Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory anonymous January 2 2010, 22:21:47 UTC
Original Request:

"Inspired by the kid!Poland+Lithuania friendship fic, and because I'm just dying for more fic with these two: kid!Estonia pals around with kid!Finland. Anything is good, but I am currently hung up on the mental image of them attempting to sail a toy boat."

This was an unfilled request from way back in section 1. Sorry OP, I realize this isn’t quite what you wanted, but if you’re still around on the Meme and stumble across this I hope you still enjoy it. I wanted to try and fill such a sweet request since I don't believe anyone else had. I apologize though for the rough verse. (Face palms in shame) I’m not a poet, so I don’t know why the images for Estonia seemed to want to come out in verse. (Sighs) Oh well. Um, enjoy?


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (1/3) anonymous January 2 2010, 22:51:50 UTC
ESTONIAShall I take a piece of you ( ... )


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (2/?) anonymous January 2 2010, 23:02:35 UTC

"Mama, Mama! I didn’t do it, honest! I didn’t do it ( ... )


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (3/?) anonymous January 2 2010, 23:10:04 UTC
Finland stopped stroking Peter’s head and instead reached out to pluck the boy’s chin from its nest in the folds of the sweater at his belly. Forcing his head up Finland looked into the boy’s bleary eyes ( ... )


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (4/?) anonymous January 2 2010, 23:13:13 UTC
They soon reached the little meadow where he had guided them and after his little deer had drank her fill he turned to leave only to find the other boy tugging on his arm and gesturing at the river with boat making it bob up and down. His eyes practically pleaded with Finland to stay. Finland glanced back towards the road and then at his little deer that had already settled down to rest on it’s knees in the soft grass ( ... )


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (5/5) anonymous January 2 2010, 23:17:49 UTC
Finland quickly locked up the case as heard Sweden’s booming voice ( ... )


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (5/5) anonymous January 3 2010, 00:24:21 UTC
That was really sweet and nostalgic.
And amusingly, not 2 hours ago I was talking to someone about these two.
Thank you for filling this! ^ ^


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (5/5) anonymous January 3 2010, 15:50:42 UTC
You're welcome. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it!


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (5/5) anonymous January 4 2010, 11:18:28 UTC
Author!anon, I love you so much right now.

I love reading this, and I'm going to read it again. I really like Estonia's part. The words flow well and I like how it had a slightly nostalgic feel to it.


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (5/5) anonymous January 10 2010, 19:24:41 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (5/5) anonymous January 22 2010, 12:52:11 UTC
I love this piece, the lingering nostalgia, the beautiful poem in the beginnig...

This is a wonderful fill.

Not OP, but I've wanted to comment ages ago and I feel slightly guilty to comment this late


Re: Estonia & Finland Childhood Memory (5/5) anonymous January 24 2010, 04:05:35 UTC
Oh, thank you so much. Don't feel bad at all for replying late! I really appreciate that you commented! I do go back and occasionally check for comments (if the section isn't maxed out) because I like to reply back to anyone who took the time to read and comment on something I wrote. =D


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