Hetalia Kink meme part 14 -- CLOSED

Jun 03, 2012 14:46

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 14



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AU All the male nations are straight anonymous September 17 2010, 23:21:17 UTC
All the male nations are straight, and this is The Ultimate Battle to get the (few) female nations for themselves. The females nations ally or rat each other out, fight or surrender (willingly -that is, they're in love with the male pursuing them-, or not), to the guys.

Bonus. Two females are in a relationship together and fighting extremely hard to remain together and not be conquered as concubines by the males.
Some males can fight alongside the females because they are already in a relationship with one, the females are their siblings, or they genuinely believe they don’t deserve this. Authoranon can chose just ONE bi or homo male nation, if they want.

Try to include all the female nations (that includes Wy and Monaco). OCs totally accepted (especially India, Mexico, Portugal and Israel). Genderbents only accepted for three characters max, and NONE of them are America, Canada or England, who should remain males.
if you really really want one of them to be female, only England, pleaseAny pairings, though OP ships Canada/Ukraine ( ... )


Hysteria [Prologue] anonymous September 18 2010, 22:02:08 UTC

Hi everybody! Here is a small prologue to the fill . I'm not sure that the way I represented it is what OP was looking for but the plot bunny was becoming more and more agressive. It also features OC!Israel, OC!Palestine and OC!Iran but in the next chap I will focus on canon character. I don't want to offend anyone, wish you like it.She’d always been good at science. Fast learner, goes to conferences and knows the last theories from physics to psychology. It takes her far from her war, her chaos. Lost in more and less exact science, Israel can breathe and feel calm. Most times ( ... )


Op anonymous September 19 2010, 15:35:47 UTC
Interesting and bold, authoranon. I like this and the OCs feel realistic and intriguing. I loved that Israel and Palestine live in the same house to keep an eye on each otherXD. I can't wait to see what else you do with my prompt ^^

One thing:

She can’t, and Iran with is well shaved bear

I know you meant 'beard', but I couldn't stop laughingXD


XD anonymous September 19 2010, 18:05:24 UTC
OMG that's why I must do my english homework instead of filling this meme OTL
XD Happy you liked it anyway

I forget to ask in the fill, is there any pairing OP prefer to/not to see besides Canada/Ukraine?


Op anonymous September 19 2010, 19:41:48 UTC
Lol, don't we all?

As for pairings, I'm up to anything except Spamano, UKJapan and Russia/Baltics (though, in this context, the last one not existing would be a bit unbelievable. Unless Russia were to be genderbended, and the Baltics were the ones doing the pursuing or scared shitless and protecting her against their willsXD).

Pairings I like are: Vietnam/America/Russia, Belgium/Spain/Netherlands/France, Belarus/Russia/America, Monaco/France/Spain, America/Taiwan, America/Ireland, England/India, England/Portugal/Spain, America/Mexico/Spain, Israel/America, and for any genderbents, I ship any combination of France, England, America, Russia, Spain, Germany and China.

But please, do not feel restricted by this, I want to see what you come up with, good authors can convince me to ship the pairings I usually don't like, and I absolutely love rare pairings and being surprised ^^


Hysteria [1/?] anonymous September 19 2010, 22:50:34 UTC
Hello again, I'm sorry if this is short or have horrible english mistakes. I did my best ^^ Well I wanted to post it now because nexts week I will be pretty busy. Btw, love your historical-inspired pairings OP. And I hope Belarus was not to OOC, hope you like.“This was bound to happen” is a sentence that always angers Belarus. Most times it’s a lie that only means that it you knew it was possible, not inevitable. And if you really knew that you could have do something.Usually, she would tell Ukraine she was being silly but not today with her sister’s almost sobbing at the other side of the phone line ( ... )


Hysteria [1/?] anonymous September 19 2010, 22:52:54 UTC
And a little more

-I have to cook Hungary.

-Yeah, I have to fix dinner too. - Belarus can almost feel the sad smile. - Take care. Trying times are coming.

She will. She has to.

If you’re a female nation you learn very quickly not to ignore males. It can work for a while when you’re little or protected by someone but eventually you have to face it, they desire, they love declarations, or gropes or treats it comes with the pack. So you have to go and meet them, make they understand you’re not interested or go and surrender. You’ve to be always thinking, always careful to keep you friend as friends only and to prevent being caught by enemies. It’s your business is your responsibility.

Of course you can rely on others, ask help, but ones never knows. Natalya doesn’t like to pay favors and besides, she has not this fragility, the charm other girls have to get men to love them. Belarus hopes she had those so her brother would be chasing her, no providing her sister with the chaste protection of family.


Op anonymous September 20 2010, 17:46:27 UTC
Oh, i like how hardened natalya seems, it sounds very plausible, this reaction, given her character. Another thing I liked was the female solidarity, what a nice touch ;)
This chapter made me wonder in what way will Russia feature here. Meanwhile, let me stay here laughing at Germany being shot by SwitzerlandXD


Re: Hysteria [1/?] anonymous September 24 2010, 03:04:48 UTC
This fill looks like it's going to be a lot of suspenseful fun! I'm looking forward to it. I agree that Belarus is portrayed well and how it's called "The Hunting".

Aw, poor Liechtenstein. I kind of expected Prussia and Netherlands (And Spain, but oh well), but Germany? Oh dear, the poor girl would get crushed under him XD


Hysteria 2/? anonymous October 4 2010, 01:01:08 UTC
Authoranon is really sorry for the long time without posting, first college weeks are rough and I had a hard time with the two characters of these chapter it's a little more angsty biut 'i planning more humor and confusion later. Next update wil, be sooner I promise.

Also I'm really happy OP is liking it and thank to anon for the other comment, Germany has his reasons I will return to Europe soon. As usual I expect that you enjoy it. Btw is Op alright if this word is slightly homophobic as they're in an heterocentrist reality aybe hoosexuality is not see as normal I'm not thinking in total hatred but a slight discriminationIf anything it’s boring. She likes action movies, watches lots. And it’s always fun and exciting especially when they have scenes like this one: Good guy thinking a infallible plan. Remembering his master and training he calculate the perfect move while bad guy who’s holding him in hostage and is overconfident and calm. Movies have all those things like a hero and a plot. But she’s not so lucky the villain doesn’ ( ... )


Re: Hysteria 2b/? anonymous October 4 2010, 01:02:57 UTC
-Maybe ( ... )


Op anonymous October 5 2010, 23:29:39 UTC
Don't worry for the lateness, author anon, especially if you deliver something so wonderful! The thing I liked most about this chapter was how coy and subtle it was, how confusing, how indirect. It's totally Asian ;)
When compared to the directedness of the other chapters, this felt like they were dancing, and not very clear on what they themselves wanted, did or thought in their dance. Wow. In the end I don't even know what Yao is doing there, and what (who) Taiwan wants, and the sensation is delicious. I also like everytime you bring up gender issues, now coloured with Asian entertainment and culture.

As for your question, absolutely. I didn't write it, but it makes a lot of sense, you're right, and also adds a wonderful dramatic element. Can't wait for the next chapter, authoranon ^^

(did you post this to the Fills page? do it, share the awesome ^^)


Re: Hysteria 2b/? anonymous October 10 2010, 02:27:20 UTC
Aw,I really like these two interacted. It actually felt brother-sister like minus the fake gushiness, it felt so real. I love how you bring out the possessive and protective sides of the big brother nations, and how the girls actually want someone but it's too dangerous to get to them without running into everyone else.


Hysteria [3/?] anonymous October 11 2010, 00:32:07 UTC
I used y only genderbender nation and I have no regrets. Thanks to Op and Anon for the wonderful comments it's always interesting to play a little with women position and gender issue. And for this chapter I'm sorry for the pairing that is kind of a rarepairing but akes a lot of sense in context also for once, tasty notes at teh end. Enjoy. Back when Cuba was catholic, before she learnt religion is the opium of the people, she thought that those bastards had a strange pact with God. For a long time she couldn’t find another explanation for their power. Spain, England, Netherlands, France had a halo of supremacy and shining success. For her - for all of them in those days- Europe had everything one could ever desire: money and power, jewels and white skin, women and weapons ( ... )


Re: Hysteria [3b/?] anonymous October 11 2010, 00:34:27 UTC
Mexico, pretty and dear Mexico with her gorgeous hips and foul mouths and strong will. She always had her way to get men while being strong Cuba doesn’t know how but her violence is arousing and her wisdom is sensual according to men, two in fact: Spain and the Unites States ( ... )


Re: Hysteria [3b/?] anonymous October 14 2010, 03:03:48 UTC
I really like your girl Cuba as well as all the Latin American chicks, because I really like seeing those on the meme. Good job on properly shipping SpainxCuba, I really found it believable.


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