Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Part 7: Things Can Only Get Better (1/haha i have no idea) anonymous November 7 2009, 14:00:46 UTC

Long request is LONG, but the gist of it is this: France has fallen for England but thinks he'll have to get around America to get to him. America, in reality, is all for setting the two up. Of course, this is America we're talking about. OP, I hope you like it. Prepare for general insanity and an attempt at earning some bonus points.


Francis turned his head to the right and looked at his clock. The glowing blue numbers read 2:21. It had been midnight when he'd gotten into bed. He sighed and rolled over until his face was in the pillow. This was turning into a bigger problem than he'd expected.

It wasn't hard to figure out, really: he was in love. And he had been for far too long. And really, he should have made a move some time ago. Actually, to be fair, he had. It had just been...well, they had been at war, to be honest, and by the time that was over he ( ... )


Things Can Only Get Better (2/yep no clue) anonymous November 7 2009, 14:01:40 UTC
For all that his people usually described the country with a plethora of expletives, America was a lovely country. None of the regions were exactly like the others, and sometimes Francis wondered how Alfred managed to keep up with it all. Francis had technically arrived in California on Monday, but in order to account for the time difference, he had booked a hotel room and spent his time enjoying Los Angeles before his meeting. Now that he was headed towards Alfred's house, a feeling he knew well to be dread had taken root in his stomach, and he suddenly had no idea what he was going to say to the nation when he saw him ( ... )


Re: Part 7: Things Can Only Get Better (1/haha i have no idea) anonymous November 7 2009, 14:02:48 UTC
"Did...did I do something wrong?" Alfred looked seriously worried, now. His eyebrows came together with the most adorable wrinkle, and Francis was fighting a losing battle but he didn't care. He wanted Arthur to smile at him the way he used to, all those years and years (and years) ago. He wanted to be the one who took Arthur home after he'd had too much to drink and lay him down to bed, smoothing a hand through his hair and smiling that some things just never changed. He wanted to hold Arthur so close he could feel the seams of his jacket pressing against his chin, and to never, ever let go.

Now all he had to do was find a way to explain that.

"It's not because of you, Alfred. Not directly. It's just..." he ran his hands over his face and took a deep breath. "I love Arthur, Alfred. More than anyone else in the world. And I have since before he even had the idea to try and colonize half the world. And I'm afraid I won't let him get away from me again, which is why ( ... )


Re: Part 7: Things Can Only Get Better (1/haha i have no idea) anonymous November 7 2009, 16:40:39 UTC
Oh Alfred. Why so utterly adorkable? ♥

I have a feeling I should probably be worried about this resolve to help France, but I'm kind of too distracted by the cute to give it full attention.


Re: Part 7: Things Can Only Get Better (1/haha i have no idea) anonymous November 7 2009, 23:49:48 UTC
Mwah hah, this is so cute and funny. I can't wait to see what Alfred is going to do.


Re: Part 7: Things Can Only Get Better (1/haha i have no idea) anonymous November 8 2009, 09:54:23 UTC
Pfffff, this is great! Oh dear Francis, what have you gotten yourself into?


Re: Part 7: Things Can Only Get Better (1/haha i have no idea) anonymous November 8 2009, 16:32:02 UTC
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA. Oh my god. I was choking for a while there. Hilarious fill so far, I love Alfred so so so much! And your France was just a pleasure to read. Great job!


Re: Part 7: Things Can Only Get Better (1/haha i have no idea) anonymous November 9 2009, 10:27:58 UTC
Oh, I'd say I'm sorry for my long request, anon, but I'm not really when you're doing something so utterly awesome with it! <3 I can't wait to read more, and you're going to try for the bonus, too? Eee! Awesome! And Alfred is so ridiculously cute here, and oh, Francis. Poor Francis. Hee. :)


Oh thank god, the OP's still here. XD anonymous November 9 2009, 13:21:57 UTC
Oh, it's fine. XD You kind of needed a long request to get your point across. And I'm very glad you like it!


Things Can Only Get Better (4/?) anonymous November 19 2009, 12:51:43 UTC
Author!anon is FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL. SO sorry for the wait...It was about a week later that he and Alfred actually started making plans. This phone call was at a much more humane time for the both of them. Francis was making dinner and Alfred was apparently watching something on TV, claiming the background noise helped him think ( ... )


Re: Things Can Only Get Better (4/?) anonymous November 23 2009, 04:58:20 UTC
Poor may not be a date movie, but I am sure it will be memorable with America's help, hehehe. I don't know who I should feel more sorry for, France or England XD

I'm curious to see who is with America, too.

I can't wait to see more!


Re: Things Can Only Get Better (4/?) anonymous November 23 2009, 06:11:26 UTC
I've read some fics in which France plays matchmaker for other nations, but never one in which another nation plays matchmaker for France. And I'd never expect Alfred to play matchmaker to anybody. I like it, anon, bookmarking for moar~!


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