Dredd, 2 recs, Cassandra Anderson/Judge Dredd

Apr 04, 2013 20:28

Fandom: Dredd
Pairing: Cassandra Anderson/Judge Dredd
Fic Title: Faceless
Author: fiesa
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8789333/1/Faceless
Rating/Warning(s): T
Genre: Drama
Special Rec: 3/30

Why This Must Be Read: The author calls this story "fractured"; I call ( Read more... )

fandom: dredd, special reccer: anr, ship: cassandra anderson/judge dredd

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Comments 14

svilleficrecs April 4 2013, 17:20:27 UTC
Yay Dredd recs! I've wanted some fic since halfway through my first viewing of the film. :)


anr April 6 2013, 01:17:31 UTC
Me too! *g*


hukomuyo April 4 2013, 19:21:56 UTC
OMG Dredd!!! I just became obsess with this, but for the Love of God can't seem to find more! already hunted them on FF.net and AOW.org, I need more please!! XD anyone else have some more recs to share?!!


anr April 6 2013, 01:17:17 UTC
There is a serious dearth of fics for these two; the above fics are the only ones I've been able to find to date. :(


hukomuyo April 6 2013, 06:44:55 UTC
I have found a couple more, like:

Into the Deep-End
Author: Birgitta Snyder
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8945832/5/Into-the-Deep-End

Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth
Author: Darth Gilthoron
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8983488/1/Judge-Dredd-The-Cursed-Earth


anr April 12 2013, 22:47:35 UTC
Thanks for the additional recs!


hiddencait April 5 2013, 16:11:13 UTC
Eeeeeeeeee! I had just been thinking about this pairing! Tempting to write for HetBang if I could just come up with a plot lol


anr April 6 2013, 01:15:38 UTC
ooh, that would be fantastic! I've been trying to write them since I first saw the movie but I just can't seem to get the flow just right yet. Good luck!


hiddencait April 6 2013, 01:34:31 UTC
*grin* Obviously I'll need to watch it a few more times just to make sure I get them right.. but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make!


anr April 6 2013, 01:37:00 UTC
heheh. I think that's the best kind of sacrifice to make. :)


jenncatt April 6 2013, 15:43:06 UTC
Despite being beyond obsessed with this film, I didn't think fic would quite hit the spot (I love that it's not sentimental) so I never even went looking - but wow, these two recs are kind of perfect, thanks for reccing :o)

And Jelenedra wrote a brilliant sort-of sequel to the second rec, if anyone hasn't found that yet? http://archiveofourown.org/works/704205


anr April 12 2013, 22:46:32 UTC
Yup, the sequel is also awesome. :)


borg_princess April 12 2013, 16:18:18 UTC
OMGGGGG. *flails* TYSVM! I shipped these two so hard and was devastated at the lack of fic for them and once I get over the high from these recs, will be crushed again, but THIS IS FABULOUS. ♥____♥ I AM THE LAW. AND THE LAW IS NOT MOCKED. DEAD FROM AWESOME.

(plz, fandom, could I haz some moar?)


anr April 12 2013, 22:47:08 UTC
Glad you liked the recs! :)


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