Comedy of Eros by alianora (PG-13)

Jun 16, 2012 19:52

Fandom Category: Hana Yori Dango
Pairing: Makino Tsukushi/Domyouji Tsukasa
Fic Title: Comedy of Eros
Author: alianora
Rating/Warning(s): PG-12, None
Genre: Comedy, Romance
WIP?: No, complete at 1,049 words
Setting: drama version, after the series
Special Rec: 16/28

Why This Must Be Read: A perfect extension of ( Read more... )

ship: tsukushi makino/tsukasa domyouji, fandom: hana yori dango, special reccer: slr2moons

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Comments 2

aliaspiral June 17 2012, 13:10:54 UTC
*falls over* It's always such a shock to see anything of mine recced! Thank you so much!


slr2moons June 17 2012, 23:52:00 UTC
:D You're more than welcome! It's such a great fic, I hope my rec here sends you lots and lots of traffic. ^^V


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