Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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Code Green [1/2] anonymous February 4 2011, 15:51:22 UTC
The prompt said 'cookies'. So I thought 'England'. Poor, poor Nations.Hong Kong was normally a very composed person, or "emotionless in a borderline sociopathic way" as someone had said rather unkindly during an alcohol induced rave ( ... )


Re: Code Green [2/2] anonymous February 4 2011, 15:52:10 UTC
All former British colonies had long ago agreed on a colour system that indicated what condition their once coloniser was in. The colours ran from Code Grey (England had spilt his tea - Proceed with caution and only if you are offering to refill his cup) to Code White (Drunk England in the attire of Britannia Angel - Do not approach unless you have a death wish), with Code Green being the second highest alert level.


"Cookies. Chocolate chip."

"Fuck me dead. Where's America?" said Australia, starting to panic slightly.

"Out having lunch." supplied India.

"At McDonald's." added Singapore.

Australia swore. Very crudely.

"We're in his House, he's gonna to find us no matter where we try to hide." said Hong Kong.

"Has he got anyone yet?" asked Australia.

"Canada. There was nothing I could do." reported Hong Kong. India pressed a hand over her O shaped mouth in shock. Oh the poor, sweet boy. "We have to find America! We need his iron belly ( ... )


Re: Code Green [2/2] anonymous February 4 2011, 16:12:04 UTC
Here, a!a! I'm laughing right now, so shall we say, Mission accomplished :)


A!A anonymous February 5 2011, 16:01:31 UTC
Glad to hear it! :D


stalker SG!anon from before anonymous February 4 2011, 17:02:28 UTC
:D I knew it was you! Hahaha went back to double check at the thread for your CNY fill and I was right hahaha OMGOSH CODE GREEN <3 I loved Australia's reactions and how Hong Kong seemed to take charge! Plus motherly India is love lol.

"We have to find America! We need his iron belly!"

EPIC WIN (Y) Awesome fill, author!anon ^^


Re: Code Green [2/2] anonymous February 4 2011, 20:02:36 UTC
Hi! fellow SG!anon here, too :) I read the CNY bunny-ear-China fill and found that I like the commonwealth interactions you have (though technically Malaysia has 20% Chinese population and won't need translations. Oh, well. Details), especially HK and SG. They're 'same, same, but different', you know, especially since an article in times or newsweek not so long ago features the two competing for the most popular city in Asia or something. nvm. the point is I foresee them as good pals, competitive but friendly. I love Aussie's potty mouth, too. 'Fuck me dead', precisely my sentiment heh ( ... )


above SG!anon agrees anonymous February 5 2011, 02:38:40 UTC
With you thinking SG should be a nerdy bespectacled boy XD Recently we were named the second coolest country in the world because of our nerd culture and high computer literacy rate /facepalms Oh and speaking of MRT Stations - Tan Kah Kee station, anyone?


Re: above SG!anon agrees anonymous February 5 2011, 10:19:20 UTC
The article must be confusing 'cool' with 'take one look and you can't help but shake your head at it' (wondering who's first, anyway?).

Well, my headcanon will be 16-year-old Secondary Sch bespectacled guy who interns in Govt bodies a lot. Or 16-year-old don't-mess-with-me 'kiasu' girl interning in DBS (why so specific? lol).

I was referring to Dover (green line) and Somerset (red line) haha. Well, naming MRT stations with historical beneficiaries isn't an uncommon practice. I'm surprised I don't see Lee Kong Chian MRT station popping up somewhere.

But, ok, back to the fill about. I re-read it and grinned at also another Singaporean practice - calling others when we're supposed to meet. Be 10 minutes late, and you can be assured that you'll have at least 1 call.

And poor Canada indeed. Don't take it too seriously that the Asia Pacific colonies couldn't save you, Canada, your brother is the strongest Iggy-shield that ever exists. You just have to convince America you exist X)


OMG DOVER anonymous February 5 2011, 11:22:58 UTC
I am such a failure, I went to school in Dover Road (no prizes for guessing which one, I think we're infamous right now) and I never linked it to a place in England.

Haha I like your headcanon about male!SG, mine is something like him being this 16/17 year old who looks young but is rather old and mature inside (I mean, SG has been around for ages so, lol). He'll probably be quite quiet and will be extremely nosy about relationships between others and may try matchmaking. Lulz kay poh much? AND YES HE WILL DEFINITELY INTERN AT GIC. And the Attorney-General's Chambers.

And lol yeah! Sometimes you don't need 10 minutes, if your parents are the ones waiting, expect a call within 3 or 4 minutes once the stipulated meeting time has passed /facepalms

Oh but somehow I seem to think that Singapore and HK won't forget Canada. Quite a number of people do migrate to Canada, right? So... Lol retarded logic is retarded OTL


Proudly SG A!A anonymous February 5 2011, 16:29:44 UTC
@StalkerAnon - Hurray for motherly India indeed! The meme needs more Commonwealth Nations I tell you!
And American's iron belly is what keeps the rest of the World safe so he is a hero indeed. The only other person that can take England's cooking is Sealand I reckon since he is made of steel!

Oh, and I totally agree with the idea that SG and HK won't forget Canada, though my reasoning is that they themselves are very tiny countries who rely on trade to get by, so forgetting the second largest country in the world is a v. bad idea!

@OtherSGAnon - (Aiyah, don't go ruining my Malaysia/Singapore moments with facts! Actually, I have a bit of head canon about why Malaysia doesn't speak/understand much Chinese but I shan't bore you with it. XD) You totally read my mind about HK and SG's relationship! And Australia's potty mouth was a pleasure to write. ;D ( ... )


Re: Code Green [2/2] anonymous February 4 2011, 22:43:41 UTC
This is so funny! You're that same person who did the bunny-ears China one, right? You're such a good writer! It's awesome, and I love it.


Re: Code Green [2/2] anonymous February 5 2011, 16:03:07 UTC
Yup, it is indeed I! Thank you for reading both my fills and for the praise dear anon! It really motivates me to write more! ♥


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