Past Part Fills Part 2 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:33

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Spirit and Soul [0a/?] - Prologue anonymous November 24 2009, 21:23:17 UTC
this is the prologue. It’s a bit long, but it is needed to put down a believable background. Please do drop me some comments to let me know if it’s good enough to be continued…

Also, it will be mainly Gen, but it’ll have some soft pairings (US/UK, AmeIta, HRE/Chibitalia, FrUK, etc) but just how much these will appear… well, we’ll see how it goes, and what OP wants (are you reading, OP?)



England sighed, flopping down next to the river and watching the salmons pass by.

This ‘new world’ he’d sailed to was truly a beautiful place, but the presence of France so close kept bothering him -he could barely walk around by himself and then, almost as if sensing he was searching for territories to claim, the French Frog would pop up, smiling and flirty, and all of England’s attempts at making a colony out of this continent were burned away.

‘Fucking frog -why didn’t I kick his ass harder last war?’Tugging at the wide expense of clothes he was wearing, England stood up, stretching his back; he needed to go back to the camp, of ( ... )


Spirit and Soul [0b/?] - Prologue anonymous November 24 2009, 21:28:24 UTC
The small figure didn’t move from his spot, but the bushes rustled again, and after some painstakingly long minutes, it finally moved out, revealing himself to England’s eyes ( ... )


Spirit and Soul [0c/?] - Prologue anonymous November 24 2009, 21:29:57 UTC
“Don’t let the food burn” he muttered, a quick jab at the Frog before leaving the camp again, followed by the crashes and noises of Spain and Holland fighting again ( ... )


Spirit and Soul [0d/?] - Prologue anonymous November 24 2009, 21:33:25 UTC
“I’m Italy” he chirped ( ... )


Spirit and Soul [0e/?] - Prologue anonymous November 24 2009, 21:36:25 UTC
The ritual hummed under his stretched fingers, as the added magic around him suddenly sprung forwards.

England steered it under his control, and tried to figure how would the personification look -not a white skinned man, with clear eyes, maybe even blue, who knows… but maybe someone more like that kid he’d seen before.

Dark eyes, dark hair, dark skin.

The two figures -the one of his hopes, the one of the native- melted together into one, and England, worry and confusion rubbing at his concentration, tried to steer the first one away.

‘I truly wish he’d be like us…’

The magic hummed around him, rumbling and bright and powerful.


this is the end of the prologue. Things about what follows this will appear later on, explanations will be given, and such ( ... )


OP anonymous November 24 2009, 22:22:49 UTC


Up aside, I can't believe this is getting filled! Ahh so cute so cute ;3; The image of pre-anglo Alfred is a very cute one. Also I want to cuddle Italy~

I'm excited, author anon!


Re: Spirit and Soul [0e/?] - Prologue anonymous November 24 2009, 23:38:19 UTC
This is so cool, I was actually just reading something on deviantart that had a America as a native america!

I love it so far!! Keep going writer anon!


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