Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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[USUK] Arthur and Alfred are actually brothers anonymous January 5 2010, 22:18:09 UTC
First-time!anon seriously hopes she's doing this right

Original Request:

Eventual US/UK - Highschool AU
Basically, Arthur and Alfred are brothers. But only Arthur knows that; Alfred has absolutely no clue. They start to get closer to each other, and...

(You should just read the original request for a better overview xD)


Gosh, I haven't written anything in so long. I hope that this is, you know, at least decent. Bit reluctant to post, actually, but hey! Here we go:


Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1a/?] anonymous January 5 2010, 22:26:43 UTC
Arthur awoke to the sounds of shouting ( ... )


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 5 2010, 22:28:35 UTC
~~God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen~~

Arthur shifted in his bed, blindly reaching out a hand to try and turn his phone off. He whacked his hand off the table a couple of times before he eventually managed to press the right button.

“Bloody hell...” he groaned, rubbing his forehead. That dream... again? That was the third time he’d had it this past month. That was never good. There were plenty of memories, happy memories, which he could re-live. Why was his subconscious so intent on showing him that one all of a sudden?

“Good afternoon, Arthur-san,” came the voice of his roommate, Kiku, who - Arthur saw as he turned his head towards the sound - was sitting on his own bed, his nose in a book. Probably some Japanese manga, he mused. He was always reading that stuff.

“Good morn- Wait, what? Did you say afternoon?” Arthur bolted upright, grabbing his phone.

He flipped it open, and read the time. 12:34pm.“I’ve really slept in that late?” he mumbled to himself, falling backwards into his pillows. Even on Saturdays ( ... )


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 6 2010, 00:07:50 UTC
Did someone just say 'spiffing'?

*thumbs up*

Bookmarking. I look forward to seeing more, Anon.


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 15:55:11 UTC
Mm. I love that word. I wish I could use it more in conversations.

Ah, wow, thank you very much~!


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 6 2010, 02:45:09 UTC
Can't wait to see more of this anon! Looks good so far XD


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 15:56:59 UTC
Thank you! ^^ Hopefully the next part won't disappoint.


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 6 2010, 03:53:43 UTC
Great start anon, can't wait to see their meeting!


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 15:59:09 UTC
Thank you! Looking forward to writing it~


OP anonymous January 6 2010, 04:35:41 UTC
Oh my god anon I didn't think this would be filled but you did and asdfjkl;it looks GREAT. Thank you so much~ I'm loving it so far ♥


Re: OP anonymous January 11 2010, 16:03:42 UTC
No no, thank you! <3 I hope I'll do your (awesome) request some justice.
And I'm glad you managed to find this.


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 6 2010, 05:34:51 UTC
Totally bookmarking! You don't seem rusty at all, anon, I'm greatly enjoying this. :D Question, though: Is the fill gonna have US/UK as platonic or romantic? This anon is hoping it'll be the latter. :x


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 16:10:06 UTC
Aw, thank you~!
And to answer your question, it shall end up being romantic. <3 ...Forgot to mention that earlier. xD


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 6 2010, 12:45:42 UTC
Me wants an update now!!!!!!!!


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 11 2010, 16:11:50 UTC
xD I'm happy you do!
Hopefully one should be up by the end of the week... no promises, though. :x


Re: Wait, So You're My... Brother? [Part 1b/?] anonymous January 15 2010, 06:05:57 UTC
...I just want to say that you posted that on the 11th at 11:11. Pretty epic, author!anon!!


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