Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

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America/OC!Brasil - They're Here [1/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 19:26:34 UTC
From part 6:


Brazil is actually quite a hotspot for UFO and alien sightings. The general prompt is America, Brazil and Tony just chilling out together.

This is… close to what OP requested, sorta. You know. 8D

(Beware of stupid sense of humor, justsaying. And Brazil is a girl, because OP said so \o/)


Re: America/OC!Brasil - They're Here [1/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 20:06:10 UTC
America checked his cell phone. There was a message from Brazil.

He pursed his lips. She had been calling him since forever now and he really really really didn't want to discuss immigration, he was tired, and anyway he had explained the nicest possible way and she refused to listen and why call him anyway if she wasn't going to listen? But he checked the message anyway, because these days you never knew.

He read it.

Then he read it again.

Then he blinked and rubbed his eyes and read it a third time, and when the message didn't change he smiled and read it again just to be sure.

It was the same. Hi there, it said, because she never went straight to the point, like, ever, I need your help!!!!! plz call me re: alien invasion AGAIN!!! kissus :D

Finally, something exciting! Even if she kept doing this wrong, because, well, if Brazil had any sense of drama the message would have been a dark ominous they're here, and he would have called her right away to say I'm going and then things would have been even cooler, but this was Brazil ( ... )


They're Here [2/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 20:17:25 UTC
Still, he couldn't just let a helpless lady to fend for herself, even a slightly lame one, it would be like... like abandoning a maid in distress to her, well, distress, as much as Brazil could be called a maid, of course, but she was a girl, and she was his friend, really, so he had to go and save her, duty was calling, and maybe his silence was giving her the wrong idea because right now she was pouting, he could almost hear it ( ... )


Re: They're Here [2/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 21:18:22 UTC
NotOP!Anon started choking on her soda as she read this. XD

Which is bad, because she's supposed to be studing for Midterms.

Can't wait for more, Author!Anon~!


Re: They're Here [2/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 23:41:14 UTC
T-that's so cute and I love hero!America.



Re: They're Here [2/?] anonymous January 12 2010, 00:32:55 UTC
T-this is so cute and I love hero!America!


CAPTCHA: and infamous (lol)


Late OP is late! anonymous January 12 2010, 01:58:36 UTC
OMG, I love this! Brazil's rambling is so cute, and America's hero instict is spot on!

Keep at it! :D


Re: Late OP is late! anonymous January 19 2010, 00:13:01 UTC
Yay for more Brazil on this Kink Meme. Especially Girl!Brazil.


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