Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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[Part 6] Bad Friends + Romano : Bank Heist (continuation) anonymous January 25 2010, 05:15:08 UTC
Original request:

The request:
The Bad Touch Trio is bored. They decide a vacation would be wonderful (and very much deserved), but they don't have any money... So they rob a bank, thereby ending the boredom problem and the money problem. Romano drives the gettaway car.

What they do with the money is totally up to you.

Bonus: They rob an American bank, and America chases them throughout the fic (because cops and robbers is fun).

One for the Money parts 1-4:

A new part of One for the Money will be posted soon... Just going ahead and setting up a thread over here before Past Part Fills #1 is closed.

ReCaptcha: Justice ensured. Will it be, Captcha...?


One for the Money (5a/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 03:13:09 UTC
On the third day of confinement to the basement of an Italian restaurant, Gilbert decided to hold a meeting.

"We're supposed to be on vacation now," he stated, once Lovino was upstairs and he was sure that Francis would be able to prevent (bodily if necessary) Antonio from making a break to join the Italian in the kitchen. "And maybe it's just me, but staying here isn't much of one."

Antonio shook his head in disagreement, and then glanced at the stairs. "I kind of like it…"

"Of course you do," Francis countered with a sly, knowing smile. His hand had ended up on Antonio's thigh at some point, but the Spaniard hadn't seemed to notice. "You've hardly been apart from Lovino for days."

"The point is," Gilbert continued loudly, "that all we're doing is sitting around. We could have done that at home."

"And what do you propose, mon cher?" Francis posed. "We're hundred of miles away from home, with a bag full of money but no transportation unless we can persuade Lovino ( ... )


One for the Money (5b/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 03:14:02 UTC
Alfred had lost Arthur.

It had taken the better part of the day, but when he glanced into his rear-view mirror, he could no longer see the Mini anywhere behind him. He hadn't seen the Mini for almost an hour.

Despite himself, the thought made him uneasy. He hadn't been trying to lose Arthur. He'd tried yesterday evening, when he thought he'd made a series of tricky turns after getting off the interstate that would shake the Brit long enough for him to disappear-no luck, as Arthur had been trailing far enough behind that he'd had plenty of time to react. He'd tried this morning, when he'd gotten up early to get a head start-another failure; how was he to know that Arthur still got up at the crack of dawn?

But he hadn't tried to shake Arthur off since then, not even when he pulled over for gas. He couldn't have lost him that easily, not when he wasn't trying to. Arthur must have stopped following himSomething was obviously wrong ( ... )


One for the Money (5c/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 03:14:41 UTC
Nearly two hours after his Mini had begun its death throes, the last thing Arthur had expected was to see Alfred's truck pull off to the side of the road ahead of him. He knew he hadn't gotten ahead of Alfred, so for the younger man to be here… That meant he'd turned around. He'd come back for him.

Alfred climbed out of the truck a moment later and walked towards him, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets.

"I didn't expect to see you again," Arthur commented, trying to be nonchalant. Maybe he hadn't lost his chance after all.

"Don't get the wrong idea," Alfred said, heading for the Mini's open bonnet. "I just wanted to make sure you hadn't gotten into a wreck or something. I didn't ask you to follow me, but I wouldn't be much of a hero if I just left you strandedArthur watched Alfred as he started poking around the engine. "I- I told you, I'm not following you; I'm ( ... )


One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 03:15:46 UTC
"Tony won't mind you listening in," Alfred said, in hopes the idea of Arthur potentially overhearing top secret information would be enough to entice the Brit out of the car. And if that wasn't enough, there was also… "Heck, we can even catch dinner while we're here; he makes a mean lasagna!"

Arthur hesitated, but then he unfastened his seat belt and climbed out of the car. "I'm only going in because I can't stand waiting in this death trap," he stated testily. "Who knows how long you'll take if you start eating?"

Alfred grinned. That was as good a victory as he could hope for.

Having retreated back to the basement, Gilbert decided it was time for another meeting.

"So what are we going to do with the money?" Antonio asked. He'd tried to chase after Lovino when the boy stormed off, but Gilbert and Francis had both stopped him, insisting he'd need some time to cool down.

"We're still going to spend it," Gilbert replied. "Obviously."

Antonio was quiet for a short moment. "Oh. Can we do that before Lovino gets back?"

-- ( ... )


Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 04:57:34 UTC

However, it's worth repeating: OH MY GOD I AM SO EXCITED. I'M SO GLAD THIS IS BACK. ♥ I read most of it in one sitting a few months ago and fell in love with it, so I'm incredibly happy (like I didn't make that obvious already, heh) that we'll get to find out what happens next. I can't wait for the shit to hit the fan like it inevitably will after this part. Awesome.

You've also given me some hope that some other seemingly abandoned fics I loved will be updated again. Thanks for that. :>


Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 06:21:51 UTC



Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 07:55:23 UTC
*A* Reader!anon had given up hope that the fill would be completed. Oh joyous days~


Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 08:23:24 UTC
I didn't realise that Tony was actually Tony haha that cracked me up xD

Glad to see you haven't abandoned this fic! Loved this update <3


Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 15:04:38 UTC


Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 27 2010, 21:32:27 UTC
I'm happy to see more of this fill

Do we get to hear about how Romano's confession goes (just cause I like hearing about catholic guilt).

I like how Arthur decided to stop stalking Alfred, and then Alfred decided to stalk him instead, classic.


Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous January 28 2010, 05:05:49 UTC

One of my favourite fills on the whole meme!


Re: One for the Money (5d/?) anonymous February 7 2010, 07:02:20 UTC

This is easily EASILY the best fill in the entire meme. Major love.


One for the Money (6a/?) anonymous April 8 2010, 14:33:38 UTC
As it turned out, Big Tony really did make a "mean" lasagna. In fact, Arthur was fairly certain it was trying to kill him.

Alfred had insisted on talking over dinner, and if it hadn't been Alfred, Arthur would have suspected it was really all part of some clever plot to murder him. But Alfred would have been much more direct: if he wanted Arthur dead, he would have just shot him. He wouldn't put death by pasta past Tony, however. The little man could go from glaring daggers at Arthur to smiling at Alfred so fast that it gave him whiplash just from watching.

Yes, Big Tony and his lasagna were certainly out to get him, and Arthur wasn't even sure why. He was certain he didn't deserve this.

He glanced sullenly at Alfred, who was talking animatedly with Big Tony about sports or cars or something trivial. The worst part was that it had certainly already been more than "a few minutes," and he hadn't even uttered so much as a single word of what he'd come here for ( ... )


One for the Money (6b/?) anonymous April 8 2010, 14:35:18 UTC
"So, Tony, did you find that information I asked for?" Alfred asked once the plates from dinner had been cleared away, beaming at the little man.

Big Tony nodded, rising from the table. "Yeah. Let me get it."

As soon as Big Tony was out of sight, Arthur slumped in his chair as a sense of relief washed over him. He was genuinely surprised he'd survived dinner, but no matter how much he'd rather wait in Alfred's death trap of a car at this point, it seemed that Alfred was finally getting down to business. He couldn't miss this ( ... )


One for the Money (6c/?) anonymous April 8 2010, 14:36:50 UTC
"Restaurant's closed!" Tony barked at the sound of the bell on the door chiming.

"Since when?" a voice demanded in reply ( ... )


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