Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Part 4 - UK/UK/UK - Threesome anonymous July 29 2009, 18:12:12 UTC
UK/UK/UK - Threesome [14/?] anonymous July 29 2009, 18:31:22 UTC
9. Arthur didn’t want to be saved. He was now between Kirk and Artie, eyes closed, thinking about- nothing, actually, but if he were to think of something it would be about how long it had been since the last time someone had kissed his neck ( ... )


UK/UK/UK - Threesome [15/?] anonymous July 29 2009, 18:41:03 UTC
Which, Arthur decided, he wasn't going to get. He never listened anyway. And, to tell the truth, Arthur didn't really want to fight him. Not again. He just wanted to go home ( ... )


UK/UK/UK - Threesome [16/18] anonymous July 29 2009, 18:44:32 UTC

Kirk and Artie were waiting for him outside, not looking at all like they were listening to what had just happened. Arthur was proud of them. At least they were good at pretending.

Kirk looked bored:

“Can we go now? Things were just starting to get interesting.”

“Uh, yes. We're leaving now,” Arthur said, a little embarrassed. Kirk laughed:

“Finally! If I wait one more second to put my hand on your-”

“Kirk!” Artie screamed “There's people here! Be a little more polite, will you?”

Arthur chuckled.

The trip back home was short. He was- well, not worried, but he could still see Alfred's lost look and he didn't know what to think. It almost made him wonder if- but no. Alfred had made pretty clear what he thought of him. He could go after Francis, if that's what he wanted.


They went straight to the bedroom. He was feeling strange. It was harder to get angry now. Today. Right, he had beens upset back at the summit, thanks to the whole fiasco with Francis, but still, it hadn't bean exactly his usual style ( ... )


Re: UK/UK/UK - Threesome [16/18] anonymous July 29 2009, 19:00:43 UTC
Aw, I'm sad that there's only two parts left :( Ah well...all good things must come to an end, no?

This is a cute fic, anon. I'm glad to see it updated ^_^


Re: UK/UK/UK - Threesome [16/18] anonymous July 29 2009, 21:18:57 UTC
“Forget the tea,” Kirk said “Would you like some sex?”

Brilliant. Brilliant, anon! As much asI love Kirk though, I'm rooting for happy UsxUk ending


Re: UK/UK/UK - Threesome [16/18] anonymous July 29 2009, 22:42:00 UTC
Awwwwwwww~ Two more parts? Anyhow it's going well and anon is eager to see how it ends, what with having two people caring about him. Then there's still Kirk and Artie... Ah~ Being jealous of both Francis and Alfred...


UK/UK/UK - Threesome [17/18] anonymous August 2 2009, 05:50:19 UTC
10. (epilogue)

Arthur woke up alone.

He also had a killer headache. Not as bad as it was before the magic, not even close, but painful enough to make him groan.

Good to know everything was back to normal.

On top of that, he was also feeling a little embarrassed. He briefly wondered what the other nations would be thinking of him now, but his mind shied away from the thought. He was probably better off not knowing, not that he could blame them.

He decided to stay in bed, it was the least he could do. He’d just make tea and then he’d spend the rest of the day under the covers, thinking about how last night had been the best night of his life and how he’d spend the rest of his life lonely and forgotten, because he sure as hell would never show his face to the world again.

And, if he had the time, he’d also think about Alfred’s words. I care about you. Remembering that gave him that annoying feeling of butterflies on the stomach and, right, he hadn’t been exactly encouraging, but it was Alfred he was talking about here, and ( ... )


UK/UK/UK - Threesome [18/18] anonymous August 2 2009, 05:51:54 UTC
There was no other way to put it. He stopped in all the wrong places and made it sound like anything but a poem, and that was probably Kirk talking. Arthur tried to ignore it. Even if it was was pretty bad, it was one of the lovely works of his very dear Elizabeth Browning and not even Alfred could ruin that. Plus, it was a love poem, of course, and maybe Alfred actually meant that, if he had gone through all this trouble ( ... )


OMAKE & Notes anonymous August 2 2009, 05:56:00 UTC

Francis read his invitation again. It was polite and sweet and he would even have included an apology for the delay, if Arthur weren’t more likely to take this as some sort of mockery.

He’d send it as soon as possible, maybe even deliver it in person. But not at his house, lest his neighbor serve him his awful recipes…

No, this was worth it. He’d do anything. He’d try his best to appease the British and get into his good graces, because Arthur had to teach him that spell. He couldn’t leave another day without it. He'd even beg for it, if he had to. Two more of him!

Oh, the possibilities!

For that, he’d even eat Arthur’s terrible scones.



Wow, I can’t believe it’s over. I want to thank everyone who read this and commented because this was the first fill I started and your support was really important to me. <3 I have this strong feeling I should be apologizing, though. The poem Alfred is reading is When we met first and loved, I did not build, by Elizabeth B. Browning and, erm, there are no ( ... )


Re: OMAKE & Notes anonymous August 2 2009, 07:06:27 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwww~ Even if it's the end, anon enjoyed it very much. I'm not much of a US x UK fan but it was sweetly done. Hah~ Francis... You would go that far, wouldn't you? Having like, what? Two more of Francis? Now I wonder how that would work out. XDDDDDDDDDDD

Now anon has it in her head of normal Francis, extremely playful pervertish Francis, and dark brooding angsty Francis. OTL

Anyway... This fic had been fun! <333333333


Re: OMAKE & Notes anonymous August 2 2009, 16:29:46 UTC
That omake is utter win. Oh, Francis.

I love Alfred's way of discussing poetry, and how his heart was in the right place even if he didn't fully get it. I shall miss Artie and Kirk...but really, they're right there in Arthur, aren't they? ♥

Thank you for writing this, Authornon!


Re: OMAKE & Notes anonymous August 2 2009, 16:37:01 UTC
Anon, this fic was utterly sweet and made my US/UK heart very happy. I didn't start reading it in the hopes of a us/uk end, but it was just adorable and sweet and I loved Artie and Kirk and...I do hope you'll be writing more for the fandom :)


Re: OMAKE & Notes anonymous August 2 2009, 21:48:57 UTC
Oh, Author!anon. This shall be one of the fills I'll miss the most. The whole story was made of sheer brilliance and awesome, and made my day whenever I read it(it still does, most probably.). You did the best of jobs here, and I thank you a lot for writing it. :3 Also, congratulations on finishing your first fill! x3

...Now, concerning the omake: I swear, if there ever were 3 Francis, I'd kidnap at least one of them and hide him from the rest of the world. Like, forever. FUFUFU.♥ *loves Francis unconditionally*

*clears throat* That said, I look forward to reading some more of your work!


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