Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

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[Place Holder] The Heros Are All Dead anonymous February 2 2010, 11:14:30 UTC
Original Request:
Original Fill [Prologue and Part 1]:

Request: Anything goes, as long as there's Hetalia in there someplace!

I've decided to pitch in an idea I've been tossing around for a while. I was going to request it to see what others came up with, but this may be a good time to share!

Basically, an idea for an RPG style game revolving around an alternate future. I wanted to have lots of fun with this, and I'll probably ask for help along the way!

All parts will be here from now on.


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3a/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:19:03 UTC
By morning, Alfred was ready to get going. Sleeping in Scotland’s house, on the floor, was less than pleasant, and the ‘food’ he was offered at breakfast made him wish for Arthur’s cooking.

He never thought it possible.

But now they were off again, and if Alfred ever wanted to walk five hundred miles at any time in his life, he was getting his wish now. He longed for a vehicle of any kind, just to get off his feet, but kept his mouth shut. He was pretty sure the Regent had a stranglehold on those too ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3b/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:21:48 UTC
Arthur scowled again. “Can’t you sense them? They’ve been following us for miles now.”

Alfred frowned slightly, and looked around. He didn’t know what Arthur was talking about. Looking back at Arthur, he saw the other man staring off into the dark with an uneasy look.

“If you’re so scared,” Alfred teased lightly, “I’ll go on first watch for you. Okay?”

Arthur seemed to grunt gruffly in response, but he curled up in his blanket, and tried to get some needed rest. Alfred sat, eyes sweeping the darkness beyond the tiny circle of light the campfire provided. After a short while, he heard Arthur’s breaths become steady and rhythmic, a sure sign he was asleep. He smiled gently at the man, who was relaxed in his deep slumber. He almost seemed vulnerable, and Alfred had to stop himself from gathering the man into a warm hug. When he wasn’t scowling about every little thing, or yelling in frustration, he was really handsome…

Alfred snapped his head away, blushing a bit. Where had that thought come from?! He didn’t like Arthur like that, ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3c/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:25:01 UTC
The fire roared back to life, startling him, and in the sudden flare, he saw what had been stalking him. His eyes grew wide, and he leaned back quickly, aghast. Roughly half a dozen figures stood, stunned momentarily by the fire’s glare, their chalky white skin almost glowing in the bright light. It had once been healthy, but now seemed to be rotting away, slowly shrivelling up and tearing away from the muscle and bone underneath. The figures must have been human once, but now they were ghastly and horribly disfigured as their bodies slowly rotted away, even as they stood there. Their lips had shrunk back, revealing large, glistening fangs, long and sharp. Their eyes were dark, and seemed almost bat like, made more for navigating the darkness than the light. And their fingers had become bony claws, like curved, needle-like daggers on their hands rather than fingers ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3d/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:28:08 UTC
“Francis,” Alfred started in, capturing the man’s attention. “Arthur needs to talk to you about something.”

“Oui,” Francis agreed. “We need to speak. But not here: his spies are everywhere, even at my own home. But I know a place.” He motioned for them all to follow him, and began to walk into the woods ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3e/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:32:20 UTC
“I thank you,” Arthur told Francis politely.

“Yeah,” Alfred added. “Anything’s better than being chewed on by vampires.” He laughed shortly. “Not…that I…believe in them, mind you. Or horned snakes.”

Francis smirked coyly again.

“You should be more careful,” he said slowly. “The Regent has many agents working for him, and they are quite powerful. Indeed, the watchdog here in my fair land is…how to say this…quite nasty.” He looked at Alfred. “I would be careful, if I were you, cherAlfred laughed again, more hollow than before ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3f/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:34:37 UTC
“Tonight,” the man said before he turned to leave. “Have what we need by then, or I will bleed you dry.” And with that, the man was gone, leaving Francis to collapse to his knees in defeat ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3g/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:37:51 UTC
“Don’t get cocky,” Arthur warned sharply. “He’s one of the Regent’s Generals for a reason. No doubt he’s been given power that will dwarf our own. We need to catch him off-guard, or we’ll never have a chance.”


Francis slipped out after he assumed Arthur and Alfred were asleep. Tensing, Alfred cracked an eye, and waited for Arthur to give the signal, indicating Francis was far enough away for them to move without being spotted. Alfred was just grateful he didn’t have to sleep on that damn pew anymore, and was on his feet like lightning.

Tailing Francis through the streets of Paris was a lot easier than Alfred had initially thought it would be, and it made him even more nervous. This whole thing was becoming far too easy for his tastes. Francis made his way at a good pace towards the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, pausing briefly every now and then to glance into a storefront here or admire something there. He almost seemed casual, but the lack of people made the whole scene very disturbing, and Alfred swallowed the lump in his ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3h/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:41:42 UTC
Arthur was standing behind Francis, blocking off his southern escape. Alfred stepped out, blocking off the men’s northern route, and forcing them to either dart into the road, or flee past them, neither one a sound escape for Francis, as they both mean going into the darkness where the vampires waited for him. He shivered.

“Well, well,” the young man drawled, his teeth gleaming under the harsh streetlights. “What do we have here?” He looked at Francis with a coy look. “The mice from the Abby are here to play, non?”

Francis’ eyes were dark. “Please, mon enfant, I beg you-”

“Shut up,” the young man hissed angrily. “I haven’t been French in a very long time. Or do you not recall I went to Louisiana back in the 1800’s?”

Francis shook his head sadly, slowly. “Non, I did not.”

“Francis, get over here,” Arthur barked.

Francis looked wearily at Arthur, and sighed. “Why are you doing this, Angleterre?”

“Because,” Arthur said, emerald eyes blazing. “You’re my rival. Only I’m allowed to put you on your knees in utter defeat ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3i/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:45:53 UTC
“Mon enfant,” Francis cooed as he knelt at the man’s side, stroking the young man’s silken blond hair as a father would to his child as he comforts him after a nightmare. “Look at what the Régent’s power has done to you.”

The man whimpered, clutching at Francis desperately.

“You, who fought the Devil himself, who stood at the gates of heaven and went back. You who bested demons within and without. You who brought a Queen to her knees.” He looked sadder than ever now. “Look at what you have become.”

“It was…it was necessary…” the man wheezed. “The power…I needed…”

“How is this necessary?” Francis asked coolly.

“Do you not…remember?” The man asked, looking into his face. “That Christmas, so long ago? How you mockingly gave my power, but pulled away too soon? How you laughed at me, mocked me. I hated you.” His hands clenched. “But I loved you.” He cried, tears of blood mixing with the ash and dirt on his face. He was hansom, or had been once, but his evil heart has darkened him and stained him, and now, only now, at the edge of ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: MISSION 2 [3j/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 11:47:40 UTC
The vampire fell away, his form melting into ash as it slowly disappeared, before a stiff breeze caught it, and blew it around the square a bit like dirt on a dry summer day. Francis took some in his hand, and let it go slowly on the wind, scattering it so the man could not be resurrected.

“I hope you find peace in death,” Francis whispered.

Alfred watched the ashes float away, feeling saddened and relieved. It was over. For now, at least.


“What will you do now, Francis?”

Alfred looked over at the Nation as Arthur finished up the last of the sealing ritual, placing the protective seal over France to keep the Regent out, just as he had done back home in Britain. Francis merely shrugged, and his long blond hair, pulled back half-heartily in a blue ribbon, was tossed about in the brisk wind. The sky was blue and dotted with lazy, fluffy white clouds. A beautiful day over Paris.

“I cannot stay here, not when the Rébellion needs me,” Francis said. “And I cannot keep up my charade with the Régent, not now that he most likely knows ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: DM'S NOTES FOR MISSION 2 PART 1 anonymous February 2 2010, 12:28:44 UTC
Thanks for being so patient, everyone! I had a dry spell in terms of writing there for a bit, but I'm back, and this part is now done! Look forward to new stuff in the next month or so!
Now for the notes:

Scotland's Cooking: Worse than England's. Tru fax.

Walk 500 Miles: Yes, I shamelessly used that Proclaimers song. I'm lame like that.

The Chunnel: The Channel Tunnel, known colloquially as the Chunnel, is a 50.5-kilometre (31.4 mi) undersea rail tunnel linking Folkestone, Kent near Dover in the United Kingdom with Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais near Calais in northern France beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover. At its lowest point it is 75 metres (250 ft) deep. At 37.9 kilometres (23.5 mi), the Channel Tunnel has the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world although the Seikan Tunnel in Japan is both longer overall, at 53.85 kilometres (33.46 mi) and deeper, at 240 metres (790 ft) below sea level. The tunnel carries high-speed Eurostar passenger trains, Eurotunnel Shuttle roll-on/roll-off vehicle transport-the ( ... )


The Heros Are All Dead: DM'S NOTES FOR MISSION 2 PART 2 anonymous February 2 2010, 12:35:48 UTC
Lestat's Pain: The exchange between Lestat and France is a reference to the same fic as before. (I swear I'll find it and link it someday)

Enchant Weapon: Francis uses the Enchant Weapon spell on Alfred's gun, giving it the holy property, and allowing it to actually damage Lestat.

Song of Courage: As previously mentioned, this song boosts attack, and eliminated the fear status ailment. France, in case you haven't guessed, is a bard, and thus uses songs to buff allies and de-buff enemies.

Scattering the Ashes: Vampires can return to live unless their ashes are scattered. Francis is releasing Lestat here, and praying he will find peace in the afterlife. (Despite he has no place in either heaven or hell)

Magical Centerpoint I couldn't decide if it should be the Eiffel Tower or the Arc d'Triumph. It could be either one, or another place entirely. After all, it is where the magic is the strongest.


Re: The Heros Are All Dead: DM'S NOTES FOR MISSION 2 PART 2 anonymous February 2 2010, 17:41:48 UTC
Epic Win. You can have internetz now.


Re: The Heros Are All Dead: DM'S NOTES FOR MISSION 2 PART 2 anonymous February 2 2010, 20:48:09 UTC
You can't imagine how happy I was to see this updated, anon. ^_^

Can't wait till the next installment!


Re: The Heros Are All Dead: DM'S NOTES FOR MISSION 2 PART 2 anonymous February 2 2010, 23:11:43 UTC
I'm impressed. Good work. The next mission should be EVEN better.


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