Hetalia Kink meme part 15

Jun 03, 2012 14:47

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 15



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Any - Small Pleasures anonymous October 16 2010, 01:33:42 UTC
I'd like to see something about a nation's small pleasures that don't have to do with their relationships. For example, maybe how much England enjoys a quiet cup of tea, or Prussia petting Gilbird or something. Doesn't have to be those, of course. Any character. Multi-fills are wonderful and totally short is fine.


"Everything Imaginable" anonymous October 18 2010, 03:28:43 UTC
He had seen it out of the corner of his eye as he walked down the aisle, clad in its familiar dress of yellows and greens. Immediately the edge of his mouth twitched up into a small wispy smile. He brought his hand up and then paused, leaving it suspended mere inches away. His fingers twitched, and then he grabbed it and put it in his cart. America couldn't remember the last time he had bought a box of crayons for himself ( ... )


OP anonymous October 18 2010, 03:59:22 UTC
Aww, this is adorably wonderful. (And I totally know exactly what crayolas smell like, too!)


author-Anon anonymous October 18 2010, 04:15:08 UTC
thank you!
i was worried that it was kinda weird XD
i love the smell of crayola crayons
this was actually inspired because the other day i saw a 96 pack of crayons in the store
so i bought it and a coloring book XD


Re: "Everything Imaginable" anonymous October 20 2010, 02:29:31 UTC
Mmmm, this makes me want to dig out my crayons.... maybe I'll do that character sheet I need to do in crayon :3

Loved it~ So few words but you could really feel America there. And want to join him in his fun <3

.....captcha, why do you keep giving me German with weird accents I have no idea how to type? D: Give me Japanese and we're cool, but German I just can't do ;-;


Pas de Deux anonymous October 19 2010, 08:55:07 UTC
[s]this meme needs more France[/s]

He very much enjoyed the feel of another’s hand in his.

Being the Country of Love is a wonderful existence. Love is beautiful, stunning, all consuming, and being the embodiment of such a title brings nothing less than pride and pure exhilaration of living it day in and day out. It is a sensation that hums and thrums from his soul, to his fingertips, to every move he makes in unison with the beat of his heart. Thump-dump, thump-dump the musical organ plays within a chest. Love is life, which breaths into fresh silky roses, scented with promise ( ... )


Pas de Deux - notes anonymous October 19 2010, 09:19:17 UTC

- "little boys" refers to America and Canada; because France is always such a Papa.

- "Calloused from war and trenches; caked with mud and oil - turmoil, death and disease..." - It can be anyone really, but I had Arthur in mind.

- "More smooth and soft like the fur lining winter coats - The first snow has fallen..." - at this part I was referring to Canada.

just thought I'd clear up any confusion c:


Re: Pas de Deux anonymous October 19 2010, 12:34:25 UTC
This is incredibly cute and tender. I love France when he's protrayed like this!


Re: Pas de Deux anonymous October 19 2010, 16:20:20 UTC
Seconding above comment, and an appropriate small pleasure for France indeed!


Re: Pas de Deux anonymous October 19 2010, 18:03:04 UTC
Oh. My. God. Authornon. Gimme back my heart, coz you just stole it in case you didn't notice.

This is PERFECT.

Helloooo, new headcanon.


Authoranon anonymous October 19 2010, 20:10:21 UTC
Oh wow, haha, thank you! And thanks also to everyone for their good reviews, I didn't expect this to be so well liked :)

...... -keeps hard in a treasure chest- yarrr,


oops anonymous October 20 2010, 00:15:48 UTC

*heart :[ fff


Re: Pas de Deux anonymous October 20 2010, 02:25:34 UTC
This gave me warm fuzzies, I wanted to roll on my bed like Holy Roman Empire x3

France has a special place in my heart, and it's great to see this which seems to hit all of his character instead of just a little bit.


OP anonymous October 20 2010, 19:38:24 UTC
Ah, this really is beautiful!


OMG SO MUCH LOVE anonymous October 21 2010, 12:59:39 UTC
Yet the touch of a hand, palm to palm, is something completely, utterly refreshing. Where Love is fleeting, a hand upon his says so much more. Whether it be fingers entwining (dear sweet Antonio; passionate in all that he does), palms cupped and folded (Gilbert is the ever always grab and take with no flourish or mind; though that was part of his charm). Or be it a forceful grab of the writs as he is dragged, with linger fingers close to his palm bushing ever so slightly (Ah his Rosbif, his Eyebrows, his Angleterre ; how he loves him), or clumsy little tugs at his digits, calling his attention this way and that (His lovely little boys, no matter how big they grow, they will always be his boys).

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I love you, author anon. It's so utterly gorgeous, everything, from beginning to end, everyone mentined as France's most important people, dearest and closest to his heart, and the way you used your words to express it. Guuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I LOVE IT <3<3<3<3<3<3


Germany - A Fine Day in Spring anonymous October 19 2010, 12:59:01 UTC
Leaving Gilbert to deal with any emergencies is probably not the best course of action in other nations’ eyes, but Germany trusts his brother - Prussia can be serious and responsible when the need arises - and really, even Ludwig needs vacation once in a while.

So here he is, all responsibility abandoned (how unlike him - he manages a small smile to himself), sitting in a Biergarten beside a lake and enjoying a glass of ice-cool Weißbier. He bathes in the warm spring sun and sighs contently.

There are birds chirping softly nearby and the wind breezes gently across the lake. A lovely spring day in Bavaria. He can see children rolling on the grass ground, playing with their dogs not far away, their parents standing nearby, smiling indulgently. Germany hums under his breath and sips his beer.

He will let Gilbert worry about state business on his own for a few more days.


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