Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

Thanks to anon's suggestions we are now enforcing a past-part fills post

Fresh past-part fills post HERE

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Remember though that you need not post your updates unless you posted in a new  part

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Trouble, us brothers -- Ger/Ita, Spain/Romano [1/?] anonymous October 10 2009, 20:57:12 UTC
Trouble, us brothers [2/?] anonymous October 10 2009, 21:14:33 UTC
“Don't touch my brother ( ... )


OP anonymous October 10 2009, 23:43:50 UTC



Omg anon I love this so far aaaa ;A; ♥♥ Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, I can't wait for more aaa~!



Re: OP anonymous October 11 2009, 08:21:25 UTC
AAAA, I'm so pleased that OP approves! xD <3


Re: Trouble, us brothers [2/?] anonymous October 11 2009, 00:57:04 UTC
"the two Latins that were all over each other by now, rubbing cheeks together and emitting little hearts enough to fill the whole bar with them and make anyone witnessing the sight feel like vomiting rainbows."

And that's why nobody REALLY ships Spain/N. Italy, huh. I am loving this fill so far - just the right amount of funny and cute and crack &hearts


Re: Trouble, us brothers [2/?] anonymous October 11 2009, 06:50:47 UTC

More soon, I hope?


Trouble, us brothers [3/?] anonymous October 18 2009, 13:06:46 UTC
In the meanwhile, Romano had decided to climb on Spain's lap, arms around the other's neck still, sitting there like an affectionate koala. Both men seemed pretty content to stay in their rather gay world, but Italy would have none of that, turning away from Germany to continue as he was before his rather intimate encounter with the bar floor.

“What the hell are you doing, stupid little brother?” Romano asked, not about to run out of cusses and insults even with his personality completely changed. Italy scowled and aimed another thwack at the back of Spain's head when the first one went unnoticed, the man too thickheaded and occupied keeping Romano close to pay attention.

“Cosa sto facendo...” Italy started, looking scandalized if anything when Spain's hands started to travel too far south on Romano's back. “What are you doing, brother!? Don't let him touch you like that ( ... )


Trouble, us brothers [4/?] anonymous October 18 2009, 13:18:03 UTC
“W-what are you doing!?” Italy cried just when Germany had thought he was doing everyone a favor. A pout was forming on the nation's face and he was punching the German's stomach in frustration. “Why would you hold my brother like that?”

“Eh, but I-” he tried but was stopped by the sight of big watery eyes staring at him. Accusing him ( ... )


Re: Trouble, us brothers [4/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 08:04:37 UTC
So cute! Angry!Italy is brilliant. And, my God, naughty!Spain = win. MOAR!!!


Re: Trouble, us brothers [4/?] anonymous October 31 2009, 01:47:11 UTC
Opps! I completely forgot to check this one until now! I'm greatly enjoying it! It's very amusing. Please continue, anon.


Re: Trouble, us brothers [4/?] anonymous January 14 2010, 22:39:25 UTC
This is so amazing! I hope one day you will continue this!!


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