Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1b/?) anonymous April 12 2011, 22:11:42 UTC
Francis, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t actually try to stand out. It’s simply that he loves his son very, very much, and staunchly believes that he should be supportive of his extracurricular excursions, and, while in the act of doing said supporting, be flawlessly and exquisitely dressed.

It’s an outdoor baseball match, you say? Why, that’s the perfect occasion to don his brand new Louis Vuitton sunglasses! They did cost a good bit of money, after all, and it would be a terrible shame to leave them to waste away in the closet. A nativity play, put on by the first-grade class? The perfect occasion to wear the Armani suit he purchased last month ( ... )


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2b/?) anonymous April 28 2011, 22:42:01 UTC
Francis tells himself that he is not pursuing Arthur romantically, no, not at all. There is a difference between being intrigued and being infatuated, and this is most certainly a case of the former ( ... )


Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2c/?) anonymous April 28 2011, 22:45:58 UTC
“We won’t take no for an answer,” Arthur says, firmly. And, taking a leaf out of Francis’ own book, he kneels down next to Alfred and places both hands on his small shoulders. “Alfred’s never had a friend sleep over, have you, Al ( ... )


Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2d/?) anonymous April 28 2011, 22:48:41 UTC
“He’s your papa, Mattie. You’re supposed to bug him with stuff. That’s what they’re there for ( ... )


Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 28 2011, 22:51:27 UTC
Francis literally has one foot out the door of a gift shop at Heathrow when the display to his left catches his eye.

He moves towards the shelf and takes a plastic London bus in his hands, running his fingers over the windows and tires. A small smile comes unbidden to his lips as he thinks of a grumpy Englishman with ridiculously thick eyebrows who listens to jazz after jogging.

He’s not sure how long he stands there, absentmindedly turning the bus over and over in his hands.

He hums to himself, picturing a detailed scenario in which he comes home to Arthur and presents him with his gift only to receive an embarrassed scowl in return; he imagines Matthew and Alfred running down to greet him, Matthew with his shy, unobtrusive smile and Alfred with his boundless cheer. He imagines -


Coming home to Arthur ( ... )


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 28 2011, 23:28:49 UTC
Coming home to Arthur? I squeed. This is adorable and so IC. I wonder what happened to the boys' mothers... Great update, A!A.


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 28 2011, 23:32:43 UTC
oh my gosh.
A!anon, this broke my heart. now you are obligated to put it back together...
this is all sorts of amazing. oh wow...
so looking forward to the next installment!


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 01:39:27 UTC
*Squeals* So I know this is a FrUk fill, but omg, Alfred and Matthew have absolutely steolen this story for me. I love them being all brotherly together as much as I ship the two sometimes both at the same time. Alfred reassuring Matthew as being awesome just made me melt. Yes Arthur, you definitely raised him right. <3

Also this exchange:
“We’re just not used to pretty things around here, that’s all.”

“I’m pretty,” Alfred protests.

Oh Alfred dear, you are pretty, the prettiest even. XD

PS: Just a side note, if Francis didn't mention that the Alfred and Matthew were six, I would have thought they were older (closer to 8 even). Maybe it's just all the 6 years old I've been around with, or they're just really mature for their age. lol.


Nope, normal anonymous May 11 2011, 00:29:50 UTC
Or maybe I've been around TO many mature kids? The ones I have been near are like this too. So, was I. Than again some were complete idiots even FOR six year olds so...ya.


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 02:11:35 UTC
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT UNCLE GILBERT. Poor Matt. xD I see he's got some bad, bad memories...

Ahaha, damn, they're just so ADORABLE. Bonding through the kids. <3<3 The best way to bond. And Francis realizing he's proud of Alfred too d'awwwwww. And how he clearly adores Matt. I always feel depressed when in fics Francis is ignoring Matt. ;;_;; Especially in those where he's his son. (Even though it might be kind of accurate... orz But then again in real life France has a lot of kids so it's probably hard to keep up with them...)

aklsgjhfkjlghdgjkgjh ALFRED. ;;;_____;;;<3<3<3 Oh my god he's so awesome for telling Mattie he's important. Omg, my heart just broke, was resurrected, and started dancing. And then broke again when Matt said he has to be good so papa doesn't leave him too. BAWWWWWWWWWWWWW ( ... )


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 03:01:24 UTC
oh gosh, this made me squee! ;3;
i shall be waiting for the next update excitedly!


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 03:49:10 UTC
Oh wow. ♥

I'm in love with this. Little Matthew and Alfred have completely stolen my heart. They are so. Freaking. Cute. Matthew. I want to snuggle him and spoil him and give him whatever he wants. And Alfred. When he buttoned his shirt wrong. <333333 They totally make this story for me.

(Although they seem rather...mature...for six. ^.^; But no worries.)

I like how the relationship between Francis and Arthur is building. I love Artie and his tsundere ways. And Francis and his theatrics. This may be one of my favorites already and we're just two chapters in. Please keep up the wonderful writing, anon.


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 05:48:14 UTC
You...I'm a pathetic little pile of goo right now, and it's all your fault, you wonderful writer you!

This is funny and perfectly well-written, with delightful characterisation and sweet details, but over everything else, it's emotional and soft and dear and everything I could for in a family story.

I won't lie, I was on the verge of tears when little Matthew hugged Arthur as he tucked him in, and I mean the good tears, the awww, this is so beautiful I hope this author never stops - kind of tears.

You make me so happy with this, a!a.


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 06:09:29 UTC
Oh I love this story!!! I just smiled through the whole thing ^.^ Your Francis and Arthur are so perfectly bumbling around each other. It's wonderful to watch them move slowly towards one another. And oh god your sweet little Mattie and Alfred! Seriously too adorable. I wanted to run in and hug Matthew and Alfred's words were just fantastic. So, so loving this!


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 07:26:46 UTC
oh anon *_*

The scene where Arthur says those words to Mattie and the hug... aslkdjls and this from the guy who tried his best to hate Mattie in the first chapter.

Aaah they are becoming a family <333333


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (2e/?) anonymous April 29 2011, 11:06:46 UTC
This is so adorable! I want more and more of this. Please, a!a, update quickly!


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