Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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The Companion [5.6/?] anonymous May 5 2010, 18:50:54 UTC
America processed what Russia was saying slowly.‭ ‬He'd never thought about it in the terms Russia was explaining him,‭ ‬in terms that sounded almost desirable. He shook his head and threw one of the puzzles at Russia,‭ ‬distracting himself from the idea.

‭"These crosswords suck," he blurted ( ... )


The Companion [7.2/?] anonymous May 19 2010, 17:15:36 UTC
America blinked,‭ ‬his arm lowering.‭ "‬What‭?"

"Do you like phone calls,‭ ‬America‭? ‬I'm sure you receive many‭─‬ used to receive many,‭ ‬before you came to live with me.‭" ‬Russia spoke as though America had willingly chosen to shack up with him,‭ ‬as if he were only staying for a short visit.

Anger successfully diffused by the sheer absurdity of Russia's words,‭ ‬America's hands dropped awkwardly to his sides.‭ "‬I guess they're okay.‭ ‬I mean,‭ ‬sometimes they're not all that great,‭ ‬but I like‭ '‬em well enough.‭"

"Are you lonely without their calls now‭?"

America sniffed at the question.‭ ‬He wasn't‭ ‬too‭ ‬lonely.‭ ‬There were much more important things to worry about at the moment.‭ ‬Not that he wouldn't mind having someone other than Russia to talk to,‭ ‬if that was even what he and Russia did.‭ ‬They more or less fought a daily battle to exist in the same dimension of time and space.‭ ‬Or at least,‭ ‬that was how America viewed his days ( ... )


The Companion [7.3/?] anonymous May 19 2010, 17:16:49 UTC
Russia was unphased by the dramatic gesture.‭ "‬I would prefer not to.‭ ‬You seem rather upset,‭ ‬America.‭ ‬Perhaps you should lie back down‭?"

America pushed the book back into its place,‭ ‬the case rattling with the force of the movement.‭ "‬Do you know what day it is‭? ‬Because‭ ‬I‭ ‬don't,‭" ‬America spouted at no one in particular,‭ ‬his voice faltering slightly,‭ ‬a crack piercing his words.‭ "‬Hell,‭ ‬I don't even know what time it is anymore.‭" ‬His shoulders sagged in desperate exasperation ( ... )


The Companion [7.4/?] anonymous May 19 2010, 17:23:03 UTC
"Of course,‭ ‬I was not expecting you to help.‭ ‬I'd rather you stay away from any sharp utensils.‭" ‬Russia stopped almost immediately at America's room.‭ "‬I will knock when it is time to eat ( ... )


Re: The Companion [7.5/?] anonymous May 19 2010, 17:24:50 UTC
‭Instead he focused on England. Not how close he had been to speaking to him, but the fact that England was looking for him. He thought about the welcome he'd receive once he was out of this Hell hole. There'd probably have a party, one with streamers and balloons. Everyone would realise what a vital part he was to their lives, his goofy smile and wild ideas, both things necessary at their meetings.

‭ Except there wasn't going to be a meeting this month, apparently. Russia had already sorted that out nicely, warping England's grief into an excuse to postpone them. America wondered what would happen once the meetings did start up again ( ... )


The Companion [7.6/?] anonymous May 19 2010, 17:27:54 UTC
‭"Hey, guess what time it is? Time to tell me what's going on ( ... )


Re: The Companion [7.6/?] anonymous May 19 2010, 20:55:40 UTC
Ahhh cliffhanger! So mean! (Just kidding!)

I love this. A lot <3


Re: The Companion [7.6/?] anonymous May 22 2010, 00:44:34 UTC
So cruel, anon, taunting us with cliffhangers ;__;

I do enjoy how you're portraying Russia so far - even if I'm terrible at putting it into words. There's just so many moments - he's so lonely and he doesn't want to hurt America but sometimes he just does and aldfjakdjf

So in other words, MOAR PLZ. (gives you internets)


The Companion [8/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 17:54:39 UTC
America stared with a growing, and very confused, interest at the television. He had girded his loins for some kind of earth-shattering news report, with screaming people throwing themselves out of buildings and Russian troops marching down Wall Street ( ... )


The Companion [8.1/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 17:56:04 UTC
"That was only a brief mention, they will be coming back to it later in the program ( ... )


The Companion [8.2/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 17:57:33 UTC
Russia was still curled on his side, one hand hidden beneath his pillow while the other was wound about his scarf. America slowly scooted closer to the headboard, squinting at Russia's face. It was lax, lacking the composure of those who were awake. America waved a hand in front of Russia's face and waited for a reaction, but received none ( ... )


The Companion [8.3/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 17:59:10 UTC
Small scenarios regarding how to attain a new room flit through his head, the news becoming nothing but background noise. He closed his eyes, mind moving from thoughts of warm rooms back to what he had seen. Those two men had only been shaking hands, it didn't equate to any kind of friendship, as Russia was regarding it.

‭ At best, it was only a small step towards not so rocky times. America was sure that no matter how much paperwork Russia had stolen, he didn't have the power to change things to such an extent that their countries would be closer.

America,‭ ‬as a person,‭ ‬as‭ ‬Alfred,‭ ‬did have a certain amount of power regarding the actions of his country.‭ ‬Not much,‭ ‬but enough that if he was unshakably against something,‭ ‬it wouldn't happen.‭ ‬Any true headway revolving around Russia would have to go through him first,‭ ‬receive his go ahead,‭ ‬or at least a nod of recognition ( ... )


The Companion [8.4/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 18:04:44 UTC
America blinked lazily, becoming more attuned to the noise. He picked his head up from the bed, supporting himself on his elbows. His eyes scoped out the alarm clock which informed him in glowing red numbers that the morning was moving on without him, already having reached a quarter past ten. Ruffled that he had slept so late, America's limbs spasmed and kicked the covers off.

The chill of the room pounced upon him.‭ "‬Oh,‭ ‬oh‭ ‬nooo,‭" ‬he bleated weakly,‭ ‬sounding very much like an old lady and immediately yanked the sheets over his head,‭ ‬providing himself a small niche in which to huddle within.‭ ‬The blissful warmth of the bed was infinitely preferable to the rest of the cold room ( ... )


The Companion [8.5/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 18:07:26 UTC
America froze for‭ ‬a moment,‭ ‬eyes wide,‭ ‬fixed on nothingness in the darkness beneath the duvet.‭ "‬You really meant that‭?" ‬The tail of his words quivered with poorly concealed hope ( ... )


The Companion [8.6/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 18:08:26 UTC
"I knew it," America hissed, closing their distance in several hasty strides. His muscles twitched with a thirst for violence, wanting to wind their way into the folds of Russia's scarf and strangle him with it. Yet he refrained, if only from the instinctual fear of retaliation ( ... )


The Companion [8.7/?] anonymous May 28 2010, 18:09:34 UTC
"I already told you,‭ ‬I couldn't get the shower working ( ... )


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