )


Voices From Auschwitz (3/3) anonymous April 8 2009, 17:45:00 UTC
It’s Sunday. It’s the day of the Lord, which means rest, except that rest means the officers make the prisoners jump for sport instead of work ( ... )


Not OP anonymous April 8 2009, 19:18:23 UTC
Holy shit. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, anon, you've just added another month to the time I'm going to be poking at my WWII related fics in desperate attempts to make them have this evocative or the prose half as beautiful or the heartbreak half as....god.

I'm gonna read this a thousand times, and cry every one of them. WOW.


writeranon anonymous April 8 2009, 19:30:42 UTC
Thank you so much.

The Voices of Auschwitz room?

Kills me every time. It's this room with just benches and transcripts, and this one recording of several survivors telling their memories on a long, endless loop. I stay for the whole loop every time I'm in D.C. This fic would be shallow and hacky without that excellent museum, and the individuals who gratefully gave their strength and pain so that the rest of us could know their stories.


Re: writeranon anonymous April 8 2009, 20:01:11 UTC
*gracefully, not gratefully



Re: writeranon anonymous April 9 2009, 05:23:42 UTC
If there's one thing on my to-do list, is visit that museum. I'ma try extra hard to convince my family to let me go there thanks to your story.


Re: Voices From Auschwitz (3/3) anonymous April 9 2009, 05:24:19 UTC
I get.. all kinds of feelings reading this. Thank you very much!


Re: Voices From Auschwitz (3/3) anonymous April 9 2009, 07:28:36 UTC
Hmm... very interesting.
I take a procrastination break from my work on the Warsaw 1944 Uprising to... find this. It's either fate, or a reminder to get back to work.

Sorry, I'm too tired to say anything profound, but I think I like your fic. It's not very graphic, but I'd say that's probably a good thing. People tend to focus on the horrific and just read history like an action movie. So I'm glad you wrote it the way you did. Also for including other nations. Sometimes I find people focus on their own and would rather not mention the rest...and that probably includes me too.

Polish!anon gives you her approval.


Re: Voices From Auschwitz (3/3) anonymous April 9 2009, 08:31:55 UTC
Wow. I really like this fic. When I saw the title I was a little nervous of what would I see there. You handled the topic very well and your characterisation of Poland and Germany moved me.
I was in Auschwitz last year so it was easy to imagine all these things happening. That place is really scary.


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