Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

Thanks to anon's suggestions we are now enforcing a past-part fills post

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One Good Deed a Day… [1/1] anonymous November 1 2009, 03:23:08 UTC
Original request: There’s already a brilliant fill for it (, but I liked the concept so much I wrote this. I hope OP doesn’t mind!Jee Yun considered herself a very thoughtful person. At the same time, her friends sometimes told her it was scary the way she jumped her goodwill on to people, so as she sits there, watching a young man who’d been looking at the travel posters outside the agency for a good ten minutes, she wonders if she should go out there and offer him some help ( ... )


…makes the World a more interesting place [Omake] anonymous November 1 2009, 03:30:41 UTC

England almost drops his teacup when he sees the… the obscenity on the table. He slams the saucer down, snatches the brochure off the table (while refusing to look at it) and storms down to the Channel ( ... )


Other author!anon here, being as foolish as ever~ anonymous November 1 2009, 03:54:06 UTC
Pffft, this was awesome! All the travelling innuendo was awesome (I fail at innuendo, so much) and Hong Kong! I love your Hong Kong! (And your England, and France, and Russia, and China, and Jee Yun is so cute!) I was giggling the whole way.

Oh, and the line about quickly putting away a book on South Korea made me crack up. Keep up the awesome work, anon~


Re: Other author!anon here, being as foolish as ever~ anonymous November 1 2009, 04:20:39 UTC
Eek, thank you! XD I adored your fill so much though, it was so hilarious and adorkable! Haha, and I thought your innuendo was awesome (Canada admires the sheer expanse of Ukraine's steppes, even if he doesn't want to admit it. :D)

Thank you! <3


Re: …makes the World a more interesting place [Omake] anonymous November 1 2009, 04:01:38 UTC
Oh god I loled so hard on the "natural scenery" comment~! Oh England you perv...


Re: …makes the World a more interesting place [Omake] anonymous November 1 2009, 04:38:34 UTC
both anons did a great job :] it was a nice to see an omake of this


Re: …makes the World a more interesting place [Omake] anonymous November 1 2009, 04:42:10 UTC
I think the best part is the omake. =D

Maybe I’ll give it to my foster father.”
HONG KONG you sneaky passive-aggressive snuggly thing. =D

that is permanently open on the scene of the Grand Canyon
He only wishes it were of Old Faithful.

I know you’re a keen tourist -” China plucks Russia’s hand off of his waist
This is a beautiful, subtly done shift that I really, really love. Before this moment, it's as though they're talking about actual tourist experiences. With that line of dialogue, and the connection of dialogue to action, it becomes absolutely clear that they are speaking of metaphorical tourism. I love this moment.

“And Guangzhou?”
Can I just say that I'm dork enough to have actually examined a map, and was amused? ♥


Re: …makes the World a more interesting place [Omake] anonymous November 1 2009, 05:44:46 UTC
I love you for having Hong Kong be the one picking up the brochures, if only because of his seemingly unflappable exterior. (On a sidenote, I think I'm going to end up shipping Hong Kong/Taiwan if people keep on putting them as a cute secondary pairing in their fics.) I love you even more for the hilarious fight between England and France (pssh, England, don't deny that you don't enjoy America's "natural scenery" - you aren't fooling anyone anyway!). And I love you EVEN MORE for including fluffy Russia/China - the thiny-veiled allusions to geography of two entirely different sorts were win.


Re: …makes the World a more interesting place [Omake] anonymous November 1 2009, 07:21:46 UTC
When Russia gets cold, he likes to accommodate himself in China’s southern provinces.


No worries, author!anon, I very much enjoyed the shameless innuendo. XD


Op!anon here anonymous November 1 2009, 11:56:40 UTC
How dare you give me an amazing fill!!! RAWR.

Why would I mind? I love this fill so much. It’s perfect.

“…constantly eyeballing America’s natural scenery -” Oh Artie, you Perv.

I heart the fact that it was Hong Kong that was picking up the ‘brochures.’
It was actually a Hong Kong/China travel brochure that made me request this fill

Love this Omake Author!anon. If you hadn’t already realised


Writer!anon is happy! anonymous November 2 2009, 05:03:48 UTC
Wah, I'm glad! <3

Heh, we all know England is the world's Erotic Ambassador, non? And oh gosh, it was a Hong Kong/China travel brochure that prompted this request? XD Awesome! Maybe I'm psychic!

I'm so glad you liked this. :D


Re: Writer!anon is happy! anonymous November 2 2009, 09:41:22 UTC
Whoa, I love this fic and all the innuendos! Well done!

The saddest part is when Hong Kong says he needs a permit to enter Taiwan (sounds kind of x-rated). I looked it up and it sounds complicated for Hong Kong people to enter Taiwan because of the sovereignty issue.

Never been to Taiwan but if I did, I would be using my foreign passport (ethnic Chinese but foreign citizen).


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