set, spike, dive! by frea o'scanlin (pg)

Feb 01, 2013 14:08

Fandom Category: chuck
Pairing: sarah walker / chuck bartowski
Fic Title: set, spike, dive!
Author: frea o'scanlin
Link: | ao3 | epub
Rating/Warning(s): pg
Genre: au, romance, drama, sports
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: this fic was written and published shortly after the london olympics this past summer, riding off the buzz and actually ( Read more... )

fandom: chuck, special reccer: ionizable, ship: sarah walker/chuck bartowski

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Comments 7

frea_o February 1 2013, 19:39:21 UTC


ionizable February 1 2013, 21:27:22 UTC
o-oh... my GOD what

NO i didn't know you would see this!! what


frea_o February 1 2013, 22:05:47 UTC
I'm sorry-I didn't mean to startle you, I promise! And there's no reason to apologize at all. Even if you'd written something horrible, you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that (trust me, there are some really horrible things written about Fates on the internet, so anytime I see a positive write-up, it's a great thing)!

;) It's okay. Keep breathing. I was really flattered to see a rec for SSD! here, that was all. :) I'm incredibly vain, you know. And you wrote about it so nicely, it really made my day! Thanks for that!

(PS thank you for linking to the ebooks, too! Hopefully anybody that goes to that page will see all of the other awesome authors there)


ionizable February 3 2013, 06:50:33 UTC
np! it's super fantastic of you to host and promote everyone else's work. when i started to make my first forays into chuck fic your blog was a GODSEND and if i wasn't so terrible with words i'd be trying to write a rec blurb about all the fics listed there, haha

and :( i've actually read a lot of angry(?) comments about fates AND greater on your blog but i guess i always figured that since so many people are in love with your writing (me included), you'd never actually notice this? and i don't understand how greater hasn't already been recced here either, for that matter, and... i was debating between reccing ssd! or greater for my very first rec here and now i'm just going to do both. okay yes good.

BIG SIGH i still can't believe this is happening?? i... never... i am just a really big fan and the idea of talking to you is just a little bit stronger than overwhelming and i'm sorry i know i must be coming across as awful and/or obsessive but i promise i'm not!!


(The comment has been removed)

ionizable February 3 2013, 06:50:44 UTC
thank you! :)


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