[part ten: fill] First Impressions [America/England, Hermes, Apollo]

Aug 27, 2011 17:42

Title: First Impressions
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: America/England, Hermes, Apollo.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: This anon has just finished reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series About time! and would like to see a crossover. Anything!

Could be that England meets one of the gods/goddesses or the heroes--or Percy running into one of the countries--or how America's affected etc.

Run wild guys.

Notes: Crossover with Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson & the Olympians.

Summary: England is rather shocked at America's choice of new friends.

p:america/england, d:crossover - books/plays, d:fairy tale/folklore/mythology, o:fictional character, f: ★, c:america, c:england, f:part 10, d:magic/supernatural

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