Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 1 2011, 18:16:36 UTC
CSLXXXVIII. Infinitely Large Gravitational Fields Being Produced

Kiku looked up at the near-inaudible click of the door. “What happened?” he asked, scanning Matthew’s face in trepidation.

Matthew took off his jacket. He wasn’t sure what to do with it, so he set it on the floor and then took off his shoes. He crawled into his bed, curling up under the blankets where it was safe.


His lips felt anesthetized, deadened. It was difficult to speak. “I’ll finish my independent study with Mr. Braginski. Apparently he knows a little something about astronomy, sort of a hobby. I can graduate with the other students.”

“Oh,” said Kiku. “Mr. Jones?”

The density of existing was too heavy. “Gone for a while,” said Matthew, rolling over to face the wall. “You’ll hear about it in class tomorrow.”

skljadls, this update was so crap, I’m sorry. And so late! I’ve been really bogged down with graduate school applications, but those are all out come Monday, and so I tried to buckle down and finish this update. ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 9 2011, 03:14:23 UTC
Your words, Author!Anon.

Your words make me heartsick.

This is beautiful. The emotions are tangible.

It's wonderful, Author!Anon, truly. Also, I'm way too attached to this story for my own good. I don't think I've ever cried so much from such heartache from just words.

Awaiting the next update! Oh, and be sure to take care of yourself first. We will wait for you.
I hope your best day of 2010 is your worst day of 2011. Have a wonderful new year!


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 11 2011, 18:40:52 UTC
Damn it,woman(?)!Author anon you're making me cry with this.This anon suspects that there is going to be no happy ending for Alfred and Matt.At least it would seem more realistic if there was no happy ending.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 13 2011, 00:27:00 UTC

*scrabbles around* going to be honest this is probably the worse feeling ever. I know just what the dean is going through, just how risky this is but...

;3; I just want them to be okay


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 18 2011, 03:38:35 UTC
Aww, there's no more story…it's always at the most dramatic bit that there's no more story to be had. Please, author!anon-san, do update as quickly as you can. [bows]

Also, Kiku is too adorable/awesome for his own good. I want one. [huggles Kiku]


This is very awesome, and I really feel bad for Al and Matt, now…usually, I don't really ship AmeCan, but I do make exceptions for awesome stuff, and this is very awesome.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 21 2011, 22:20:50 UTC
Damn. Just. You. Author. Fuck, I mean ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous January 27 2011, 12:23:29 UTC
I just read this entire thing in one sitting and I don't know if I will ever have the words to do this fill justice. Especially not right now. This is just. This. Thisthisthisthisthisthis. This is amazing. This is brilliant. Definitely one of my most favourite fics I've ever read. Finding words during incoherency is not my strong suit.
Oh, Matthew. Oh, Alfred.
I have so much love for this. You are amazing, author!anon. Truly, truly amazing.


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous February 10 2011, 09:22:19 UTC

I got a link to chapter 1 from a friend of mine yesterday. I sat up reading this non stop and. Thank you ;_;


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous February 14 2011, 19:25:06 UTC
I love this story so much, and waiting for updates is killing me slowly ;__; You do NOT fail at drama if what I'm feeling is any indication ;______;

So much love for this story!


Re: General Relativity (178/?) anonymous February 20 2011, 12:27:46 UTC this entire fic through from part one to here in one night. It's now 4am and I'm close to crying my eyes out and/or calling one or more of my friends and old lovers. WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME ( ... )


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