Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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France/England - Their Finest Hour anonymous July 21 2009, 21:21:32 UTC
Their Finest Hour [10/?] anonymous July 21 2009, 21:25:38 UTC
6. Choices “What will happen to him now ( ... )


Their Finest Hour [11/?] anonymous July 21 2009, 21:29:10 UTC
Arthur almost doesn't recognize him. Francis still has the same golden hair, same mouth and nose and eyes, but still, there's something fundamentally different, something deeply wrong and out of place, an aura of shame and defeat that clings to him when he pulls a chair for Ludwig and takes a deferential step back ( ... )


Their Finest Hour [12/?] anonymous July 21 2009, 21:30:57 UTC
Francis doesn't move.

“I'm not hungry,” he says, slowly, his voice almost inaudible “Merci, Herr Montag”.

Ludwig gets up.

Arthur's heart is drumming, loud enough to almost deafen him. Between life and honor, he thinks. But no, not now, we can thing about this later, discuss it carefully, I never, I never meant-

Francis takes one step back.

Ludwig raises a gun. Arthur doesn't know what will happen if he actually shoots, it will hurt a hell of a lot but he'll survive, surely, probably, and his people, his people will-

“But you must eat,” he presses the gun against Francis' neck, forcing him to raise his face “Eat it, Francis.”

His people will feel whatever he feels, someway, somehow, and Arthur can read the anguish and indecision in Francis eyes and thinks not like this, not like this, you can't end like this, just- Francis, please-

Francis' face is whiter than the wall.

“Don't have to waste your food with me, Herr Montag.”

“Eat it, Francis ( ... )


Re: Their Finest Hour [12/?] anonymous July 21 2009, 22:33:42 UTC
wow...just wow. This...oh this is just to awesome. I love everything about it, please post more!


Re: Their Finest Hour [12/?] anonymous July 21 2009, 22:50:04 UTC
I would like to say that it takes A LOT for a fic to get me to cry, and this has me sobbing like a baby.

Continue, please, wonderful anon, because this is the best kind of heartbreak.


Re: Their Finest Hour [12/?] anonymous July 22 2009, 02:27:45 UTC
Writer!anon, much much praises for you with this new updates. Just this has left me even beyond speechless. Arthur being there, and witnessing everything. Gawd... This anon can only hope for more.


Re: Their Finest Hour [12/?] anonymous July 23 2009, 07:32:13 UTC
OP is blown away. This fill has been all I've asked for and SO much more. This is more torture on both Francis and Arthur than I'd imagined in requesting - this very, very psychological interaction.

I also...kind of deeply hate Ludwig. But your characterization of him is also absolutely perfect. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Please keep going!


Re: Their Finest Hour [12/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 01:34:01 UTC
Come back anon! This fill needs you!


Their Finest Hour [13/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 18:13:28 UTC
I’m sorry for the delay, but I had a bit of writer's block here and the story didn’t want to work and- I’m sorry, and thank you very much for sticking with me and for being so lovely and kind, I love you all. yo

7. Les maîtres de nos destinées

Francis leaves the room after Ludwig and his officials - and Arthur - are already gone.

Arthur was here.

Francis stops at the door.

He tries to remember where he is. There’s a pressure inside his head, going stronger by the second, and an urge to stay here doing nothing, staring at some lost point on the floor or on the ceiling or the space, no thought or idea or anything.

He leans against the wall, let it support him. There’s another room two doors down and he knows that’s where Ludwig will be having his meeting. He can go there. Or not. He can wait here, too. Or maybe that is not even the right room, the right house, the right country, he’s not sure about anything anymore.

Arthur was here.

See how the mighty France has fallen.He still tastes the food on his mouth, feels the ( ... )


Their Finest Hour [14/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 18:15:17 UTC
Francis is shaking:

“What do you want me to say, Arthur? You fought more than enough to know sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and when you win you take and when you lose you pay, and that’s what’s happening, I’m paying for my defeat. Now, I’m terribly sorry you had to see that, but-”

“You’re sorry?” Arthur’s voice is a scream in reverse, lower as he gets angrier “You’re sorry? That’s the best you have to offer? Germany is taking over Europe and I’m the only one, the only one still standing and you say you’re sorry?”

Francis’ voice also becomes a whisper, wavering with -something, hate, maybe, hate for Ludwig and Arthur and this stupid war and certainly for himself:

“What do you want me to do? France, France doesn’t exist anymore, you saw it, that’s France now, and I’m sorry you haven’t fell yet, my friend, I’m sorry you had to see it but at least you can take your comfort knowing I’m exactly where you always wanted me! At least you can point and laugh ( ... )


Their Finest Hour [15/?] anonymous August 4 2009, 18:20:13 UTC
Francis can barely hear him. His head is full of music, his anthem, It is us that they dare to consider returning to ancient slavery! and he remembers the freedom he worked so hard to attain, and- it is us they’re trying to enslave, France, they’re trying to enslave France! His mouth is shaking and his eyes are wet, but when he faces Arthur there are no tears on his cheek, and Arthur is close enough to hear the almost whispered answer ( ... )


Re: Their Finest Hour [15/?] anonymous August 5 2009, 01:25:33 UTC
YOU! YOU- GAH! I was waiting for you to update! Not!OP wants an apology from you, author, for making her break her finger F5ing!

Your's so beautiful. You're turning FrUK into my new OTP, seriously. Love Francis in this one. Love how angry Arthur got too (I was actually expecting HIM to break down before Francis). Waiting for more!


Re: Their Finest Hour [15/?] anonymous August 5 2009, 03:40:56 UTC
OMG~ I'm so glad you're back to work on this fill! Hopefully you got over your writer's block. ^^ What I'm seeing here is just massively awesome and I've no words to express just how happy I am with this...

You really took their relationship one step further, and it just makes such an impact on the both of them. Arthur seeing Francis in such a broken form, but knows that he is so much more than that, and won't just give up so easily. The trust and hope he puts in Francis.

If Feliks can face Russia he can do this, he will do this, he will.
Much much encouragement for this line! \o/


Re: Their Finest Hour [15/?] anonymous August 5 2009, 07:41:07 UTC
So fucking AWESOME!

More Anon, more!


Re: Their Finest Hour [15/?] anonymous August 8 2009, 00:06:07 UTC
OP is here after her stint of Internet deprivation! And the first order of business, of course, is to stalk kinkmeme looking for this! You never fail to disappoint, dear wonderful anon!

I cry for Francis and his courage! And your Arthur's very richly and practically portrayed (my drama-addled senses led me to believe you might have pulled a double Francis/Arthur breakdown, with Ludwig conveniently intercepting). But no - your genius beats my logic ;D Hope you keep writing! I - I'll be waiting!


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