Hetalia Kink meme part 17

Jun 03, 2012 14:49

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 17



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Mediterranean nations, love for the Mediterranean anonymous January 27 2011, 14:27:49 UTC
I want to see author anons explore any of the Mediterranean nations's (Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Spain, the Italies, Monaco and possibly France) feelings for the Mediterranean sea. What happened there, what they feel for it, what it means, history, the civilizations that inhabited there, etc. Pairings are not required, but anon is fine with everything involving those characters.


Mare Nostrum anonymous February 1 2011, 03:08:04 UTC
Author!anon hopes that she didn't disappoint, as this is not her best work and is her first time filling on a kink meme ^^

Sometimes, with a glass of wine in his hand and a cigarette half burning between his lips, France sits and gazes out at the Mediterranean Sea.

Mare Nostrum, Rome had called it ( ... )


Mare Nostrum anonymous February 1 2011, 03:09:08 UTC
His beautiful mother, with a cobra on her headdress and robes of nearly translucent linen, once told Egypt that without the Mediterranean, the sacred Nile would have had nowhere to flow and Chaos would have taken over the land.

Islam was his religion now, and he does not believe in gods and goddesses, but he appreciates the sea the same way his mother did. It allows for trade and travel, and, by Allah, it is beautifulEvery new year, the ancient date of wep-renpet, he slips down to Alexandria and drops a necklace into the white foam of the water. To honour his mother's memory, he tells himself, and to honour the memory of a civilization long gone, but never forgotten ( ... )


Re: Mare Nostrum anonymous February 1 2011, 04:25:41 UTC
Oh my the imagery in this is really stunning. ;w; And the way it's sort of broken and sort of not makes it read just like a song. I like it very much. And Turkeyyyy why do you remind me of that random stint as afghanistan oh god sldkfjlsdk

hello there my very pneumatic friend


Re: Mare Nostrum anonymous February 1 2011, 04:31:03 UTC
oh darn you

why is my writing so obvious 8|



Re: Mare Nostrum anonymous February 1 2011, 08:09:25 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous, and I love the way you went through all of them like this, with such vibrant imagery. France's especially I thought was powerful.


author!anon anonymous February 2 2011, 00:56:27 UTC
thank you so much!

personally i find france to be a darker character to the others, so it was fun to write him with a more morbid view.


OP anonymous February 1 2011, 08:49:18 UTC
Ah, yeah. This was exactly what I wanted. A lot of this nations history, customs and identity is based on the Mediterranean, so it's nice to see it explored from time to time.

Good job!


author!anon anonymous February 2 2011, 00:57:22 UTC
i'm glad you enjoyed, op!


Re: Mare Nostrum anonymous February 1 2011, 13:04:18 UTC
Perfect! Simply Perfect!

thank you, anon ♥


author!anon anonymous February 2 2011, 00:59:18 UTC
you're welcome :3

i'm glad you enjoyed.


Re: Mare Nostrum anonymous February 1 2011, 16:43:55 UTC
Stunning, gorgeous, by far the best one-shot I've read in this new year, and possibly a lot longer than that. The imagery was truly breathtaking, and I was especially taken by the different ways they regard the same sea; because for anyone who's ever been here, the Mediterranean shows very different looks for such a small water body.

I also loved every single mention of the past. And I have to say Egypt's may be my favourite, followed by Greece's, which is very rare since I usually don't care for those characters.
France's was interestingly morbid, and I found it appealing because he's the least Mediterranean of them all, he has a large continental northern part that's more Germanic than Latin.
Spain's was lovely though I missed some reference to how, for all the sea has given him, his eyes always turned to the ocean aka, the Atlantic, and I liked that he mentioned France's snobism with food xD ( ... )


author!anon anonymous February 2 2011, 01:05:55 UTC
lkshdgljdhd such lovely comments!

i'm really flattered, thank you anon &hearts


Re: Mare Nostrum anonymous February 2 2011, 03:20:11 UTC
Simply gorgeous, author!anon.


Re: Mare Nostrum anonymous February 21 2011, 14:52:03 UTC
I love this!

Turkey's sentiments towards the Mediterranean was lovely considering he is one of the oldest Euro nations~<3

I love Turkey, what can I say? <3

And I adore you for cooking up this gem for us to fangirl over. <333

I hope to see more fills from you, A!A~


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