Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

Thanks to anon's suggestions we are now enforcing a past-part fills post

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Re: Lenient Judgment [1.5/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 21:21:37 UTC
Before Arthur could get too far into what Alfred thought of him, the gears came to a grinding halt before jerking into reverse, back to the last words that had been said. Casual as Sunday brunch, Alfred had referred to returning to England as going home. Deep down inside, Arthur had been fighting his own painful war of acceptance that Alfred no longer considered his home to be that of Arthur's, but with that last word it could all be for naught. Was it only a simple slip of the tongue or was it a deeper truth being revealed?

"You won't shoot me." the bite of America's words- no, his command snapped England's attention back to the present ( ... )


Re: Lenient Judgment [4/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 10:40:16 UTC
LOL, that must be how many men are on the battlefield because you'd have to be a dang floozie to miss this [not so] INTENSE SCENE.


Re: Lenient Judgment [4/?] anonymous August 11 2009, 04:26:21 UTC
the last words came out as horrific shrieks, like the noise ones soul must emit when their world is burning in front of their own eyes.

Burning by their own hand.

This is powerful stuff, anon. T_T


Lenient Judgment [5/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 11:01:02 UTC
Wholly unaffected by the sight & sound of his care giver's panic, America's glassy cobalt eyes merely stared up at the smoke filled sky. How much of it he was taking in was left for anyone to guess, for he seemed to forgo reacting to anything he might be witnessing in the air above him ( ... )


Re: Lenient Judgment [5/?] anonymous August 12 2009, 15:45:26 UTC

As long as you eventually update, inconsistency is fine. Real life takes precedence over the Internet ;)

And I have no amusing catpcha this time :(


Re: Lenient Judgment [5/?] anonymous August 14 2009, 00:02:38 UTC
No worries, I will most certainly continue updating this fill until it's all done and finished. :>

Tomorrow is the day I'll finally be returning home (this week I was in between my Pop's house and Step-Sister's home) which means I'll finally have my own room and privacy back. I think it's safe to say once I get back in my room the first thing I'll do is get to typing. xD


Lenient Judgement [6/?] anonymous August 16 2009, 00:27:25 UTC
No questions needed to be asked about what Alfred was seeing now. Once Arthur had overheard Matthew telling his brother about chemicals- hallucinatory ones, that were released into the body before death. Ones that made you see things that weren't really there, or that you had at least believed were never there ( ... )


Re: Lenient Judgement [6/?] anonymous August 16 2009, 03:36:16 UTC
I really don't know what to say about this part. Alfred still having faith in England...Arthur realizing that maybe he, too, is mad. Just...poor things :(

I'm glad this isn't the end. Your writing is gorgeous and I can't wait for more, sad as it is.


Re: Lenient Judgement [6/?] anonymous August 16 2009, 18:23:21 UTC
I'm terribly pleased to read that you find my writing gorgeous, that is an incredibly kind compliment! :)


Lenient Judgement [7/?] anonymous August 19 2009, 04:32:54 UTC
Only dimly aware of what he was doing, Arthur gently touched a finger to the back of his neck to feel the liquid now spilling forth. It was too cold & too thin to be blood; as he withdrew his finger he could only make out a faint amber liquid dripping to the floor.

"What is WRONG with you!? I wanted to be amicable, so I make like a nice guest and grab some grub on my way over here, only to walk in and witness you slaughtering me ( ... )


Lenient Judgement [7/?] Author's Notes anonymous August 19 2009, 04:34:58 UTC
Sorry, character limit came at me like a beast, so I had to put the notes in this here part.

A/N: DON'T MURDER ME PLEASE. The requester specifically didn't want Alfred to die, so I had to put a twist like this in. I'm also going to write an alternate ending in which this twist doesn't happen, but I won't be posting it until I finish the first ending.


Re: Lenient Judgement [7/?] Author's Notes anonymous August 19 2009, 04:51:44 UTC
*blink* Soooo didn't see that coming. At all. Woah.

Well done <3


Re: Lenient Judgement [7/?] Author's Notes anonymous August 20 2009, 07:08:15 UTC


I love random twists like this. It's incredibly unexpected and the sheer novelty of it fills me with so much joy; I am overflowing right now...!



Re: Lenient Judgement [7/?] Author's Notes anonymous August 21 2009, 02:37:22 UTC


I'm relieved you didn't absolutely abhor the twist, I was afraid people would rage and stop reading. Thank you for your support!


Lenient Judgement [8/?] anonymous August 21 2009, 23:08:03 UTC
"Open this door, now." Maybe England's fatherly 'Do it or else' tone would work.

"Like Hell! For all I know you've got a loaded gun and an itchy trigger finger out there!"

A frustrated sigh slipped past Arthur's lips as he shook his head. If America was going to act like such a prat, then England was really left with no alternatives to forcing the door open. He gently leaned his forehead against the cool wooden door, closing his eyes in an attempt to concentrate. Fanning his palms against the blockade before him, England took one final breath of preparation before he started to softly mutter.

The words- no, the incantations now being said were of a language not even Arthur knew. Sometimes he wondered if it really was a language, and not just the audible manifestation of magic being channeled into use. It wasn't something that could be taught- and therefore learned, you had to be born with the knowledge of how to manipulate the essence of the world around one's self ( ... )


Lenient Judgement [9/?] anonymous August 25 2009, 05:05:01 UTC
It was hard to tell what food items awaited him within the veritable sea of lukewarm chips contained inside the paper sack, but England was able to ferret out a wax-paper wrapped sandwich of sorts as he took a seat at the antique (Or as America had so lovingly referred to it, ratty) table in his forlorn looking dining room. He pushed it solemnly around the surface of the table like a picky child, having no real intention of unwrapping it, or even reading the label.

Arthur didn't even like fast food. Despite everyone- everyone except America, he corrected himself with a bittersweet smile- saying he had not an inkling of taste, England drew the line before fast food when it came to things he would and would not eat. As England picked up the sandwich and eyed and dustbin thoughtfully, his eyes registered a word most familiar to his taste buds.


Hastily, Arthur turned the sandwich over to read the full title of the food that was in his hands.


His stomach gave a guilty lurch. America really had agreed to this visit ( ... )


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