Shipper Manifesto: Tegan Jovanka/Fifth Doctor (Doctor Who)

Jun 20, 2015 14:51

(A manifesto, as promised! Not the one I was planning on, though...)

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing(s): Fifth Doctor/Tegan Jovanka
Manifesto by: lost_spook
Spoilers: Some general discussion of canon events in the blurb. I'll warn for spoilers on fics as appropriate.
Call yourself a Time Lord? A broken clock keeps better time than you do! )

fandom: doctor who, special: manifesto, ship: tegan jovanka/the doctor

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Comments 8

blithers June 20 2015, 15:57:05 UTC
This is fantastic!! You, madam, are an inspiration to us all. <3


lost_spook June 20 2015, 17:12:58 UTC



ghost2 June 20 2015, 21:40:44 UTC
Nice! You make a great case for Five/Tegan. I haven't yet read some of the stories you mention, and this post reminds me that I've been meaning to update my Five/Tegan list for, um, years. So I'm going to clean that up somewhat tonight. :)


lost_spook June 21 2015, 19:27:24 UTC
Thank you! And hurrah for updated lists! :-)


scripsi July 18 2015, 20:06:14 UTC
I think it's a nice argument for Five/Tegan. I don't particulary ship them, but then I don't ship anyone hard. I can readily see what you mean, though. They do work well for a certain kind of argumentive relationship. :)


lost_spook July 19 2015, 09:16:02 UTC
Thank you! :-)


jjpor July 18 2015, 23:03:26 UTC
Yeah, basically as someone who, he claims, doesn't ship the Doctor with (human) companions, Five/Tegan is the one I secretly half-believe must have happened. As you say, everybody knows what a man and a woman arguing that much in the early 80s must inevitably lead to...

Plus, Fivey was clearly rebounding hard from Romana at the time, so it all makes perfect sense, really.


lost_spook July 19 2015, 16:55:12 UTC
As you say, everybody knows what a man and a woman arguing that much in the early 80s must inevitably lead to...

It is a truth universally acknowledged... Plus, those two are great fun and they definitely have a few sparks between them. (Oh, wait, I think I covered that part with the whole ship manifesto thing!)



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