Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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[Part 5] Canada wishes he never existed anonymous July 26 2009, 15:55:35 UTC

Based off of all the corny episodes in Lord knows how many different television series, this anon wants to see Matthew wish that he was never born/ never existed. Brittania Angel proceeds to show him what the lives of those he matters to would be like with out him (obviously, not good). Through this, Matthew learns that he is more appreciated, loved and important than he had ever realized <3

Sorry, this is not the anon who offered to fill and I think I've slightly strayed from the original prompt. Hope OP does not mind and perhaps another anon will kindly give a more accurate fill.


The only time we waste... [1/?] anonymous July 26 2009, 15:59:49 UTC
When Matthew entreats the so-called fairies of the wish-granting cheery tree for relief, the pain in his chest is a dull ache. He thinks about all the things he would have liked to do, about the person he would have liked to become if he was a bit stronger, a bit braver ( ... )


The only time we waste...{2/?} anonymous July 26 2009, 16:02:15 UTC
At once, Matthew seems to understand. The cherry tree, his wish, the strange feeling of floating ( ... )


OP<3 anonymous July 26 2009, 16:52:33 UTC
Yay, someone picked this up~ :is very happy indeed:

This looks really promising so far. Poor Matthew's reasons were as sad as I imagined they would be, and, an added bonus, Britannia Angel was great XD

Thanks for fulfilling this anon's wish X3

I'll be waiting patiently for more~


Re: The only time we waste...{2/?} anonymous July 26 2009, 18:33:28 UTC
Oh~ This looks interesting author!anon :D


Re: The only time we waste...{2/?} anonymous July 27 2009, 07:17:02 UTC
Oh God, your style is awesome! There's so many lines to LOVE here (the keys made me giggle) and Matt is so sweet and Brittania Angel must be the best writing device ever invented. I love you and I'll be F5 like crazy. <3


Re: The only time we waste...{2/?} anonymous July 27 2009, 08:05:17 UTC
Oh God, it's the It's a Wonderful Life scenario. XD Fandom wouldn't be complete without it. Aww, it's about time that Matthew learned that he is loved. I hope that you put Cuba in this as well.

I look forward to more!

I'll love you forever if he wakes from his wish to find that Alfred has decorated his unconscious face with a permanent marker mustache.


The only time we waste...[3/8] anonymous July 28 2009, 08:41:47 UTC
anon is sorry for how cheesy this is going to get soon

Today, Canada is a French colony.

France lifts him up and Canada feels laughter bubbling in his throat.

France laughs as well, coos over him, their noses rubbing I an affectionate gesture; an Eskimo kiss, he says. He brings him down to rest his small head against France’s shoulder as France begins to sing Frere Jacques in a deep sotto voice, lulling Canada to sleep.

“Mon cher,” he whispers. “Never change, mon cher“.

With his tiny hands Canada grabs small fistfuls of France’s shirt. He murmurs something sleepily, an incomprehensible babble of affection that makes France laugh once more. He looks so happy, so young, and, when he strokes Canada’s soft hair, there is a warmth in his eyes that shines brighter than before.

Matthew stands in an empty art gallery. There are no lights but he can see Monet’s Jardin à Sainte-Adresse in front of him. The French flag flies high and the couple by the sea look at each other with tender expressions of love. Matthew feels something ( ... )


The only time we waste...[4a/8] anonymous July 28 2009, 08:44:07 UTC
Today, Canada is fighting in the Battle of BritainEngland could not cook as well as France. Canada’s mouth wept to taste the ‘culinary delights’ England concocted. He could not sing as sweetly as France or appreciate good wine, he was not as tactful as France and had a horrible temper to boot but over time, Canada came to love England just as much ( ... )


Re: The only time we waste...[4b/8] anonymous July 28 2009, 08:44:37 UTC
Now, just the two of them, they relive an old, forgotten dance. They start with a lively jig, which slowly melts into a foxtrot and the music changes to suit the slower dance.

“If that battle had been lost, I would have been too,” Matthew hears Arthur whisper.

And Matthew realises that this dance is a gift of gratitude as much as it is a pleasant memory. It is a silent thank you Arthur is too stubborn to voice out loud. A thank you for him, not for America, but for him and him alone.

See, I do notice you too, Arthur seems to be saying. I acknowledge you independently of your brother and I am dancing with you.

“Take this.” As they part, Arthur uncurls his fingers to reveal a small silver key resting in his palm.

By now Matthew knows the routine. He understands what is happening and his heart swells a little with anticipation. “Whose is it?”

Arthur smiles weakly. “…Prussia’s.”


The only times we waste...[5a/8] anonymous July 28 2009, 08:48:28 UTC
Today, the allies have split BerlinCanada lingers in the background as the main five - America, England, Russia, China and France - decide what to do with the defeated. Loud voices linger like a bitter after taste. The allies argue amongst themselves, drawing up maps and splitting them sideways on the chalk board, rubbing them out and redrawing them ( ... )


Re: The only times we waste...[5b/8] anonymous July 28 2009, 08:50:06 UTC
Gilbert smiles, enjoying the opportunity to tease him. His hands rest on the gun that refuses to leave Matthew’s hands, gloved fingers curl around the barrel, around the butt. He takes the gun from Matthew’s hands and it leaves them as easily as if they had never been stuck to his hands ( ... )


Re: The only times we waste...[5b/8] anonymous July 28 2009, 16:43:16 UTC
*sob* G-Gilbert :( That last line anon...wonderful.

I wonder whose heart is next?


OP here <3 anonymous July 28 2009, 17:00:54 UTC
Oh, Matthew ;_; You've left me speechless writernon! It's all just so sweet, and there are just sooo many good lines, I wouldn't even know where to begin commenting on them all.

All his meetings were so very sweet, and I love how you even encorperated Prussia because I never expected that X3 His part was so, so good too, though I think if I had to pick, Francis has my personal favorite section cuz Papa!Francis will always hold a special place in my heart.

Ah, this leaves me with such a warm feeling ^^

Excellent job, and thank you very much~


Re: The only times we waste...[5b/8] anonymous July 28 2009, 19:32:44 UTC
WOW!!! I really, really, REALLY want to know who you are! This is awesome and gorgeous and CLEVER (The keys! Their hearts! sjdslkhfksdjhfkdsgf). I'm loving this a LOT.


Re: The only times we waste...[5b/8] anonymous July 29 2009, 00:06:58 UTC
TEARS IN MY EYES, ANON. This is my new favorite fill on the meme, my god, you're doing this perfectly and I absolutely love all of the doors opened so far -- I couldn't pick a favorite at all.

Can't wait for more. ♥


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