Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Indepedents [1/3] anonymous October 29 2009, 20:12:42 UTC
Inter-state interactions fill #2. Original request here: found Texas right where she thought she would: behind the barn, leaning on the fence, with a hand-rolled cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other, talking to his cow. Steer. Whatever ( ... )


Indepedents [2/3] anonymous October 29 2009, 20:13:54 UTC
Another crackle of fireworks echoed over the plains. Hawaii plopped down against the fence, kicking up a clump of red clay as she did. “I think we better stick around out here until it all blows over ( ... )


Re: Indepedents [3/3] anonymous October 29 2009, 20:14:38 UTC
Arizona, a dark-skinned young boy who looked more like Mexico than America, ran to his father immediately, but New Mexico was more hesitant. She looked demure and refined in her pretty white dress as she made her way over. A lump caught in Texas’s throat, and Vermont smirked knowingly ( ... )


Indepedents [Notes] anonymous October 29 2009, 20:16:43 UTC
You asked for it, OP ( ... )


Re: Indepedents [Notes] anonymous October 29 2009, 22:22:45 UTC
(Not OP) This Vermont!Anon enjoyed this immensely. Though I would like to correct your notes on one fact - VT was a state nearly a decade before Kentucky (and Kentucky would be the equalizer, technically.)

I loved you characterization of them, you clearly wanted to try to show what they're famous for and where they come from. I especially liked the easy going flow of the story and interactions.


Re: Indepedents [Notes] anonymous October 30 2009, 02:08:18 UTC
excellently done, author!anon, very good job.

One thing this NJ!anon wants to mention, to all those uninformed, is that people in New Jersey can't buy fireworks. If you want to set off your own for fun, you have to smuggle them in from the nearest adjacent state. Little interesting tid-bit that I was reminded of there...


Re: Indepedents [Notes] anonymous October 30 2009, 03:46:57 UTC
Ahh, that explains why he wanted to get his hands on Texas's stash. XD Though, with all the burn bans in the west, Tex probably shouldn't have any boom-boom rockets himself...


OP here~ anonymous October 30 2009, 11:52:03 UTC
Thank you very much! That was a really informative fill to read~ I enjoyed it - I vaguely knew that Hawaii and Texas were independent at one point, but not about Vermont.

Thank you! ^ ^

OP is glad she asked for it - she's learning lots about America! XD


Re: Indepedents [3/3] anonymous November 27 2009, 18:08:59 UTC
Excuse me as I go to a corner and make mad mooing noises. Oh god, I loved this fill so so so much. "beams" I was so lazy that I didn't comment earlier but I bookmarked your fill and continuously reread it. You did an amazing job. I loved how much all the states loved Alfred and how they interacted with each other. You make me wish there were more fills with the states and Alfred. Again, AWESOME!


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