Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Prodigies [1/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 16:57:53 UTC
Original Request:

Russia is so obsessed with chess, watching/playing a game is like foreplay for him. The rest is up to you, anons.
Bonus: Use a real chess game between Russia and the nation of your choice.

Like I could stay away from this.He had challenged him to Chess ( ... )


Prodigies [2/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 16:59:02 UTC
“I guess.” He muttered, looking into his nearly empty teacup, swirling around the small portion left ( ... )


Prodigies [3/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 18:07:47 UTC
That made him look back to him, coy smile on his lips ( ... )


Re: Prodigies [3/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 18:40:05 UTC
Gods, I love all those little euphemisms you used in this. you enjoy playing in the dark...

In a light place so I can see your face clearly when I take down your little King.

Man, you absolutely have to continue this! It's drenched with UST! *squirms on chair*

Also love the tiny bit about Ukraine and the plants. ♥


Re: Prodigies [3/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 20:26:46 UTC
*bow* And I shall do it :)
Can't leave this game unplayed...


Prodigies [4/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 20:20:42 UTC
The start, was, well, like the start. It was quick and fast, both moving their pawns into each other’s preferred positions, neither making an attempt to attack as their pieces moved about. It was more like a dance than anything, Ivan mused, with Ludwig skittering around, taking the offense as he was prone to doing and then more on the defense, trying to balance both. He had grown from the war, obviously, but he was still a bit of an airhead when it came to moves, Ivan decided. He was growing tired of their little awkward moves and he immediately brought his rook out, barreling into a white pawn to knock it to the chess board. He looked up to see Ludwig grinning like a fool. He wanted him to attack first, didn‘t he? It annoyed slightly to see such a smug look on his face, but he brushed it off as he usually did ( ... )


Prodigies [5/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 20:24:40 UTC
He inwardly laughed. His move would involve slamming that German to the ground and fucking him until he was raw and bleeding. Instead, he took hold of his Knight and looked down to the board, trying to predict where he was going to move next. He lazily moved it in an L position so it stood in the open, vulnerable to attack, begging for it almost. Ludwig shook his head ( ... )


Prodigies [6/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 20:26:12 UTC
“And you just prove to be unworthy.” Ivan’s face was splitting into a grin, watching as the Queen moved over to take his King ( ... )


Re: Prodigies [6/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 22:05:29 UTC
Ahh, that's what I get for having the tab open for ages before I get around to reading and commenting. Instant more! ;D

anyway, this? so hot. Loved the playing, and Russia's thoughts, and omg, can't wait for the next part <333


Re: Prodigies [6/?] anonymous November 17 2009, 22:35:33 UTC
I love you, I love you, I loveyou! Please write more! -is begging on Anon's knees- I just adore struggling!Germany. -sighs in rapture- Your Russia is rather horny and sadistic too. >w


Prodigies [7/?] anonymous November 18 2009, 01:50:04 UTC
“I’ll KILL YOU!” Was the reply to the action and he watched Ludwig fight with his rage and hatred against him, trying so hard to wiggle out so he could properly release that anger. “Chess game my ASS! You s-sick FUCK! LET ME GO ( ... )


Prodigies [8/?] anonymous November 18 2009, 14:08:22 UTC
“Now, Ludwig… be a good boy.” He leaned down to kiss the soft hairs, tasting the iron that coasted his lips. “To let you know, for your own sanity, I don’t do this to other Nations. The other Nations are.. Well, not as fun as you. Da? And this is going on because your insults really hurt me ( ... )


Prodigies [9/?] anonymous November 18 2009, 14:29:03 UTC
He could see that the Nation was, his eyes darting, never focusing on him, always somewhere else and he found himself jerking him off a little too roughly, muffled yells soon erupting from the German’s throat as he violently struggled to get away, to be released from his grip. Ivan gave a blink, looking down before realizing and he loosened his hand, patting his swollen thigh in an apology, giving a small shrug to go with it ( ... )


Prodigies [10/?] anonymous November 18 2009, 19:24:53 UTC
Ludwig’s gaze moved up a bit, and he could see his downfall in his eyes ( ... )


Prodigies [11/?] anonymous November 18 2009, 19:43:12 UTC
“Quite the slut for being so defiant ( ... )


Re: Prodigies [11/?] anonymous November 19 2009, 14:25:14 UTC
I'm so in love with this!
And the ending! Oh man!

I wonder who's going to get it next time~.


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