Past-Part Fills Part 6 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:30

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[Part 9] Russia/America The Battle for Alaska 1/? anonymous July 21 2011, 06:21:06 UTC
So as I read this at 1:30am I was bitten by a plot bunny. I’d personally avoided all the Alaska bits of RussAme (unless it was like a humorous family crack fill) simply because I knew that I would become addicted.

I knew.

And as I browse through the unfilled options, I get bit anyways. I hope you're still around OP...Well this is my first attempt at a non-oneshot type of deal, so bear with me please?

So this is a slightly alternate history. Alternate. I’m playing with the dates a little, as I want to fulfill the bonus...<.< Henry Turtledove makes cash for doing this, however I do not. I wonder what he’d do with state-tans...? So I humbly introduce you to Alaska state-tan universe, anons. America shivered as he pulled his jacket closer around himself, his breath fogging up his glasses due to the scratchy scarf he wore ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska 2/? anonymous July 21 2011, 06:24:58 UTC
character limits suck. That is all.

When Russia appeared, America wasn’t surprised. Nothing surprised him anymore.

Those violet eyes seemed surprised though, tearing open wounds Alfred didn’t even know existed.

Communists weren’t supposed to care about ‘capitalist pigs’.

Those eyes blinked and America could feel the world rebelling behind his eyelids as they closed.

He wondered, just for a moment, what it felt like.

What it was to be united under one ideal, to be unified.

His people, no matter how the government presented it, was far from being of one mind. Never really had been.

When he opened his eyes, Russia was carrying him, cradling him against that expansive torso and America fell into it, uncaring.

It was warm.

“What are you doing here?” the violet eyes asked even as Alfred buried himself into the warmth.

“Earthquake.” he muttered, “Was nice here, so I stayed.”

“You have to go back, Amerika.” Russia said simply. “Your boss is under the impression that I kidnapped you ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska 3/? anonymous July 21 2011, 06:26:17 UTC

“When was the last time you ate, Amerika?” the voice asked, full of concern when they’d finally setup the bath, the wood underneath crackling merrily.

“Half-hour ago.” he replied, settling into the warmth.

“Before that?”

“I dunno.” And it was the truth, America couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten in the past few days. He must have, but the alcohol and cigarettes and stars had been far more interesting.

He sighed, leaning back. Next he’d be seeing unicorns and fairies. But even that thought wasn’t funny, because thinking about England hurt these days.

Everything hurt these days.

Instead he listened to Russia talk, listening about sisters and nations and the past, which was oh-so-much longer than his own and yet at the same time felt much shorter, and he listened.

Eventually Russia too removed his scarf and his eyes were drawn to the markings beneath it, terrible terrible memories that still scarred the nation, even if the people themselves did not remember such things any longer ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska 4/? anonymous July 21 2011, 06:28:23 UTC
Two weeks later, Alfred was restlessly pacing in his children’s homes. There was so much occurring, everywhere. Recession, Civil Rights, and the ever present Cold War. His boss had agreed with England’s during the conference and now there were Anglo-American missiles to worry about. Not that he wouldn’t have but...they were still worrisome things ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska Notes1 anonymous July 21 2011, 06:32:16 UTC
so this story more or less transformed my small history love into a blown out of proportions overlord of passion. In which I might actually tack another major onto my already English track and my particular personal interest now is the development of the phone in the US but...I digress.

So my main timeline for this year is found here, the conference mentioned is the Bermuda conference, which takes place on March 20th. Alfred misses that. Pregnancy occurs sometime between earthquake and end of March-ish.

And as a personal note, there were plenty of meetings between the presidents/important people of various countries and the countires themselves . It really wouldn’t have been too difficult for them to meet, but I figures this out after I had developed my story/timeline so...

And I don’t make the day born=admittance. To me Virginia’s the first so ( ... )


Re: The Battle for Alaska Notes1 anonymous July 21 2011, 18:09:44 UTC
Wow, the Russiamerica totally made me melt and squee and sigh like a lovestruck fangirl.
I totally love all the timeline bit like the tornadoes and stuff. Totally awesome. I can't wait for the next part!


Re: The Battle for Alaska Notes1 anonymous July 21 2011, 19:23:44 UTC
I loved the relationship of Russia and America they look like the only ones in these scenario, even though they're on a Cold war they still get each other figured out XD

also Alfred worried about his children is so sweet <3


Re: The Battle for Alaska Notes1 anonymous July 21 2011, 22:40:29 UTC
I love the mood that you set... it was so quiet and warm and beautiful and a moment seems like forever. So much love *sigh*
And history bits always make my day! Can you be more perfect, author!anon?


The Battle for Alaska 5/? anonymous July 29 2011, 04:55:51 UTC
So let me just say, I've been fighting with safari for DAYS before I could get this up. DAYS ON END.

So we’re now in mid-May (about 8weeks), and there’s some sort of security meeting over a crisis in Yugoslavia, so country meeting time!.

And Alfred is just finding out the joy of McDonalds, which although technically existing since late 1940s, didn’t become the mainstream company that we know until 1955. 1st restaurant was in 1955, 100th built in 1959, and it moved from west coast to east, so it is plausible that Alfred hasn’t had a burger before now.

And um...Canada has his kids too. Just figured I’d get that out there, cause they’re gonna appear sooner or later.Alfred hated the Security Council meetings these days. There really wasn’t much for them to do anymore, the only ones that listened to them were their bosses anymore. Not that each one really did that either ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska 6/? anonymous July 29 2011, 05:03:11 UTC
Francis nodded, a calculating look on his face. “I shall join you then.”

There wasn’t any innuendo there, well no more than usual when Francis was concerned, but the words went straight through him and he felt a pleasant stirring in his body.

“I really don’t-” but Francis was already had a waitress packing things up, and he wondered just how France got the money to do such things, but then again, this was France. He dropped several bills onto the table, which Francis did not refute.

Back in his room, Francis was giddy with excitement, far too interested in Alfred to even flirt with the room service waiter, which should have set off warning bells, but Alfred was too tired to really care.

“Is this more to your liking, chéri?” he asked as he revealed a rather well done imitation of a burger. He knew that it wasn’t obviously going to be what he was used to, but his stomach wasn’t rolling with nausea any longer.

“What happened to the other food?” he said as he looked over at Francis’s one plate of something.

“I had it delivered to ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska 6b/? anonymous July 29 2011, 20:04:12 UTC
Aw shit. I forgot these few pieces. My bad, guys.

“You didn’t with Angleterre-”

“No! I wouldn’t not when he’ that...”

“Then who is it Amérique? A neutre?”

“Ah, fuck- I can’t handle this right now. My boss is going to kill me. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” he groaned, flinging his arm over his eyes and relishing the blackness ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska 7/? anonymous July 29 2011, 05:23:31 UTC

Alfred couldn’t say he was surprised when England was outside his hotel room at an ungodly early hour.

And from the look on his face and the furrowed eyebrows, he knew.

And he’d taken it one step further with the information France had given him.

He knew.“I take it he knows about this development also?” he asked, lips pursed as he glanced over to Matthew as they sat down at the table ( ... )


The Battle for Alaska 8/? anonymous July 29 2011, 05:36:24 UTC
“I know that, England! But he still deserves to know ( ... )


Re: The Battle for Alaska 8/? anonymous July 30 2011, 09:27:04 UTC
I can't wait to see where this goes!


Re: The Battle for Alaska 8/? anonymous July 31 2011, 06:14:52 UTC
Oh so cute~ Very excited for more ^_^


The Battle for Alaska 9a/? anonymous August 12 2011, 05:33:18 UTC
A!A apologizes for the late delay. Among the hell that is known as RL and my computer’s (largely personal I believe) problems with LJ, a!a also had a number of birthdays (one of which was my own :) But without further ado, I bring you your update. I’m trying a new numbering system here, so bear with me?

Story is now in mid June, so we’re at about 12ish weeks. Geophysical year will be early July and just over 14.

.....and Virginia’s my favorite.“Hello, America-san. How are you?” Japan said warmly as he stood beside his Prime Minister, whom was looking at America in surprise as America bowed slightly ( ... )


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