Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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Jacob I Have Loved anonymous May 6 2010, 22:03:19 UTC
This is the placeholder for the third part of Jacob I Have Loved. The second part with link to the first is here:

Chapters will be coming shortly.


Jacob I Have Loved (1C) anonymous May 22 2010, 00:03:28 UTC
When the end came, she did not go peacefully or beautifully. GDR did not die laying in bed with her hair spread across the pillows, her deathly pallor somehow heightening her beauty ( ... )


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (1C) anonymous May 22 2010, 01:16:50 UTC
Gah... I knew it had to happen, but... gah...

You portrayed the slow death very well, coming from someone who has watched others go through the process. Possibly the most realistic death I have scene on this meme.


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (1C) anonymous May 22 2010, 01:18:32 UTC
Author!anon, you can't imagine how this has tugged at my heart strings! This part is short but oh!so powerful! All I can manage to say now is that your depiction of GDR's final months is so tragically real, death un-glorified and inevitable and raw...A body that can not fight anymore and welcomes the end of the pain..."and there was one Germany in the world".

Sorry for my ramblings (is just that this really hit so close to home)! Your writing is a thing of beauty, and i'm seriously in love with this story. I will be waiting for the next part as anxiously as ever!


Jacob I Have Loved (2C) anonymous May 22 2010, 23:57:12 UTC
Kaliningrad clenched his eyes shut and rocked back and forth, GDR pressed against his chest, crying into her sparse hair. He cried openly, unashamedly, until his face was red and his voice ragged. Germany sat on the edge of the bed for a long time until Kaliningrad's sobs quieted to whimpers, and then he reached over and gently pulled the boy's hands away from his sister's limp body ( ... )


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (2C) anonymous June 2 2010, 13:42:52 UTC
This is the OP.

OMG OMG OMG, I really luv and feel so lucky for this. ><

GDR dying scene is nice and I really want to see what will happened next. My mind tell me something stated in initial prompt will happened...:x;


Jacob I Have Loved (3C) anonymous June 10 2010, 07:11:55 UTC
Kaliningrad awoke early the next morning and dressed to leave. He went downstairs to find Germany sitting at his kitchen table, a cup of black coffee in his hand ( ... )


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (3C) anonymous June 10 2010, 11:41:37 UTC
-hugs Germany-

This is so amazing, I can't wait for the next bit


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (3C) anonymous June 11 2010, 18:57:00 UTC
First time commenting, though I've been reading this for quite some time. I just wanted to tell you that I love your story and the way you make the people in it sound so real, even those who only get hinted at, like Hungary and the baltics other than Lithuania, and your amazing OCs.
Special love for your Poland, of course, because he is bamf and so would climb through Lithuanias window when Russia isn't looking.
Prussia's short appearance was heartbreaking and I hope to hear a bit more about him in the confrontation between Ivan and Kaliningrad but the best for me is your Russia, who is lonely and mad and does these terrible things all the time but somehow you still feel sympathy for him.
I'm really queasy about mpreg, though I think hermaphroditism makes a lot of sense for nations who represent half a female population after all, so I nearly didn't read your story. Now I'm glad I gave it a try.
Thank you for writing this!


Jacob I Have Loved (1D) anonymous June 19 2010, 05:35:16 UTC
"Hello, Russia," Kaliningrad said in a low voice ( ... )


Jacob I Have Loved (2D) (finale) anonymous June 19 2010, 05:46:51 UTC
"How did she die?" Russia asked in a hush. He would not meet Kaliningrad's eyes.

"With her eyes open," Kaliningrad told him. "Unafraid. Facing death like a soldier."

Russia went downstairs first, followed by Kaliningrad. He watched as Russia sat at the kitchen table, laid a crumpled letter beside him, and laid his head in his arms. Kaliningrad walked past him, GDR's book in hand, and peered at the letter, wanting to see his sister's final words to their father.

In the shaky, giant lettering of a dying girl was written one sentence, DO IT FOR ME.

Kaliningrad sobbed aloud, balling a fist into his mouth to muffle the sound. The thought that -- GDR in her last days had -- begged their father to -- come to some reconciliation with him -- hot tears spilled from his eyes, and he ran from the house, ran out the still open front door, ran and ran and left Russia behind, ran until his lungs burned and he could scream out his pain to the night's sky ( ... )


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (2D) (finale) anonymous June 19 2010, 13:38:21 UTC

Poor Kaliningrad…poor GDR

thank anon, this was beautiful


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (2D) (finale) anonymous June 23 2010, 18:49:14 UTC
Awwww! Very nice, Anon!
*Sniff, sniff...*


Re: Jacob I Have Loved (2D) (finale) anonymous December 23 2010, 08:53:38 UTC
I had to read it again to get it but... *breaks out in tears* These two are canon to me now...


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