Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Lenient Judgment [1/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 21:20:30 UTC
Original request is from part 4 at
(Pretty much a straight up 'What if Arthur did shoot Alfred?' deal)

Arthur couldn't tell you one way or the other just why he was shaking so much. On one hand, it could be due to the adrenaline streaking through his veins, filling him with an inhuman acuteness to his surroundings. Everything was magnified yet dulled at the same time, resounding blasts from surrounding muskets sounded not unlike dull roars from miles away. Yet the chirping of even a single sparrow would be so clear & vibrant he could swear it was perched atop his blood stained shoulder.

The only other plausible reason, he felt, for his shaking was much more straightforward. The gun currently gripped in his own gloved hands, tightly, so tightly it was like he was gripping hope, had its barrel pointed straight at his very own son ( ... )


Re: Lenient Judgment [1.5/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 21:21:37 UTC
Before Arthur could get too far into what Alfred thought of him, the gears came to a grinding halt before jerking into reverse, back to the last words that had been said. Casual as Sunday brunch, Alfred had referred to returning to England as going home. Deep down inside, Arthur had been fighting his own painful war of acceptance that Alfred no longer considered his home to be that of Arthur's, but with that last word it could all be for naught. Was it only a simple slip of the tongue or was it a deeper truth being revealed?

"You won't shoot me." the bite of America's words- no, his command snapped England's attention back to the present ( ... )


Re: Lenient Judgment [1.5/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 00:26:04 UTC
anon who tipped you where to post is proud to state that this was utterly beautiful :)

beautiful and painful, the emotions were so raw and just perfect ;.;

thanks for writing this. not OP, but I'm truly in love with this... I cannot wait for more. you're truly talented, author!anon.

recaptcha: shooting the. the what, reca? the american? o.o


Re: Lenient Judgment [1.5/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 02:35:34 UTC
Thank you so very much for the kind words! Also for giving me such a helpful hand back when I futzed up in the other thread. xD;

I have it finished for the most part already, but I'll probably keep posting it in parts so I have longer to look it over & make the necessary edits. :D

(The captcha is so buddy-buddy with Arthur, I swear)


Re: Lenient Judgment [1.5/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 02:40:25 UTC
Ooo this looks promissing. I'm really enjoying it so far. =)


Re: Lenient Judgment [1.5/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 17:13:04 UTC
I'm super pleased & overjoyed to hear you find Lenient Judgment promising & you're enjoying it so far! This is the first fanfic I've ever written, and the first "piece" I've written in a looong time.


Re: Lenient Judgment [2/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 17:29:42 UTC
Now there just a poor imitation of that boy, a ragged doll that had strayed too far, that refused to return to loving arms. It wasn't Alfred's fault he had fallen so far from grace, his hair now a matted tangle, the blonde sheen now taking on a tone of rust from blood, and who regarded Arthur with eyes of a wild beast instead of one who could tame them. No, it was the madness turning him into this creature, this weak excuse that even now was unsteadily falling back to its knees.

"I'm not going anywhere, Arthur," a stoic expression had spread across the colony's features. "unless it's six feet under."

"You don't know what you're saying, Alfred. This trigger doesn't need to be pulled, but it will be if you refuse to acknowledge me -"

"I acknowledge you as nothing but a coward!" Alfred's face contorted with rage "I belong to no one but my own people, so run back with your tail between your legs or shoot me Too much time had passed, the madness left unchecked for so long nothing could control it now. Not Alfred, not Arthur, not anyone ( ... )


Re: Lenient Judgment [2/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 23:03:30 UTC
Authornon, can I say that your little smilie in your notes cracked me up? I was all upset over the cliffie and then I saw that and just...laughed XD So um...yay? XD

I'm glad that this isn't the end. I look forward to more :)


Re: Lenient Judgment [2/?] anonymous August 5 2009, 03:16:02 UTC
Glad the smilie made you laugh, I've always imagined it's the face that punctuates every horrible pick up line.

"Are those space pants? 'Cause your ass in out of this world! ,':]"
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put u and i next to each other. ,':]"

Not pictured: The dejected smilie after being TURNED DOWN.


Lenient Judgment [3/?] anonymous August 6 2009, 01:19:17 UTC
Alfred's eyes had grown wide, wide like saucer plates with white rimming the edges of his iris. The bullet had wasted no times with pleasantries and instantly lodged itself deep within Alfred's chest, paying no mind to the deep blue fabric it was would soon be staining scarlet.

With a start of surprise, Arthur hefted his gun aside, gasping with horror. Alfred however, made not made the faintest peep as his body slid forwards, and only a stomach churning slosh was audible as the American's face met with the muddy earth ( ... )


Re: Lenient Judgment [3/?] anonymous August 6 2009, 05:36:34 UTC

I hope it gets happier. Alfred...Arthur... T_T

The music notes did help...♥


Re: Lenient Judgment [3/?] anonymous August 6 2009, 18:43:37 UTC
Whuuuuut. This is awesome. Awesomely sad.

I just... I don't even know. I like the way you write, author!anon. Your... metaphors. Yes. Nice.

*too sad to think*


Re: Lenient Judgment [3/?] anonymous August 6 2009, 21:44:27 UTC
Thank you very kindly regarding the metaphor compliment, my Mom has always had a talent for making up metaphors so maybe I've inherited an inkling of her skill.

Also yeah, this piece isn't exactly a feel good story so far. I'm tempted to just post a handful of parts tomorrow to get past the BAAAW part and onto lighter stuff.


Re: Lenient Judgment [3/?] anonymous August 7 2009, 16:55:03 UTC
Nuuuuuu... This is angst!fic. My sadness must linger! I WANT TO BE SAD! Please to be taking your time, author!anon. I am enjoying this story so far.


Re: Lenient Judgment [3/?] anonymous August 8 2009, 20:44:26 UTC
It's a good thing you don't mind the sad stuff because while editing & reviewing the rest of the fic so far it sure has some bummin' parts.

Also sorry for the lack of update these past two days, haven't been able to access a computer for more than a few minutes. If I can I'll update tonight or at least by tomorrow.


Lenient Judgment [4/?] anonymous August 9 2009, 20:58:08 UTC
"Don't be sorry, son." Arthur's own voice was tight and an ever growing lump in his throat was almost choking him. "You can apologize later, when you're recovering!"

Alfred moved a hand to rest it against Arthur's cheek, but only managed to graze the older man's collar before his hand fell back to the wet earth with a thud. England thought he felt his son laugh as well by how his chest heaved- and how the blood flowed through his fingers- but the only noise he could make out was something akin to a carriage making its way down a gravel road ( ... )


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