Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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[Part 16] France/England - Single Parents anonymous April 12 2011, 22:04:10 UTC

France and England are single parents struggling to raise a child/children on their own and somewhere along the way they meet and hook up.


Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1a/?) anonymous April 12 2011, 22:08:44 UTC
OP, I hope you enjoy this and that it's at least a little bit of what you had in mind. It's a great prompt!

At every school function or extracurricular activity, there’s always one parent who sticks out like a sore thumb.

In this case, however, Arthur thinks it’s probably more apt to say that if one considers the “normal” parents unobtrusive, common wildflowers, then Francis Bonnefoy is a fucking orchid that grows with the tenacity of a weed and insists on outshining them all.

The man inexplicably draws his eye at every sports tournament and music recital with his obscenely shiny Italian leather shoes and impeccable suits. The thing that probably bothers him the most, however, is that he never sits still.At karate tournaments, he drums his long, manicured fingers anxiously on his plastic chair, tapping out a steady staccato rhythm that grates on Arthur’s nerves like no other. At hockey matches, he’s up on his feet three-quarters of the time, banging against the boards, shouting words of encouragement to his son and cursing ( ... )


Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1b/?) anonymous April 12 2011, 22:11:42 UTC
Francis, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t actually try to stand out. It’s simply that he loves his son very, very much, and staunchly believes that he should be supportive of his extracurricular excursions, and, while in the act of doing said supporting, be flawlessly and exquisitely dressed.

It’s an outdoor baseball match, you say? Why, that’s the perfect occasion to don his brand new Louis Vuitton sunglasses! They did cost a good bit of money, after all, and it would be a terrible shame to leave them to waste away in the closet. A nativity play, put on by the first-grade class? The perfect occasion to wear the Armani suit he purchased last month ( ... )


Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1c/?) anonymous April 12 2011, 22:14:59 UTC
Arthur tries his damndest to hate Matthew and fails miserably.

He automatically assumes that Matthew will be just as big of an ass as his father, with perfectly coiffed hair and an inherently arrogant demeanor. He is wrong on both counts - Matthew’s hair does possess a waviness about it that’s not unlike that of his father’s, but more often than not it’s tangled in knots that cause tears to spring into his eyes whenever he tries to comb them out, and as for the arrogance - well. Well.Arthur asks, “Is there anything specific you’d like to eat? I’m, er, not much of a cook, but I’d be willing to give just about anything a try ( ... )


Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 12 2011, 22:16:18 UTC
Before they realize it, they’re in a strange arrangement with proper schedules concerning who has to pick the kids up from school and who’s going over to whose house and oh-yes-there-is-a-game-Friday-night-I’ll-drop-the-kids-off-there-and-we’ll-just-meet-each-other-there-okay ( ... )


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 12 2011, 23:01:27 UTC
This is awesome :) I really hope you continue cause miniMatt has stolen my heart too and I wanna see how Francis manages to worm his way into a real conversation with Arthur XD


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 12 2011, 23:58:48 UTC
This is adorableee. <3 Can't wait for the next update! ♥


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 01:15:24 UTC
If you are who I think you are: I fucking love you. If you're not, I still fucking love you.

God I've been just aching for a new FrUK family fic and then DELIVERANCE - this beginning is just amazing. I love your writing (I swear, is it or isn't it you) and I've just been smiling the whole time reading this. Fantastic job so far, I seriously can't wait for more!


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 03:11:32 UTC
Really really nice, Author anon! Can't wait for the next update!


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 07:22:03 UTC
This is so freaking brilliant. No really, I think I recognize your sense of humour and love it to bits and this is instantly on my list of an-update-of-this-makes-my-whole-day fills list and I feel like it's Christmas now that you started this adorable prompt.

The best part - little Matt squeezing his papa's hand and "Be nice."


another anon anonymous April 13 2011, 16:52:40 UTC
>>The best part - little Matt squeezing his papa's hand and "Be nice."



Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 10:23:05 UTC
This is so. Freaking. Awesome.


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 11:41:16 UTC
Soooo cute!!!


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 16:50:40 UTC

I approve of this.


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 19:49:19 UTC
My heart and soul, have them. This is absurdly perfect, I'm grinning like an idiot here.


Re: Anatomy of an Anomalous Relationship (1d/?) anonymous April 13 2011, 22:45:11 UTC
Authornon, you are a (wo)man after my own heart. Oh, you are. I can't stop smiling.


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